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Adara pretended the heartbreak and betrayal never happened

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Adara pretended the heartbreak and betrayal never happened. Well, at least not in front of her friends. Charlie was on her side which was why he allowed her to go see her long lost cousin Elena in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Stefan and Damon had arranged the whole plan to travel to the town. Elena didn't know she would be meeting her cousin soon.

Adara was also heartbroken because she had to tell Edward what Bella had done. But to her surprise Edward seemed so calmed about it. It was like it was expecting it. He knew Bella would one day cheat, he just didn't think she would do it with Jacob Black, her cousins ex. The one she "hated" for breaking her heart and hurting her. He guessed that was the lie she told herself.

It had been six months now and school was finally over. Adara had her bag ready for her road-trip to Virginia. She had bid her goodbyes and the last one was Edward. He wanted to be the last one he said goodbye to. He arrived at the Salvatore residence. "Hey" she greeted as she saw him get out of grey Volvo. "Hi" he said with a smile. "I heard you wanted to say goodbye" she rolled her eyes at him. "I think I change my mind" she said before turning away. He softly grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his chest.

Edward loved having her in his arms. Doing so made him feel like home. He wouldn't act on his feeling for now. He wanted her to heal and to have time to process what had happened. "You'll call me everyday, right?" he asked and she nodded as she hid her face on the crook of his neck. "Alice says you guys will spend summer with your cousins and Alaska" he nodded as he caressed her hair. He loved how soft and sort of wavy it was. "God, I'm gonna miss you so much" he whispered. Damon, who was inside the house rolled his eyes.

Damon had met the Cullen family and the shapeshifters from La Push. They were all allowed to be there as long as they didn't hurt anyone. Even the Cullens. When Damon saw Bella he's jaw dropped. He was expecting something out of this world. Something exotic. Something that would be worth cheating on Adara. But all he got Bella. Bella was only wrapped in a towel and Jacob was shirtless. "Can you get out?" the girl asked. "If I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it" he said with a smirk.

The vampire thought Jacob was an idiot for leaving Adara for Bella who wasn't as gorgeous as her. Adara had the sexy red hair. The ocean blue eyes, and a killer smile. She was strong yet compassionate at the same time. She was a bit rude and mean but also kind. She stood up for herself, she could fight, even before her magic and supernatural side. Nothing like Bella and more importantly, nothing like Elena.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he watched them hug. It was as if Edward's life depended on it. He didn't want to let her go. Damon knew at that exact moment that the Edward was in fact utterly in love with her. Damon thought it was funny, she didn't see Edward the same way he saw her but he was content with just being her friend. That, reminded him of someone he once knew.

He kissed the top of her head as Stefan and Damon walked out the door

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He kissed the top of her head as Stefan and Damon walked out the door. The youngest Salvatore smiled at him, Edward returning the smile. "I'll see you soon, Cullen" she said before kissing his cheek and walking to the car with Damon. Adara and Damon got along well. They were a great duo in Damon's opinion. They both understood their dark sense of humor and Damon loved that. Damon told her about Elena and what she was like. "Watch over her, please. Protect her at all costs" Edward told him. It was sort of like an order. He wanted Stefan to protect her. To bring her back home safely. Stefan nodded before walking away.

Adara watched as Edward grew small as they drove away. It felt odd but she knew it was for the best. It was a long ride that lasted almost a day. But, after many hours on the car Adara saw the sign. 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' finally she thought as they drove past it.

Mystic Falls seemed nice and quiet, as if nothing bad every happened here

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Mystic Falls seemed nice and quiet, as if nothing bad every happened here. Damon parked right in front of the grill. Food was a must at this point. Elena hadn't seen the Salvatore brothers in months. She missed them but in the end they left on their own merit. Elena and her friends sat farther back while the Mikaelson family sat by the bar. When the door opened everyone turned to see who it was. A girl with red hair walked in, beside her was Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Elena recognized her, her cousin. Klaus was taken aback. What was she doing here?

Elena and Klaus stood up and walked over to her at the same time. The too nearly bumped into as soon as they reached her. "Hey" Elena said, beating Klaus to whatever he was going to say. "Hi" she replied. "You must be, Elena?" she asked and the nodded. "Pleasure to meet you, cousin. I'm Adara" Elena shaked her hand before they both hugged each other. After the two pulled apart it was Klaus's chance to talk. "What are you doing here, love? I thought we had a deal?" he asked, bombarding her with questions.

"I needed some space, Klaus. I also wanted to meet one of the three relatives that are actually still alive. So forgive me if I didn't ask for your permission" she said with an attitude. Everyone held their breaths as they waited for Klaus to snap her neck or something. But they were all left speechless when all he did was hug her. Stefan and Damon were unphased because they knew Klaus cared for her. Which meant that as long as he lived she would be protected.

As soon as he let go of her he kissed the top of her head and walked away, phone in hand. Damon and Stefan heard him talk to one of his hybrids, giving the order to protect Adara and to instantly kill whoever dared to hurt her. Elena was shocked and so were her friends. Adara sat on their table. She quickly became friends with Caroline, a shopping spree instantly came to mind. With Bonnie, it was over magic, with Tyler their werewolf gone. With Elena, being doppelgängers. With Matt and Jeremy once being a normal human. There was a lot to in common there.

Elijah and his siblings watched as the Salvatore brothers no longer watched Elena but her cousin. It was another love triangle. But, they had to add their brother to that too.

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Sorry for being gone for too long. Hopefully I can back to my somewhat normal writing schedule.

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