Chapter 16: Crossover

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If you guys haven't seen the owl house yet, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!!! Although I won't be following any of the plot from the owl house, spoilers may still be active! Anywho, It's a great show though, you can find it on probably YouTube and Disney+. Anywho, Enjoy!

~The Next Morning~
It's funny how many times I've managed to forget the events that happen the night before I go to bed, this was one of those moments.
I must've forgotten to close the curtains last night, the sun's rays were shining right onto my face and cutting my dream from continuing.
I roll over away from the window that allowed the sun to seep through, sighing in content in facing the dimmer light.
"Mornin sleepy head!" Addison yelled, laying next to me.
"AH-." I yelled, sliding away from her and in doing so, falling off the bed.
Addison falls through the floor in a pit of laughter, floating back up and smiling in amusement at my tumble off the bed.
"Hi." Addison smirks.
"What is it with random people crawling into my bed?!" I grumbled to myself, glaring at Addison as I got up.
"Who wouldn't want to be woken up to this beautiful face." Addison sarcastically pouted, framing her face using the back of her hands.
I rolled my eyes at her, quickly changing as soon as she left and hopping step by step down the stairs.
As soon as I walked the last step my nose caught something, it smelled like chemicals?
I followed the scent until I reached outside, Varian has somehow set up his old lab (a smaller version of course) with all of his beakers, solutions, the whole shabang.
"How-?" I asked, staring in awe at Varian's display.
"Couldn't sleep last night, I was too anxious about today. So I snuck back to old Corona, stole as much of my old things as I could carry and somehow made my way back here!" Varian laughed a little too happily, chugging something from his mug.
"Ew, coffee." I mumbled. My mind suddenly flashed to what Varian must have had to see in order to get to all of his stuff.
"Oh...Varian." I whispered, hugging Varian from behind while he was working.
"What's this for?" Varian chuckled, pouring a vial into a beaker.
"You know what it's for." I mumbled into his shirt.
Varian's smile faded, but he continued to stir the solution in his hands.
"It's fine, don't worry about me." Varian tried to assure, but I could feel his voice wavering.
I kissed his cheek with affection.
"Ok, but if you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here." I said, stepping back.
Varian nodded, a small poof sound from the solution being made a moment after.
Varian poured the solution into 2 small vials, a small smile forming on his lips.
"Finally made your potion, Y/n." Varian said, presenting me with 2 vials for the month.
"Oh, Varian, thank you! How did you get the blood sample for them though?" I asked, taking the pink colored potions into my hands and downing the first one on the spot.
Varian faltered, a sheepish smile forming on his lips as he rubbed his arm.
It finally dawned on me.
"Varian! That is a whole new level of creepy!" I smacked his arm playfully.
"I should know, I was the one who told him to sneak back into y'all's room and get a blood sample while you were sleeping." Addison laughed.
I shivered at the thought.
"Yeesh, Varian." I laughed, walking back inside to put the second dose away.
I walked back out and see Varian stuffing some alchemical solutions in ball form into his pockets.
"Are you sure we're gonna need this much protection?" I asked, poking at his pockets.
"Yes." Addison and Varian said at the same time.
I blinked.
"Ok, give us the run down Addison." I said, taking Varian's hand into mine.
"I don't know where you two will end up once I send you to this dimension, be ready to fight almost immediately if it comes to that. Don't be scared when you see people, they won't...uh- look like us, you can say. Pretend you know who you are, what you are, pretend you have powers *ackhem Varian *cough, cover your ears and ummm...OH! Find the Owl Lady, she can help you!" Addison finished, crossing her arms smugly.
"Why do we need to cover our ears?" Varian asked.
"Everybody on that isle has pointed ears, they'll know you aren't from there as soon as they see your round ears, here," Addison said, tossing Varian and I scarves.
"Wrap those around your head, you can make it look nice, I don't care, just make sure your ears are covered." Addison warned.
Mine was a f/c scarf which I wrapped nice and tight around my head, a few stray hairs falling onto my face. Varian had a dark blue head wrap that I had to help tie securely around his head, all of his bangs coming through the head band like scarf but covering his ears nicely.
"We're ready." I said.
Addison's eyes began to shine pure white as she raised her hands up, wisps of gray and white following.
"Remember, magic works differently in that world. You're powers may be different, and your solutions may not produce what you originally intended.
Find the Owl Lady, and good luck." Addison finished.
A bright light surrounded Varian and I, I felt like I was being warped into nothingness.
Varian and I's hands were clutching onto each other. I felt like I was getting stretched, crushed, and I felt sick all at once.
I opened my eyes and It looked like we were in space, there were rips in the starry void, each having its own scene in what looked to be people's everyday life playing.
"Chat, it's hard to explain. Please realize that you aren't being overlooked or ignored, we'll always be in this together!" A girl in a ladybug costume? (I think it was a superhero outfit) said.
"You know what Ladybug? I'm tired of always being second to everyone else, I'm tired of you treating me like I'm just another side kick. Partners huh? Please." The boy, Chat, responded. He took off his ring and green flashed around him.
But before Varian and I could see anything else we started floating forwards, more rips in the void showing.
"Just jump up, kick back, whip around and spin!" A band sang. I looked over to my right and there were a bunch of plastic looking people in ninja costumes doing a bunch of flips and showing their elemental powers.
"Cool." I thought.
Varian and I continued to forge ahead.
"Tubbo, who am I without you?" A boy that looked to be a teenager like Varian and I said.
"Yourself?" The boy the first teenager was talking to replied.
Varian and I started to fall down, my heart felt like it was rising to my throat.
We started to scream until he finally hit solid ground.
The starry void around us disappearing and a new scene forming around us.
"Wait- did Addison ever tell us how to get back?" I asked, getting up and dusting myself off.
"Well shoot." Varian replied, readjusting his scarf.
I started to look around in awe, then I looked at myself.
"Varian, on a scale of 1 to 10, now weird do I look?" I turned to Varian, holding in a gasp as I looked at him.
"Ummm, we don't look that bad, just uh- different!" Varian responded.
I turned around and was faced with this big house, trees were surrounded us and if we were to look off into the edge there was only water that seemed to bubble.
"Do you think we conveniently stumbled in front of this Owl Lady's house on the first try?" I said, slowly.
"Probably." Varian replied simply, walking up to the door and knocking.
"Varian!" I cautioned.
"Relax, what's the door gonna do? Jump out and scare me-?"
"HOOT HOOT!" The door shouted.
Varian leaped back in fear, I instinctively hid behind him, peeking out above his shoulder.
It was a long, long, owl thing? It wouldn't stop coming out the door.
"Well, at least we know we're in the right place." I whispered.
"Well well, can't have a bunch of nosy kids hanging around here now do we?" The high pitched bird said, growing taller and taller.
It's cutesy eyes turned dark and his beak started growing razor sharp teeth.
Could owl's even do that?
"Don't touch him!" I yelled at the owl, my eyes glowing pink as I stepped in front of Varian.
The stone of my heart glowed through my clothes, my hands having weird wobbly circles of see-through pink surrounding them.
"This must've been what Addison meant about our powers working differently." I thought to myself.
Raising my arms up I softly speak, "Sleep." And I throw one of the wobbly pink circles at the owl.
The circle hits the bird square in the face, he immediately passed out.
"Wow." Varian breathed.
"Hooty stop, they're just kids!" A young girl runs out the door, her eyes widening as she saw the scene laid before her.
My eyes turned back into their regular pink color, I sheepishly and quickly hid my hands behind my back, shaking them to get rid of the pink.
"You KILLED HIM?!" The young girl yelled, running to the bird.
"No! I merely put him to sleep for the next few...hours?" I awkwardly laughed.
The girl breathed in a huge sigh of relief.
"I'm Y/n, this is Varian! We're looking for the Owl Lady?" I said, stepping closer to the girl who sneakily pulled out, paper?
"What do you want with her?" The girl said, slowly.
"We just want to talk with her! Our friend was cursed and she told us only the Owl Lady knew how to help." Varian quickly helped.
The girl put her paper away and sighed with relief again.
"I'm Luz, Eda- I mean, the Owl Lady is at the market right now. You can meet a few of my friends while we wait!" Luz said, a slow but sure, small smile starting to form on her lips.
Then I noticed something else about her, her ears weren't pointed but round, could she be-?
"Hey, what's with the round ears? Doesn't everybody here have pointed ones?" Varian asked, confused.
I lightly smack Varian's chest. "You don't just ask people that!" I scold him.
"Ouch, it's not a big deal!" Varian and I start to bicker.
Luz put both her hands around her ears, embarrassed.
She sighed once again and turned around.
"Long story short, I'm from the human realm, and got trapped here in the demon realm. You know, for witches yourselves, y'all sure you've never heard of me?" Luz asked, raising a confused brow herself.
I glance at Varian and he nods in agreement.
"We're not from here either. We're from another dimension ourselves, it's hard to explain honestly..." I trailed off, taking off my head wrap to reveal my human ears too. Varian did the same, we looked down thinking she was going to look at us like we were crazy.
But she didn't, she didn't even look taken aback.
"We got time." Luz smiled, walking into the house and patting a seat next to her at what looked to be the kitchen.

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