Chapter 9: I'm The Bad Guy

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Song at the top is what's gonna be sung during the chapter! Changed the lyrics only a little so it made sense but it's mostly the same! I love inserting music and having the characters sing them. It's just so much fun! Enjoy!

Everything was so dark, it reminded me too much of the void. It made me scared that everything that's happened to me was just a dream the void gave me, and it wanted me to suffer by waking up on a terrible note.
But then my sight shifted, then I woke up.
I was still in Varian's lab.
At first, I was relieved. Thank goodness I wasn't back in the void but then I remembered the previous events that happened before this.
I tried to get up but my wrists were chained to a wall.
"What the-."
"Glad to see you're awake." A dark voice said.
I jumped and looked for the voice.
"It's amazing really how good of an actress you are. You even almost convinced me that you still cared." The voice continued.
"What do you-,"
But then he revealed himself.
The guy who injected me with something probably terrible and put me to sleep was Varian.
"Varian." I breathed.
Out of instinct I tried to get up and go to him, only to remember I was still chained to the wall.
I looked at him pleadingly, my heart was pounding, it was hard to see and accept that Rapunzel was right about this one.
"I wouldn't try making me feel guilt or anything sappy like that if I were you." Varian warned.
"But I wasn't-."
"The mixture I injected you with has stopped your powers from working for the next 6 hours. Designed it myself." Varian said, tapping his goggles with a pencil.
"How did you even know I'd be the first to enter your lab? I could have been anybody." I questioned.
"You said so yourself, "you'd always be there for me." I guess you kept your word, too bad you chose Rapunzel over me." Varian shrugged.
I stared agape at him, he lifted his goggles up, staring at me numbly.
Then I noticed something else.
"Where's Ruddiger?" I asked, shifting my head around.
"He's busy crossing off a box in my plan." Varian chuckled darkly.
"What kind of plan?" I tried.
"Please, I'm not your stereotypical villain that tells you my entire plan that you eventually turn against me." Varian snapped back.
"You're not a villain-,"
"Oh but I think I am, and it's a much better path than sitting around while your family does nothing to help me." Varian said, disgustedly.
"Hey, I offered to help, you just didn't want to accept it because it was after Rapunzel made a stupid mistake. I get it, you're upset. But we can figure this out together! Please!" I pleaded.
"Too late! My plan is already in action, your family hates me, how do you think you can help? Magically make everyone feel happy and that everything is gonna be ok? Welcome to the real world because in the real world, you're on your own." Varian said with such an edge to his voice.
He started to walk away, his body tense with every step.
The words hurt, but I was stubborn, I wasn't gonna let him go that easy.

"What are you doin' dear...aren't you tired?" I started to sing. Varian stopped in his tracks immediately, but he didn't turn around.
"Why are you even here? I don't think that you were invited." Varian lifted his arms weakly, letting them fall numbly at his side as he turned around. He looks at me fiercely, inhaling a sharp breath.
"Here you go again! Pretending like you love me! When just beneath the surface you're convinced that you're above me." Varian accused. Pointing a finger at me.
"But I do love you..." I trailed off, lowering my head. I didn't want to see his reaction, I didn't want to see him stare at me in disgust for what I'd just confessed.
"Dig deep into the past, I've never been one for doing things that bad. If I'm here to save you, I'll be here forever! Take my hand, I'll be your knight in shining armor!" I sang.
Varian actually laughed.
"You think you're a hero?" He asked, smirking.
"And they'll tell you, you are~" Varian sang.
"So stoic and lovely! And you've come so far!" Varian sang, grabbing his staff of potions and dancing with it.
"You think you're a villain, but I know you're not." I fought back.
"Under all that angst and anger is a
Beating human heart."
"Dying broken heart." Varian sang the last part with me. He stopped dancing with his staff and looked down on me, his villainous smile disappearing.
"What about the lonely little boy?" Varian questioned.
"I'M SORRY!" I shouted, tears falling.
"What about his monsters who prevailed? You never came to save my world!" Varian yelled back.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"What about us?" I nearly whispered.
"What about me?" Varian whispered at the same time.
I looked up at him, he was still staring at me. His face full of hurt, I didn't need my power to recognize that.
"I recognize that you're upset, I know that they did you wrong!" I tried to convince.
"You know nothing of me!" Varian retired back, stalking closer to me.
"Trust me! Please believe me, this won't stop the hurt for long." I sang, pleading with Varian as he stalked closer.
"We don't need to end like this, look me in the eyes!" I nearly cried, my voice cracking as I looked at him. His blue eyes filled with anger, but so much sadness.
"Here comes the hero complex." Varian nearly whispered.
"You call yourself a villain but we know it's a disguise."
"I know I'm the villain, but you're the one who lies!"
Varian and I sang at the same time.
"So you're back at it again? Twisting and manipulating every word I've said?" Varian sings while smirking, leaning on his stick in front of me.
"Come on, you know that's not true! I was trying to help you, let me help you!" I cried the last words, I regretted not pushing him more into telling me his true feelings back then, but I wasn't gonna make that same mistake again.
"YOU ARE NOT MY HERO!" Varian shouted as he sang, throwing his staff away. all of his amusement was gone. He inhales a breath again.
"You don't know how it felt." Varian gritted his teeth, his fists shaking.
"What else could you do with the cards that I've been dealt?" Varian continued to sing.
He walked up to me again, crouching down once he was in front of me.
I looked up at him, mustering up the remaining mental strength I had.
"You are not the villain," I sang softly.
"You once held my hand." My voice nearly cracked again. My thoughts couldn't help but recall all the times Varian would put his hand on mine, or I'd hang on to his hand whenever I felt nervous. He was my life line, he was my safe person. Even when I'd only just met him, he never let go of my hand.
Varian stared into my eyes, our lips inches apart.
Maybe I had finally reached him. I noticed him lifting his hand up, he nearly cupped my cheek with his hand but he let his hand fall limply at his side. He made his eyes go black.
"Don't move, stop staring, sometimes things don't go as planed." Varian sang, ending our duet.
He leaned a little bit more, only to back away. He stood up, grabbed his staff and looked back.
"I need to go fetch somebody, don't try anything while I'm gone." Varian quickly said. I could've swore I heard him sniffle before he left.
I was heartbroken...I'd truly lost him.

Lol, I love writing angst.
Hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!<3

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