Chapter 58: I Want You

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He subconsciously stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick his upper lip, Owen paused, and whispered: "Look if he doesn't kill you..."


"Nothing! Have fun Hunter! Licking, two, three times is the same! Owen squinted and said encouragingly.

Hunter literally clicked it and cracked it open a third of the way, and there was jam in it!

Hunter suddenly felt that this sugar was too creative.

He looked up and poured the jam into his mouth: "Hmm... Its filling is better than the icing on the outside! "

Owen showed a wicked smile, but unfortunately was blocked by the mobile phone, and said thoughtfully: "Of course the sandwich inside is delicious!"

Half an hour later, Winston, who was finishing a meeting with sponsors, walked out of the venue with one hand in his pocket.

And his phone was vibrating continuously, saying that there was a text message.

He pulled out his phone, and the text message showed Hunter's name, and the text message was: "A fan gave me a funny lollipop."

The fingertips slid slightly, and a Hunter leaned back against the pillow, his hair a little messy, helpless like a pitiful expression of being forced, and the tip of his tongue slightly spit out touched the gap on the top of the lollipop.

Winston's fingers gripped the phone tightly.

The text message came again: I can't swallow it at all!

A picture follows, and it's Hunter frowning and half stuffed in. His ears were red.

The third SMS is coming again: so simply bite it off!

A picture of Hunter biting the middle of a lollipop appears on the screen, with childish reluctance and childishness.

The fourth text message followed: the jam inside was delicious!

Winston's finger quickly swiped down, and what he saw was Hunter tilting his head and pouring the jam from the lollipop into his mouth. The round neck of his T-shirt is tilted to one side, and the left collarbone is almost completely out of the frame. From this angle, the tip of his tongue can be faintly seen, almost touching the jam flowing from the icing.

Winston's shoulders froze there, and the fingers pinching the phone harder and harder.

"... I knew this kid was so sexy, I should have killed him when I was in the club! "

Nikki's voice came from Winston's side.

Winston jerked the phone away, and Nikki reached out to stop it.

"You let me take another look! Or send it to me! I promise not to show it to anyone else!"

Winston's icy gaze swept over.

Nicky took a step back: "That... He will send you such a photo ... Mean you've got him, right?"

Winston didn't say anything.

But Nicky found Winston like this shocking.

His gaze crushed Nikki's nerves, and he visibly clenched his teeth, his anger seemed to burst.

"You... Isn't he hooking you? Nicky didn't understand why Winston was angry.

Winston turned away with a cold face, never looking back despite the shouts of the staff.

It was the first time Nikki had seen the man completely lose his grace and poise.

As he walked out of the press center, he immediately called back Hunter's number.

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