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"How about we start with where I am."

He was casually leaned against the bed I had just climbed out of, looking for all the world like a nice normal guy. Hopefully there would be a good explanation for why I was here instead of an actual hospital, though I wasn't feeling very understanding at the moment. My neck was itchy and irritated, I needed a bath, and I hated the fact that I didn't know who this guy was.

He looked about the same as he had when I first met him in the restaurant. He was in a pair of dark wash jeans that looked like they had seen better days and a white t-shirt. His dark hair was swept off his forehead haphazardly, and his blue eyes seemed to glow.

"I don't think we have been properly introduced. My name is Kane, and yours is?"

"Seems like you should know a person's name before you kidnap them," I muttered under my breath. I was irritated at being attacked again, and Kane, unfortunately for him, was on the receiving end of that irritation. "It's Cassie," I grumbled a little louder.

"I assure you, you haven't been kidnapped."

He has a good set of ears... Maybe I really hadn't been kidnapped, but Jason had taught me to expect the worst. I wasn't scared yet, because nothing threatening had happened, but I was ready to get out of here.

"Riiiiiiiight, well if that's the case then I'll just be leaving."

I strode for the door. I grabbed the handle to yank it open, but before I could get it open more than a foot Kane palmed it shut. I could feel him behind me, the heat from his chest radiated off of him, warming my back. I looked up at the hand keeping me from my escape.

His fingers were long and tan. His hand looked rough, like he worked outside everyday. I imagined how those callouses would feel scraping lightly down my sides. Fuuuuck, pretty sure it  was against the rules to lust after your abductor. Where the hell had that come from anyway!?

I was suddenly very aware that all I was wearing was an over sized t-shirt and panties. My bra and shoes were long gone, along with my pants. Goosebumps flowed down my arms and legs and I fought a shiver.

I turned trying not to brush up against him, but he was in my personal space. When my shoulder brushed his chest he flinched. I looked up into his dark blue eyes. He was attractive, very, very, here-I'll-go-ahead-and-take-off-my-pants-you-don't-even-have-to-ask attractive. I swallowed and looked away. It's been a while, but come on!

I kept waiting for him to back away and get out of my personal space, but he didn't budge. I was expecting a familiar fear to fill my belly, but it never did. That was dangerous.

"So, I thought I hadn't been kidnapped?"

"You aren't, but you can't leave," the 'can't leave' finally did it, and ice flooded my veins. I struggled not to shake in fear. Ah there we go old friend, nice to see you again.

"What do you mean can't leave?"

"It's complicated."

Complicated? It was complicated? My kidnapping was complicated!? I could feel myself starting to tip over from scared into recklessly crazy.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!? You can't just keep me here."

I tried to shove him away but he was about as moveable as a brick wall. He knocked my hand off like it burned and finally stepped away. I realized that I was fluctuating back and forth between terrified and angry. I was fast reaching the limit of emotional trauma that I could handle. And here I thought I didn't even have a limit.

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