Chapter 66: Get Out

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Hunter was alarmed.

"What do you say?" Winston lowered his head, rubbed the tip of his nose over Hunter's cheek, and kissed the side of his neck.

Blood rushed wherever the tip of his tongue went.

Hunter's other hand tried to twist Winston over, and his abdomen was forcefully lifted up, trying to bounce the man who was pressing on him, but Winston's knee directly pushed his other leg up, which made Hunter completely lose the fulcrum of borrowing power.

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! Hunter scolded angrily, his heart thick with unwillingness.

His hand that was held by Winston was also pressed to the pillow, obviously his strength was not small, but in front of Winston, he was as ridiculous as a child.

Winston chuckled and looked at him, but Hunter saw in those eyes a dying lust.

He lowered his head and licked between Hunter's pursed lips.

The ends of his hair swept across Hunter's cheeks, tickling.

"Still playing?" Winston asked.

"No more playing," Hunter said uselessly.

When Lao Tzu has practiced, you will not be able to turn over!

"So are you going to be interesting or not?" Winston's chin rubbed the tip of Hunter's nose.

"Not interesting! Life doesn't have to be so rich at night! Free practice in a few days! Hunter shouted.

"Is it? The free practice session is still three days away. If I do something fun tonight that requires effort, you're sure you'll have recovered by the time of the free practice session, right? "

Winston's voice was hoarse, and Hunter felt the other's body temperature rise significantly, and he kicked his other leg hard.

"I'm sleepy! You go down - I'm going to sleep! "

Hunter struggled, and his T-shirt was already pulled up on it, almost attached to Winston's body.

"Do you want to die if you move again?" Winston suddenly lowered his head and pressed Hunter tightly.

Hunter froze, not even daring to move, his heart beating like rolling thunder.

"Help me get it out." Winston's voice was depressed, but Hunter didn't even dare to move.

Another two seconds passed, and Hunter stiffened his neck and turned his face, and he found that the bruises in the corners of Winston's forehead were bursting, and the fingers that held Hunter almost crushed his wrists.


This time his name was pronounced differently than before, with an unbearable pleading meaning.

"You... You let me go... I'll help you..."

Winston opened his fingers stiffly, and when Hunter touched him, Winston took Hunter's lips, this time the kiss was not so gentle, Hunter could only bear it with his face on his back.

"...... Hurry up. "

"I'm already fast! Otherwise, you come yourself..."

Winston's kiss was pressed down again, and Hunter couldn't say a word, he could only red ears and wanted this matter to pass quickly.

Half an hour later, Hunter carried Winston on his back, looking upset.

"I think I still sleep on my own. If you're worried, I'll go sleep with Dr. Shen. Hunter said sullenly.

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