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Adara was back to her old self but she was also avoiding everyone she knew

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Adara was back to her old self but she was also avoiding everyone she knew. Leah and the rest hid secrets, what they were for example. Stefan hid the fact that he's a vampire. It had been only a few days since her breakup with Jacob and she was feeling happy and free. School felt long for her. She wanted to go home and practice her magic. The bell finally rang and she rushed out. Stefan was waiting on her car.

When she spotted him she rolled her eyes. She had been avoiding him. "Can you please let me explain?" he asked. She let out a sigh. "You have an hour" he nodded as he opened her car door. She got in and he followed after. He led her to a big house. "This was one of the many houses I lived when I was younger. My family was one founding families of Mystic Falls. They hunted vampires and somehow I ended up being one" she waited.

"Katherine Pierce came into our lives..." the story went on for more than an hour but Adara wanted to know it all. "So, all of this happen because you and your brother fell in love with the same girl and you told your father about her in hopes that he would understand that you loved her and that she was not dangerous, but he killed her, but not only her but also you and your brother not knowing you had vampire blood in your system?" she asked and he nodded. "Pretty much" he replied. "Wait. How old are you?" she asked. "I've been 17 years old since 1864" Adara was shocked.

Stefan watched her process the whole ordeal. "Wow" she said in a whisper. "Yeah" he said. "Do you kill people?" she asked. "No. The blood I drink is from animals and even though it doesn't make me strong as the human blood I live okay with it" she nodded. "But, if all of this happened in Virginia, then why are you here?" Adara asked. "I'm here to protect you. There's something you need to know" he began. "When I was there, I met two girls. Well, one. One looked a lot like Katherine while the other one looked a lot like... you" he finished.

She gave him a confused look. "Well, I don't have any twins sisters as far as I know" she replied. "But, the girl that looked like Katherine was not Katherine. It was Katherine's doppelgänger, they're known like shadows selves. It's a complicated thing" she nodded. "Elena, the girl that looked like Katherine said that the girl with red hair was her cousin. That they had never met. They related from her mom's side. Something about her mother's cousin or something like that" Adara was too lost.

"Okay... are you saying this Elena is my cousin because her mother was my mother's cousin?" Adara asked and he nodded. "How did this Elena have my picture?" she added. "Isobel told her about you. She never told her where you were though" she took a deep breathe. "So, I guess the real question is, how did you find me?" she asked him. "I had a witch track you down. I had to use Elena's picture to find you" she nodded. "I think these are enough revelations for the day" she said as she began walking away.

"Wait. I haven't told you the full reason to why I'm really here"  she nodded. "Elena was sacrificed in a ritual. And as hard to believe, this may sound... even more crazier than what I've told you so far. The man who did it is a thousand year old hybrid. He needed to kill her to break his curse. This is where Katherine and you come in" he looked at her. "Katherine told me she had a sister, and older sister. That sister killed herself because she didn't want to be sacrificed by Klaus. Elijah, Klaus's brother told us that Tatia, one of the first doppelgängers also had a sister. I guess this time, you both weren't born sisters but cousins instead, just in the same bloodline" she grabbed her head.

"So, I'm gonna be sacrificed too?" she asked. She was sort of panicking. "He needs your blood to turn werewolves into hybrids. He needs you alive" she let out a sigh of relief. "At least he won't kill me" she said under her breath. "Where is Elena?" she asked. "She's back in Mystic Falls. She's a vampire now" he told her and she nodded. "I have to go now. There's a lot I need to think about" as she turned to walk away she stopped and looked back at Stefan. "What was the hybrids name?" she asked. "Klaus Mikaelson" she nodded before walking.

Adara got into her car. Her head was spinning. Would this Klaus Mikaelson come for her? To kill her? To drain all of her blood? As she arrived home she saw someone sitting with Charlie. She thought it was Billy or Sue but as she walked in she saw a man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "Ada, this is our new neighbor" she shaked is his hand with a smile on both of their faces. "Klaus Mikaelson. Pleasure love" her smile instantly fell. Charlie's back turned to get something.

"I'm gonna head to my room, Charlie. It was a pleasure Mr. Mikaelson" she told them. "The pleasure was all mine, Ms. Swan" she rushed up as she closed her door she came face to face with him. "Don't run away from me, love. I promise I won't hurt you" he told her. "Yet" he added. She pushed him away. "What do you want from me?" she asked and he smiled. "Don't play dumb with me love. You already know. I am very certain Stefan Salvatore already told you everything that happened before he moved and the reason why he's here" she looked away knowing it was true. She had to accept her fate. But, she didn't want to.

One again she asked him the same question. "What do you want, Klaus?" he smirked as he used his hybrid face. "You" he said with a smirk.

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