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I looked down at my nails. Long and naturally strong, I crossed one problem off my enormous list. My healthy hair and nails I could thank my mom for. I designed not to reply and went back to my sandwich.

In response to all the friendly people I had met so far I figured keeping a lid on myself was my best survival option at the moment.

"Mia, I don't think Cassie has adjusted to everything yet, maybe some actual advice would be helpful," Elise advised.

"Right, sorry Cassie. I can't really fathom what you're going through right now, but I'm willing to answer any questions you have."

"What's up with all the women?"

"Oh, well Kane sent most of the guys off the property in light of your problem. A few of his strongest enforcers are still patrolling in the woods, but as long as you stay inside it should be fine."

"Well what if I don't want to stay inside?"

"Cassie, it's not really about what you want at this point. If Kane has to stick you in one of the cages downstairs to protect the pack he will, it would be much easier if you chose to remain indoors of your own free will," Elise replied.

"Mom! Jeez take it down a notch. We're not going to shove you in a cage," Mia shot her mom a frankly entertaining look of admonishment.

"Not again I hope."

I shuddered to remember my time in that cage. Now knowing that the change had actually begun I had a little more respect for Kane since he still let me go. But just a little respect, I still couldn't stand the guy.

"Who put you in the cages!?"

"Your brother, isn't that like standard procedure?"

"No, no it is not," Mia looked aggravated, but I knew Elise was aware I had been held down there. Something told me she had a large hand in how things were ran around here.

"Mia relax what exactly were we supposed to do?"

"I don't know mom, you and Kane could have taken a little more time with her! Helped her to understand maybe?"

"Hey, it's fine I was pretty set on the fact that I wasn't a werewolf."

Oh the days when this had supposedly been a drug induced hallucination. I subtly pinched myself, nope still my reality.

I stood with a stretch, happier and calmer now that my stomach was full.

"What was in that sandwich? I feel great."

"Your body is still adjusting, but with a much higher metabolism than normal humans, you'll find food can affect your mood severely."

Hm, Sierra hadn't been wrong, food and I had been friends for a long time. A higher metabolism I could get used to.

"Mia why don't you start off by showing Cassie around, she can have the room beside yours. Cassie I'll have someone run into town to pick you up some clothes, what size do you wear?"

"A six usually, but while I would love to have the grand tour I do have a boyfriend, a job, and a best friend who, along with her child, has recently been kidnapped. I might need to check up on all that."

"Kane has already taken care of your job and your friend. Your boss thinks you have the flu and the blonde woman is at one of our safe houses along with her son. As for your boyfriend, he is no concern of ours," Elise dismissed me casually.

"I understand that my boyfriend isn't your problem, he is mine, and I will be dealing with him unless you want the cops showing up at your door?"

How I was going to deal with Aidan I didn't know yet. I couldn't use my dad as an excuse again, but I had no idea how to explain why I hadn't talked to him in twenty-four hours. Has it really only been a day since all this!?

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