Chapter 11: Justice?

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Thank you guys for over 100 reads! This means a lot considering how small this fandom is nowadays.
Please enjoy!

"Varian?" I whispered, horrified by the blood seeping through his clothes at an alarming rate.
His eyes squinted open, just barely though.
He noticed my presence, coughing violently, blood evident on his gloves.
"I'm sorry." Varian whispers.
Rain drops start to fall on us, the rain's drops falling down my face along with my tears.
My family stayed in the background, only Rapunzel started running towards us.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I shouted at her.
Rapunzel stopped dead in her tracks, her hands coming towards her mouth as soon as she saw Varian's state.
I looked back down at Varian, unable to stop the frown forming on my lips.
Varian tried sitting up but I gently held my hand to his chest, ushering his head back onto my lap.
"Don't apologize, as soon as this is over. I will find you the best person to help you through what you're going through. I will always be at your side, ok?" I promised.
Varian grimaced, blood trickling out from his mouth.
"P-promise?" Varian gasped.
"I promise." I whispered.
Varian took off his gloves, cupping my cheek with one of his hands.
"Y/n." Varian whimpered, his lips quivering, his lips stained with blood.
He closed his eyes, his hand falling limply at his side.
"Varian?" I tried, my sobs uncontrollable.
He didn't move.
I lifted his head towards mine, bumping my forehead softly against his.
I set him gently on my lap, letting out a scream towards the sky.
I allowed myself to cry, I allowed myself to sob and let it all out.
I looked down at Varian again, he looked peaceful.
Then suddenly a thought came to me.
Or rather, a song came to me.
The sunstone has an incantation that could heal people, half of my stone is made from the sunstone. Maybe it could work for me.
"Flower gleam and glow." I sang, whispering.
"Let your power shine." My eyes glowed pink along with my hands.
I placed them on Varian's chest where he was badly wounded, and continued to sing.
"Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine," his chest started to softly glow pink, it was working.
"Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine...what once was mine." I finished the incantation.
A bright glow shined between Varian and I, my hands glowed brighter.
It was a powerful force, my hair shot straight up, the light flowing and glowing brighter.
As soon as I finished the incantation though, it all stopped.
My eyes turned back into their normal color, and the light shining along with my hands' light disappeared as well.
I looked back down at Varian, the patch of clothing that was bare showed no sign of a rock that pierced through his skin.
I stared closely at Varian's face, trying to see if I could find any sign of life.
Varian gasped suddenly, lifting his head straight up and in doing so, smacking his face against mine.
I put my hand to my forehead, cringing in pain.
Varian does the same.
He confusedly looks at me in awe.
"How am I-?" He asks but I was too excited to give him the specifics.
I embraced him, giving all my love to him through the hug.
"You're alive!" I breathed, one more tear falling down my face, only this time, in relief.
"But how?" Varian asks, still shocked.
"I'm the heartstone remember? I've got some perks." I winked at him, my smile hurting my face.
Varian eventually smiles too but it quickly fades.
"Why are you still here? With me? You didn't have to save me, in fact, you shouldn't have- I mean-... after everything I've done to you?" Varian raises an eyebrow inquisitively.
I just shake my head and cup his face in my hands.
"Because, you idiot, I love you." I smiled, kissing his forehead.
This time Varian hugged first, embracing me tightly and lovingly.
This was the Varian I knew.
Rapunzel finally joined in, placing reassuring hands on both Varian and I.
"I'm sorry you two, I don't know what came over me." Rapunzel said, guiltily.
"I don't know what came over me either. I understand now that you were under a lot of pressure." Varian lowered his head.
"Hey, we'll figure this out together now. I promise, and this time, I'm keeping that promise." Rapunzel assured.
I smiled at the two reconciling.
Frederic and Arianna joined us, smiling contently.
Frederic walked towards us, his smile suddenly fading.
"Guards, take him." He announced.
"Excuse me?"
Rapunzel, Arianna and I all exclaimed at once.
"Blondie-." Eugene said, Cassandra and him taking Rapunzel away from Varian.
I linked my arm with Varian's, my other hand cuffed tightly on his arm as well.
"What do you mean, "guards take him"?!" I exclaimed, pulling Varian closer to me.
"For treason against this Kingdom, and attempted murder against the royal family on multiple occasions, it is law to arrest Varian. He's lucky it's not execution." Frederic said simply.
"He's still a kid! We're not even 15! What we need to do is send him to a person who can help him through his mental problems! Not send him to prison!" I argued, mortified that Frederic would even suggest such a thing.
"He tried to kill my family! My only daughters! He deserves prison." Frederic said darkly.
"Getting Justice isn't a two way revenge. It's through mercy and doing the right thing!" I said.
That made Frederic falter for a moment, he knew that in a way I was absolutely right.
What Varian did was terrible yes, but he's still just a kid.
Frederic lowered his head, closing his eyes. Once he opened them, his eyes were dark and deadly.
"This is the right thing." Frederic said, snapping his fingers.
Two guards came and ripped Varian from my grasp. Curse the rain making everything slippery.
They cuffed Varian and practically threw him into the prison looking carriage.
I ran after him, Arianna stopping me by embracing me from behind.
Her grip was stronger than mine.
"I'll keep my promise Varian, just you wait and see! I'll get you out!" I shouted as the carriage went away.
I spun around and faced Frederic, my hair flying in my face from its wetness. Anger couldn't even begin to describe my feelings.
Obviously my powers were back, the incantation wouldn't have worked otherwise.
Everybody could feel what I was feeling.
I spared one more glare at Frederic and walked away, knowing my angry presence would not help the already terrible situation.
"I'm walking home!" I shouted.
"Don't follow me, I'm taking the long way home." I spat at Frederic.
I whirled around and walked away.

~A few hours later~

A knock came at my door.
I didn't want to see anybody but I didn't want to be rude either.
At this point my anger simmered down into a dull throbbing feeling of frustration. But it was small enough to where nobody else could feel it but me.
"Come in." I said.
The door opened to reveal Arianna and Rapunzel.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, scooting closer to the end of my bed and to where they were.
"We think you're right Y/n, throwing a child into prison is not the way to bring justice. We know Varian needs help. We want to help you help him." Arianna said, sitting beside me and rubbing my back.
"It's not that I think he's in the right, this just isn't fair." I shrugged, clenching my hands together.
"And we agree, Y/n, I didn't make things better by trying to-to kill him..." Rapunzel trailed off.
"The point is, I only made things worse, I want to help set things right." Rapunzel said, sitting on the other side of me.
"Yeah, I'm glad you guys agree." I smiled, hugging them both.
"I feel bad going behind my husband's back, but a child's life just may be in danger. Even a short time spent in this prison is deadly." Arianna shook her head, she looked ashamed.

~A few weeks later~

"You're not going to even let him see a therapist? He obviously needs one!" I shouted at Frederic.
To make this feel and look more urgent and professional, I set up an audience with Frederic while he was performing his duty as King.
He was not impressed.
"That child needs to learn a lesson." Frederic said, folding his hands together.
"What lesson can be learned through prison?! Especially for a kid his age, MY AGE! The only thing prison will do is make him want to be the villain, AGAIN!" I yelled.
"I'm sure he'll come to realize his faults with time, and who knows? I may even let him off the hook a few months from now." Frederic said, rising from his throne and walking down the short steps he needed to reach me.
"A few MONTHS?!" I exclaimed, horrified.
Frederic nearly shrugged, unamused.
I had had it.
"You're having fun with this aren't you? He was angry, Frederic! What he went through was horrible! Show him some sympathy at least!" I pleaded.
"I almost lost both my children that day, he needs to pay." Frederic said darkly.
I backed away.
"This isn't justice you know, it's revenge," I finished, turning around and starting to walk away.
I lingered for one moment at the door before I entered the hallway.
"Sometimes I wonder who's really the villain in this story." I said, leaving him before he could reply.
I started making my way to the dungeons, it's been long enough. I needed to see Varian.
We were all villains, not just one person or the other, I realize that now.
But I knew Varian was still convinced that he was right. In a way, he is. But in a way, he isn't either.
I walked down the spiraling steps and landed in front of the guards.
"Let me through." I said, with authority.
The two guards stationed looked at each other awkwardly.
"Sorry princess, the King ordered we let nobody through." One of them replied.
My eye twitched, maybe now was the time to see if I got a power upgrade.
I walked closer to them, my eyes glowing pink as I did.
"Maybe I wasn't clear enough," I said, channeling a care-free and relaxed attitude into their heart.
"Let. Me. Through." I whispered.
They blinked fast like they were torn between two things.
"Ok..." one of them said, unsure.
The other unlocked the door and let me through.
"Maybe you guys should take a break too while you're at it." I suggested.
"Maybe she has a point, we've been at this all day." A guard said, shrugging.
"I- guess you're right." The other said, still unsure.
I gave them a fake smile and continued down more stairs.
There were prison cells everywhere, but few were occupied. This was gonna take awhile.
I went up to every guard and said the same thing I said the the previous two.
Unsure of themselves, confused or enlightened by the idea I engraved into their brains and the yearning that I put into their hearts, they eventually agreed. They left their posts and it was only me and the prisoners.
My eyes dimmed back to their normal pink color as I looked through each cell.
I had to be fast, their feelings would become more confused the further they got away from me. Eventually, they would realize that what they were doing was not what they were supposed to, what they were feeling wasn't their true emotions.
Finally, I reached the last cell. All the other ones were either empty or were Varian-less.
I looked at the cell and saw him. He wasn't even on the cheap prison bed they provided for him. He was on the ground, facing the back wall.
Ruddiger was sound asleep on the bed though, he always found a way back to Varian.
I gently knocked on one of the prison bars.
"Varian?" I said, sitting down in front of the prison bars between us.
He turns his head to the side, acknowledging my presence.
"So, you finally came?" He said.
His voice was different again, not my Varian's.
He was villain Varian all over again.
I was starting to strongly dislike my male guardian, this was all his fault.

Thank you for reading!
Please let me know if I made any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!<3

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