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Mystic Falls was like Forks,  just less gloomy and depressing in Adara's opinion

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Mystic Falls was like Forks,  just less gloomy and depressing in Adara's opinion. Damon showed her around and took her everywhere she wanted. Elena spent time with her too. She got to know Elena and she came to find out they both had tragic lives and had lost their parents. Elena lost her adopted parents and her biological parents, in which Isobel, Elena's mother was her aunt.

Elena has a brother while Adara lost her sister, and recently had lost someone who was like a sister to her. Adara had met Katherine who came to see her one night when Damon and Stefan were out helping Elena. The Petrova wanted to see the girl who was currently wearing her sisters face. "I didn't think Damon was actually telling the truth" Katherine said as he walked over to her. Adara watched Katherine. She looked exactly like Elena, she supposed that was the point of a doppelgängers "theory". But even with the same face she could tell them apart, Katherine had long wavy hair while Elena had straight hair. Katherine was confident and sure of herself and Elena not so much. Katherine was strong and selfish, Elena not so much. But, in their weird way, Adara and Katherine got along well. Too well for everyone's comfort. But, as they got to know Adara they all realized she did not care about other people's opinions.

Adara was walking around when she came face to face with a young man. "Ah. Adara" he said as he walked over. She looked at him, a weird look appeared on her face. "Do I know you?" she asked. "Kol Mikaelson" he said a smirk as he kissed her hand. "A pleasure I'm sure" she gave him an unimpressed look. "No. Not really" she replied. "You wound me, darling" he replied as he placed a hand on his chest. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not interest on whatever game your playing" she told before she began to walk away. Kol Mikaelson thought she was... intriguing and mysterious. There was something about her that made her different. He just needed to figure out what it was.

Adara watched Klaus from afar. He was heading for the Grill. Flowers on his hand, her heart began to beat fast but not too fast for any vampire or supernatural to notice. As he was about to walk in he saw her watching him. He smiled and waved, her doing the same. Klaus didn't see it but Kol did. Straight away. "Oh! This is good!" he said, excitement and mischief laced with his voice. "You like Nik" Kol stated proudly. Adara simply rolled her eyes, trying to avoid admitting what Kol Mikaelson had just said. "No" she replied before walking away.

The two walked towards the grill in silence but yet a comfortable one. Adara was prepared to act surprise when Klaus would give her the flowers. But, that soon stopped when she saw Caroline smiling, flowers in hand as she smiled at Klaus. Her smile instantly dropped and Kol could swear he could hear her heart break. She quickly pretended she didn't see it and sat down farther down, as far as she could. Kol kept quiet. He didn't know what was going through her mind but he did help her get her mind off Klaus. Adara watched Klaus. He liked Caroline, she was sure of that. She knew it. She could see it. She could feel it. In the end, she knew, but she choose to ignored and that was how she ended up with a broken heart.

Kol, Adara and Damon became the chaotic trio. Playing pranks and doing the dumbest things any of the residents of Mystic Falls thought of doing. The small town had trouble within their people and it was all fun and game for Adara, until it wasn't.

(Not edited)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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