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Adara arrived to Forks and she actually didn't hate it

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Adara arrived to Forks and she actually didn't hate it. She actually liked the cold. Her uncle Charlie had picked her from the airport. "Hey, uncle Charlie" she said with a hug. "Hey kid" he replied as he let her go and grabbed her luggage. "The rest of your things will arrive soon" she nodded as she got on the car. "Bella is at school but you'll see her once she gets home" she once again nodded.

The ride home was quiet and peaceful. Adara felt odd about it. 90 percent of the time in every car ride she was in, her parents were always arguing while her big sister listened to music. Loudly. With time she realized it was to mute the outside world. Her parents mostly. How she wish she would've noticed the signs. "We're here" Charlie's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

Charlie had decorated the attic for her. "I had a young coworker decorate it for you. I hope you like it" the red head walked into her room and looked around. It was a big space. She never had her own space, she always had to share with Ana, or Annie as she liked to call her. "I love it, uncle Charlie" she said with a smile.

 "I love it, uncle Charlie" she said with a smile

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"I'm glad. I'm gonna let you get settled in. Be down in an hour. Bella should be here soon" she nodded as he walked out. As Adara arranged her things she opened a box that said open when you're ready. She thought she was. The box contained her family pictures. Her baby pictures, her whole life in pictures. Anyone would burst out crying the second she saw her parents. But not even a sad face appeared. A tear slid down when she came to her last picture of Annie. Both girls were at the bookstore. Annie loved reading and she got Adara into it. "Only love can hurt like this" she whispered.

As she said that, Edward Cullen heard her. A loud whispered to his hears but a silent whisper to the humans. Charlie called for her to come down to meet Bella. As soon as Bella saw her auburn hair she rushed to hug her. "Jingle Bells" she joked as she hugged her cousin. Bella and Charlie just laughed. Edward had never seen Charlie smile, let alone laugh. Bella would simply smiled, never a laugh either. "I've missed you, Red Swan" Bella said. "I've missed you too, baby Swan" both girls smiled at each other as they let go.

"I'm glad you're here with me" Bella said. "Me too, Jingle Bells" the girls smiled at each other. "Oh. This is Edward, my friend" Bella introduced. "Edward, this is my cousin slash sister, Adara" she shaked his hand, even his coke hand felt her warmth. "Pleasure, Edward" she said with a smile. "The pleasure is all mine, miss Swan" he replied with a smile as well. "Alright. I'm gonna make some food because I know all Charlie and Bella can make is just some simply omelettes and we can't eat that everyday" the two smiled. "Edward, will you be joining us for dinner?" she asked. "Unfortunately no. I have to get home. I was just driving Bella home. I'm driving her until her truck gets fixed" he replied.

Yes. Adara knew about her accident with Tyler's van. She made a mental note to punch him in the face when she finally gets to meet him. "Ah, yes. The one I have to punch once I meet him" Charlie and Bella gave her a look. "Adara no" they both said. "Adara yes" she replied making the vampire laugh quietly. "I have to get going, but I'll be here at 7:30" Edward said as he looked at Bella and then to Adara. "Will you be going to our school?" she nodded. "Yes. So I will see you tomorrow at 7:30 mister Cullen" Edward bid goodbye.

Adara watched him and made sure he drove off before turning to her cousin with a smirk. "So, Edward Cullen, huh?" Adara asked with a smirk. Bella blushed and looked away. "Uncle Char!" she yelled as she rushed to him. "Bella's got a crush on the Cullen boy!" she kept yelled till she reached the kitchen. Charlie simply shaked his head and smiled at the girl. Finally she was happy. It was beginning to feel like home.

On the other side of town, Edward Cullen was telling his family about Adara

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On the other side of town, Edward Cullen was telling his family about Adara. "I didn't know Bella had a cousin" Alice said. "And I didn't even see her coming" she added. "I can't read her mind. With Bella I can see fractions or some visions but with her is like nothing. I can't see anything" Edward looked at Jasper and rushed him to the Swan residence. The two watched her laugh and sing as she cooked. Jasper could feel one emotion at that moment. Happiness. The two rushed back. "I can't feel more emotions. With other people I can feel different emotions but with her, I can only feel what she's feeling at that moment. I can't even predict her future emotions or feel her past ones" the family was left thinking.

Adara Swan was a box of mysteries. One that Edward Cullen would give everything to open. "Don't even think about it" Rosalie warned. "You already got involved with the human girl. Don't add another to the mix. We will enough problems as it is. So just drop it" she told him before walking away. But, Edward Cullen was never good at following the rules or instructions. As the night set in, he watched the girl get ready for bed. She was whispering some song she loved.

Her room was on top of Bella's. He could see both girls. Bella was just reading while Adara was singing, dancing, brushing her teeth and all whilst reading a book. Now that, is what he called multitasking. He saw how bright and bubbly she was. Or that's what he thought. She read for thirty more minutes before turning her lights off. The moonlight shined right into her window couched. She pulled out a picture. "I miss you Ann. So much" she said before putting the picture away and getting into bed. Now, he really was interested in her and by her. He would do everything in his power to find out what made Adara, Adara.

(Not edited)

Her first meeting with Edward

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Her first meeting with Edward. What do you guys think?

𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚃𝙾𝚁 (𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝)Where stories live. Discover now