7th Chapter: "Outrage"

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*distance sirens blaring*
*phone ringing*

Daniel: Hello?
HQ Commander (Phone): It is an emergency, Colonel. There's a critical situation happening in Nakajuku Highway, people are getting killed by an unknown target. You must head there immediately.
Daniel: Copy that. On the way now.

Daniel goes to the Highway. He only sees multiple corpses, and some of them are dying from fatal wounds.

Daniel: What a mess. Whoever did this is gone homicidal.

He sees two magical girls helping out people, and joins in to help out the civilians.

He helps out someone, but a sniper bullet kills her.

Daniel: Hey, are you alri--

Daniel: S***. That came from there!

Another muzzle flash is emitted from the Hotel rooftop.

He readies his sniper rifle, sends in the drone, and looks through the scope as he prepares to shoot Calamity Mary, but is stopped by two magical girls distracting her.

Daniel: (So you're that homicidal woman she mentioned? I'm gonna bring you dow-- Huh?)

The two magical girls, Ripple and Top Speed are trying to take her out. Daniel holsters his rifle.

Daniel: D**n it. Looks like I'll leave it to those two.

Daniel continues to help out the civilians and radioed in medical evac for them.

Daniel: This is Colonel Dinglasan, requesting a medivac. Multiple injured civies in my location. Coordinates echo, one, one, five, six, Quebec. Over.
Paramedic (Radio): Copy that, on the way. ETA 8 minutes.

The two magical girls dropped shards of broken glass on her.

Calamity Mary: ?!...You little pieces of s***!

She shoots the glass shards coming at her, but is hit by a throwing star on her forehead and dies. Medical helicopters arrived and airlifted people to safety. The drone is still recording.

Top Speed: You get her?
Ripple: I think she's probably dead.
Top Speed: It looks like you were shot up pretty bad, but are you alright?
Ripple: Somehow.

Just as they were about to high five...

Top Speed: Nice, partner!
Ripple: ...
Top Speed: Come on, high five!

Top Speed loses her consciousness, Ripple notices blood on her wound. It was Swim Swim who killed her.

Ripple: H-hey!....?!

Ripple falls into state of rage, trying to avenge her friend. Swim Swim escapes, and Ripple checks back on Top Speed.

She discovered her detransformed corpse, that she is pregnant with her baby, finding out what the six months meant. Daniel is also shocked, but traumatized to see a pregnant woman murdered.

Top Speed (Flashback): (At the very least, I need to survive another six months.)

Ripple: ?!... Why...
Daniel: (A pregnant woman?!...)

She cries out from her sorrow and anger.

Ripple: Why... Why... Why?!

Daniel's drone takes the picture of the corpses of Calamity Mary and Top Speed in their true identities.

He radioed the headquarters that the situation was now under control.

Daniel: Dinglasan here. Situation under control, over.
HQ Commander (Phone): Copy that. Good job, Colonel.

Daniel left the highway quickly, as the local authorities arrive on the scene.

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