Chapter 71: Love You Calmly

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"Hunter, we're really sure Winston is okay. Don't worry. Shen Chuan comforted.

"I... I just don't know how to make him understand... How important he is to me..." Hunter's voice trembled.

The closer he got to Winston, the more nervous he became.

When Winston loves himself and is close to himself, is that the same way?

For the first time, Hunter had a deep sense that this man might have given far more than he had shown.

Shen Chuan paused, but a smile appeared in two seconds.

"Hunter, don't skimp on words. Sometimes we understand each other even if we know each other best, even if we don't say why we don't say why we can understand each other, but... Language is always the most important thing. Facing yourself openly and loving each other calmly is the best language."

"...... Thank you. Hunter looked at Shen Chuan.

He already knew about the relationship between Hunter and Winston, but as a friend, he was absolutely supportive and understanding, which made Hunter feel gratified.

Some friends may not know what he likes to eat, nor do they communicate the most intimate things with Blue, but such friends can understand and respect the most important things in Hunter's heart.

The car stopped downstairs of the hotel, and Shen Chuan watched Hunter run away.

He pressed the elevator button and waited impatiently for it to land layer by layer.

His heart was beating so fast that he wanted to rush to embrace the world, and his brain seemed to be completely occupied by that man, doing everything for him.

"Why haven't you come down yet?"

Hunter couldn't stand still at all, pacing back and forth in front of the elevator door, twisting his wrist again, and finally the elevator door opened, and only a crack, Hunter squeezed in.

His fingertips did not press the number of layers at the first time, and his heart was extremely anxious. The speed at which the elevator ascended made Hunter feel crazy slow.

I miss you so much! Miss you so much! Miss you so much!

Hunter really wanted to rush out of the elevator and run straight up.

Finally came to the Winston floor, he ran quickly and directly bumped into a person.

The other party just wanted to curse, and when he saw that it was Hunter, he pointed back: "Winston is in the room!" "

"Thank you!"

Hunter rushed to Winston's door, he gasped, and the moment he raised his hand to knock on the door, his throat choked as if he was choked.

He knew he was nervous.

The heart was about to split, a thousand times more serious than when it crossed the finish line.

On that side of the door is his everything.

He just knocked on the door, and before he could knock a second time, the door opened.

The handsome man stood right in front of him, his deep blue eyes full of his shadow, and everything about him made Hunter feel good.

I used to know that this man was handsome and attractive, but now Hunter only thinks that he is blind?

Obviously, even the hair is perfect.


Winston's lips and teeth closed, standard British pronunciation, and a slightly cool voice were on fire in Hunter's mind.

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