What just happened??

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My heart races fast as I near the trio ,I squeeze ramya's hand and give her a smile. She returns it with a tiny smile.  Before we reach my class one of the guy catches sight of us , he instantly nudged rohit's shoulder and he looks at our direction.
Soon both the boy start shouting rohit's name, and keep looking at my direction , and he chuckles slightly, and bends his head down. I cant believe my eyes, I look bewildered at ramya whose face is covered with utter shock.
She starts racing fast towards her class,without looking behind or waving me a bye. This is so un-ramya behavior. But right now am overcome with so much of emotions that I rush towards my seat, I peep through the window but the trio had already left the place .
what just happened now ?? Rohits friends were shouting his name when they saw me. Did it mean they sniffed out that I have a crush on him. No he actually looked at us, and then chuckled... I have never seen him doing like this. What does it mean. " my instincts says that he is..c.r.u.s.h.i.n.g..on you " mini-me answered thoughtfully.
Oh my god !!!  I want this to be the truth. All the indications prove mini-me's theory. Rohit has a frigging crush on me ?? its like ..
" amazing ! " a deep voice buzzed in.
" ah..yes ! " I blurt out. Then I realize the deep voice wasn't from my head, but someone else said that word.
I look straight and found ritam standing. Wait !! did I speak aloud ? freaking ananya you oughta be careful dumb.
" am sorry. Why did you say that ? " I try to sound casual.
" you look astoundingly amazing, so I said that. Was that an understatement ? " he cocked his head.
Relief flooded across me as I realized my thoughts were well protected in the fortress of my mind , but still I couldn't stifle a laugh for what he just said. He's openly flirting ,I just wish rohit takes his place.
I simply nod my head and start unpacking my bag.
" so did you learn for today's test ?" he tries lengthening the conversation.
" I don't think we have any test today. "
" oh ! yess right.." he gives out a fake laugh.
Before I could react someone slaps my shoulder, I turn back and find priya standing .her 32 teeths exposed.
" It seems that my theory is proving correct, isn't it ?" she winks at me.
" shush priya ! " I give her my gooey-gooey stare.
" catch u later anns ." ritam leaves the class with his duo.
"You are so egoistic. Never accept the fact that a boy is all over you."
" Lower your volume, someone is gonna hear it and start a reckless rumour. That's the last thing I want !" I glare at her.
" as if none would have guessed this truth by now, its all evident darling ."
Knowing I would lose this ongoing battle of words , I quit myself.
Josephine mam enters the class and we warmly greet her. As a part of our class custom we begin the day with a gratitude prayer to god followed by current affair update.
The pick of todays headline was about CORONA VIRUS. The one microbial nano-sized virus swallowing thousands of people in china. This was the name I heard yesterday at news. Surprising it is that corona means crown, how could they actually give a virus the name of a crown ? illogical society ? I don't give this virus much of a second thought and start going along with the classes.

Before lunch we have games period, and I hurry down the stairs to reach the playground. Im not much of a sporty girl, but I want to meet my friends and reveal my new theory to them. Not just that part of me yearns to see rohit  running about the ground ,kicking the football and artistically aiming it to the goalpost. He's a classy player.
On the vast ground,now brimming with my graders I quickly spot shalu and ramya. They both seem like immersed in a deep conversation, and by the looks in both their faces I could judge something serious is going on.
" hey girls ! wassup ?"
Sensing my presence ramya stiffens and steadies herself.
" nothing much dude , ramya was saying what happened in the morning...."
Ramya cuts her short, and speaks " you know rohits friend shouting his name when they saw us , I mean you. That's it . nothing more"
Shalu shots her quizzical glance and ramya glares at her. I soon start ranting about my theory.
" yes ! I was about to discuss it with you guys. It really sounds sorta fishy. Girls I kinda think rohit has a ..."
I am cut short by the sound of the football crashing the nearby fence. Soon 2 figures rush from the other side to retrieve the ball , I hear ramya gasp and then I see properly that one of the two boys is rohit !
His shirt half tucked out,sleeves rolled up, his feathery hair now standing at the corners, beads of sweat dripping across his face he reached the ball with the speed of a lightning. One should learn how to look flawless even in a mess from him. He then clenches his teeth and gives the ball a hard kick, it soars higher and higher and swiftly lands at the ground, missing the goal post by few inches.
" just missed it by an inch bro ! " he groans while clenching his fist.
The other person, apparently the friend from morning gives him a stare.
" Man , looks like the morning mini-saga is still looming over you. Who are you ? what did you do to my boy ? I am seriously gonna confront that girl about this ."
Hearing this rohit's features relaxes and a devilish smile plays at the corner of his lips .
" Shush man ! " he says, his mouth curving into a playful evil grin and both retire to the football ground.
My mind is unable to process what just happened now. Rohits proximity does unimaginable thing to me, that's normal. But what just happened now ? that morning mini-saga, was it our encounter. And that girl his friend was speaking about !! numerous thought ran wild in my mind , choking me .
I pull back myself together and look at shalu and ramya. I could see shock evidently spread across both their faces.
" what happened just now ? " shalu broke the silence.
" I frigging don't know ! " I finally find my voice.
We discuss about this topic further, after finding no other end conclusions we find it best to drop this one. But my heart continued debating on this topic.
Three whistles blew, and it was the cue for us to disperse. Shalu leaves to get school lunch, which leaves me and ramya. She was  silent today which was so unlike her.
" hey ramya ! why do you look off today ?"
" just a lot going in my mind ."
" You can talk to me about anything , you know right ? "
" I know ananya, its nothing serious."
" are you sure ?"
" Sure " she curves her lip into a tiny smile as a mark of reassurance. I know she's hiding something, but I don't press her further.
I enter my class and find priya intently studying.
" Care to close that book, its really making me sick!"
" Okay , my stomach is grumbling . Lets grab our lunch !"
We gobbled our lunch, it kept me sane after all that happened in the games period. Next was maths hour, I hated post-lunch maths period. It was like a lullaby singing me to a nice sleep.
Mam gave us a hard arithmetic problem to crack , me and priya decided to have a math-race . we started applying theorems , equations and all sorts of stupid stuff I had learnt , but this sum was eating my brains.
Just when I was at the verge of solving this tough nut problem ;Mr.annoying back bencher started badgering me. With heavy frustration clouding me I asked him
" what on earth, do you want now ?"
" A 15-cm elegant glass slab with perfect markings that helps you to sketch a perfect line and.."
" Fine. Shut up mr.poet . here have the scale." I hand over him my scale , smiling at his stupid poetic escapade.
" Boy, what's that inside your pouch ? Isnt it named a scale in your world ?" priya buzzes in. only then I notice the scale in his pouch. His partner lets out a laugh, while he smirks like a one-year old kiddoo.
I raise my eyebrow at him , and he grins sheepishly " ahm ! I just u know . I don't.. know !..he stammers .
I grab my scale and start working on the sum. But priya being the fastest, brainiest and what-else ! cracked the sum.

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