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He was toxic and she knew it. She just didn't know how to let go. Jacob was her first love. The first man she ever loved. The first person outside her family that she let in. Her first everything. Stefan and Edward could tell there was something off about Adara. She was usually happy, talkative and fun. But, lately she was quiet and reserved. Not much like herself.

At first, Stefan took it as being scared. Someone had broken into her home and put a gun right on her face. But as the days went on she was more distant than usual. She was terribly quiet and was often seen with Jacob. It was like she lived and breathed for him. Stefan knew he was no good for her. And he confronted her.

Adara was walking in the woods when she heard a twig snap. She turned to where the sound came from. And there stood Stefan. She waved and continued walking away but this time Stefan wouldn't let her off that easy. "Ada" he said as he followed behind. The red head girl didn't stop. She kept going. "Ada. Hold on. Wait for me" he told her but she kept walking away. "Leave me alone, Stefan" she said as she walked faster. Finally he caught up to her.

He grabbed her arm lightly. "Why do you keep running away from me?" he asked with a serious yet curious tone. "I'm not" she replied. "Was it me? Did I do something?" Stefan asked. He sounded hurt and that hurt her. She didn't mean to make him feel this way. "No. I just don't feel like talking. Okay? " she replied, hoping he would back off. "Is this because of Jacob?" he asked and she shook her head no. "Of course not" she replied.

"Ever since you began dating him it's like you live and breath for him. You would do anything for him. I can almost guarantee you would kill for him. You would go as far as to li—" in that moment, Stefan figured it out. It was Jacob. He was the one with the gun. How did he not see it. When he walked into the home the day after the "assault and robbery" he could smell Jacob's scent. He thought it was because he was always there.

He grabbed her face, softly. "He was the one who did this?" Stefan asked as he touched her neck. It was a simple touched that Jacob Black was around to see. And that's when hell broke loose. Jacob was out with Seth and Leah. When he saw Stefan close to her and he saw red and nothing else. He rushed towards Adara who as soon as she saw his angry face panicked. Stefan stood in front of her before Jacob launched into the air shifting in front of her. Stefan brought out his vampire face. Adara, Leah, and Seth gave the two of them a look of shock. Jacob accidentally bit her and as he let go after realizing what he did she let out a loud screaming.

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