Wolf's Bane Tea

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"That's the gist of it, why?"

"That asshole. Yes, when you first change you give off mating pheromones, and until you mate they will continue once a year around the time of your first change, but there are things you can do to lessen the impact they have on male wolves! I can't believe he just kept that little tidbit to himself..."

"You're kidding me."

"You can drink wolf's bane tea for example. It just flows through your system and dilutes your scent."

"Why wouldn't he have told me that!?"

"I'm not sure, but I will find out. It's basically like getting your period. It's annoying for sure, and for some it can be worse than others, but it is manageable. No one is quite sure what your power level is yet, because you haven't completed the change, but mom and Kane seem to think you will end up being decently strong. All that means is that you might have to drink a little more tea than the rest of us."

I ran a hand through my hair agitated once again at Kane.

"So what exactly does Kane have against me? I really wouldn't be here if he would just let me go home."

"Kane doesn't dislike you... That's mostly what the problem is."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Kane likes control, he likes things that are familiar and he doesn't like to be challenged or deal with change. Cassie you are the complete opposite of what he wants, but we can all tell he feels something for you. That's some of the reason Sierra is such a bitch to you, she sees you as a threat."

"Why hasn't Kane mated to Sierra already?"

"Well, that's a little bit personal, and you would have to ask him to get a complete answer, but I think it's because Kane's focus is the pack. His mate would be our female alpha and it is important to him that he picks someone worthy of the job. Sierra is loyal to the pack, and a strong fighter, but she tends to be a little shallow and I think that, among other things about her, bothers Kane."

"You're right Mia that was a personal question."

I tried not to jump at the voice. I turned to find Kane standing in the bathroom behind me.

"How did you sneak up on me like that? Are these werewolf senses good for nothing?"

"Kane has an uncanny way of sneaking up on us, werewolf senses be damned," Mia piped up.

Kane just gave me a wolfish grin and looked at Mia over my shoulder.

"Why don't you bring up the clothes I had picked up for Cassie?" Kane asked her quietly.

"Sure. I'll be right back."

Mia slipped out of her bedroom leaving Kane and I alone in the bathroom. He motioned me forward and I preceded him into the room I would be staying in. There was a steaming cup of tea on the dresser.

"Wolf's bane?"

"Yes I thought I would bring you some. It might help with the scent."

His nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he inhaled. I quickly picked up the cup and took a gulp.

"Holy hell."

My eyes started watering from the bitter taste, I fought a gag.

"Ah, because of the strength of your scent I made your tea a little strong."

I powered through and took another hesitant sip. Forcing the hot liquid down my throat. If this would keep all the guys from giving me bedroom eyes I could choke it down.

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