★☆ ! >﹏< 𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗞. 𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗞. 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗠! !

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the next morning, we woke up extremely early to the sound of a really ancient horn. i had to almost drag the whole tent with me when beomgyu didn't want to leave his sleeping bag.

i had made us a cereal bowl which we ate in silence. i knew he was still thinking about what happened yesterday. i was too. if we were honest, he was the only asshole here.

after we ate breakfast, we headed with our bags to where all the other tents were and waited for our exploration today. 

from far, i saw taehyun and that other girl. i knew they didn't want anybody to know they were holding hands since they were hiding them behind their backs. taehyun kept looking at her with an intense coat of lust over his eyes. the girl giggled with red cheeks and hid her face through a curtain of hair.

"alright! listen up!"

a man with a locked beard said to all of us. he had a huge camping backpack and large boots.

he began instructing us on a bunch rules and stuff like that. besides me, beomgyu was having his third yawn in a row while stretching his arms and back.

"i should have stayed in the tent."

he muttered between the yawn. i rolled my eyes and looked back at the teacher. he was handing some sort of plastic jackets.

"they said it would probably rain by the time we come back from today's adventure. put this in your backpack and follow me!"

he began to head into the forest with a stream of exited students behind him. once our jackets came by, i handed beomgyu his but he wouldn't grab it.

"beomgyu. your jacket."

he looked at me amused. i frown not understanding where he was going with this.

"beomgyu. here's your jacket."

he glanced at it and pointed behind him. he had no backpack. i rolled my eyes and folded both jackets and placed them into mine. honestly, how long could i survive this injustice?

we walked around the forest and explored a lot. we were in pairs of course. but if you looked at me, you would probably think i was alone. beomgyu didn't even look at me. he was "distracted" with all the nature around us.

"beomgyu, have you identified any species of snails? or spotted algae on some rocks?"

the boy was lost in wonderland. he looked at everything so carefully as if the trees might snap at the lightness of his glance or the bark might decay from the tree with his soft touch. i stood there watching him come together with nature in awe.


i nearly slipped and landed on my butt at the sudden call. when i turned around befuddled, i saw it was the one and only kai.

"oh. hi there, kai."

i said gathering myself together. he came closer and smiled at me. out of his pocket, he pulled out a folded paper and handed it to me with a big smile.

"here. now you can explore and have fun."

i took the paper and saw that his worksheet was already finished. every blank was filled, and the identification questions were answered. with a perplexed frown i looked at him and sighed.

"kai, how did you finish so quick?"

"oh. soobin is the smartest person i know. i had to beg mr. kim so much to pair me with him. he's my best friend/cousin."

"i can't accept it, kai. i'm sorry."

he took the paper half smiling. i turned to look behind me and didn't see beomgyu.

"alright then,"

kai snatched my paper from my hands and scurried away with it.

"hey! kai come back!"

"don't worry about it. i'll turn it in for you."

"what about beomgyu?"

he stopped running and turned to look at me. there it was again. that mysterious and unique expression he made when i said beomgyu's name.

kai looked down at the paper and then back at me.

"oh. right. he's your partner."

even though he looked hurt, he tried to cover it up with a small smile. he walked back towards me and handed me both papers.

"just take it. i know things aren't going well, and i thought maybe taking this off your shoulders would help."

"oh. kai i-"

"it's ok if you decide to copy or not. and if you're doubting that paper then you are doubting a perfect score. my cousin never fails. never."

"kai it's not that."

"just leave it by my tent when you are done. it's the dark orange coloured one."

he smiled at me a full and true smile, although i knew that he wasn't feeling that happy. i stared at him dumbfounded as he left.

"aw. look at you. you feel guilty, don't you?"

i turned to see beomgyu up in a tree staring down at me with an amused face.

"you! god!"

"yeah. hiss all you want. after all, how dare you hurt his feelings? he's a noble guy."

"shut up! you don't know anything!"

i said stomping the floor and glared at him. he scoffed and shook his head. honestly, this was really starting to be something else. this wasn't just dislike anymore, this was pure and fiery hate i had towards him.

"the only mad person here should be him. so don't even make that face, toad."

"i'm not a toad. come and finish your worksheet."

"oh, so you are using it. i thought you were a hard worker. ha. hard worker my ass."

"why are you so mean to me?"

i was going to go crazy if i stood there a second longer. i decided to ignore beomgyu and head straight ahead. it was a foolish and coward move in his eyes, but i was just going to explode in front of him if i didn't move.

"yah! toad! where are you going?"

"fuck off!"

i could feel his eyes on my back as i trudged furiously away.

soon, his footsteps were caught up with mine. i didn't even glance his way, but i knew he was staring at me.


"don't call me that!"

i stopped walking and screamed into his face. all my frustration and anger were choked in the middle of my throat. if i didn't let it out, i was afraid i might just die of an attack or something.

"you have something to say don't you."

he said talking in a very serious tone. his eyes were scary. a wave of fear washed over me since we were alone in the middle of the forest.

"spit it out then."

and the bomb finally went off.

"choi beomgyu, ever since the day i saw you, i despised you with all my life. i never knew i could hate a person as much as i hate you. i tried and tried to make things work with you, but your stupid and rude ass was the one to mess up on and on again. i tried to contain my thoughts, but i'm afraid if i do that, i might go crazy and start having crazy thoughts. believe me, i considered killing you in your sleep. please, fuck off."

i left with tears running down my face. this time, beomgyu didn't walk behind me.

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