Chapter 27: Lilith's name

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"No need! I still have my luggage unpacked! It's good to sleep on my neck!" Hunt gorged himself for dinner, rushed out immediately, and left before the team doctor arrived.

"What's wrong with this boy?"

"I don't know, nervous. But allergies are really troublesome at this time."

"Yeah, you can't just take medicine. If it still happens during the game, where can he stand?"

When he came to the elevator, Hunt pressed the button and exhaled.

Someone suddenly lifted the towel around his neck and startled him. He immediately pressed the towel.

"Lying grass! Donald is you!"

Donald took Hunter's shoulder and said with a laugh: "I said brother, are you too funny? Did you go out to exercise in a shirt? Why did you put a towel around your neck? Are you cold? Need a scarf?"


Thinking of the bunny party that Donald had cancelled because of a diarrhea, Hunt felt deep sympathy for him, showing off his emotions.

"Hey, because I was so happy last night." Hunter tucked his towel up and showed it to Donald.

Donald was obviously scared: "Mom! What's going on with you? Are you exploded ... Exploded?"

"What the hell?" Hunt looked at Donald unknowingly.

The other person scratched his head: "No ... nothing, if you were exploded, you can still stand and wait for the elevator today?"

"What's wrong with you today? I've all been kissed! Hahaha!"

"Kissed? By ... by whom?"

Donald suddenly became nervous. That day he promised that Winston would not take Hunter to pick up the girl, and at a blink of an eye, the devil was full of glorious traces. If he was misunderstood by Winston, he would take him to the river, and it would not be clear if he jumped into the Rhine It's up!

Hunter made a bad smile and described "Lilith's Night" with great exaggeration.

"That kind of place ... how did you get there? That's not how you can get in!"

"Don't tell you." Hunter blinked mysteriously pretending to look at Donald's surprised expression, and he was proud that he finally pulled back a city in front of the old churros.

Donald swallowed: "That ... I ... I have a turtleneck for you to wear ... It's estimated that you won't be able to erase it in Austria ... don't let Vann Winston see it."

"Why?" Hunt found that today Donald was a little different, as if ... a guilty conscience?

"I'm afraid he will see it. You won't be able to participate in future games ... only lying on the bed!"

brothers! My reminder is so clear to you, can you not toss? Pick-up girl is precious, the price of **** is higher!

"Ah? Why? Winston took me there!"

"How could Winston take you to that kind of place! He wouldn't let anyone touch ..." Donald suddenly thought, "Did you just say that you were blindfolded when you were nice?"

"Yes. Interesting?" Hunter blinked proudly.

"You also said ... Do you drink a lot?"

"Well, I was drunk for the first time."

His first real drink was also the warehouse bar in Montreal that Winston took him to. Last night, I was drunk for the first time. It seems like that ... for the first time in his life, he gave it to Winston.

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