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I was able to leave the hospital after another few days of healing. My back was still tender, but I had to get back to work. My boss had been very understanding about my leave of absence, (possibly because I had been walking home from work when attacked), and agreed to let me work as the maitre d' until I was fully healed.

That would at least allow me to stand in one place with without much movement. I signed my release forms and walked out of the hospital, already dreading coming back next week to work out a payment plan. My empty bank account was crying under the pressure. I was in the process of calling a taxi when a police cruiser pulled up beside me.

"Cassie! I'll give you a ride home, hold on."

Aidan jumped out of the driver's seat and made his way around the car. He opened the door for me expectantly. I couldn't really afford a taxi anyways so with his help I eased into the passenger seat. He shut the door and sat down beside me.

"Thanks. How did you know I was leaving today?"

"Oh, well I asked one of the nurses to give me a call when you left so I could give you a ride," his ears turned red at the admission. "I also wanted to give you your purse, now that Forensics is done with it."

"Thank you so much, that saves me a trip to the police station."

We chatted easily the entire ride. Aidan asked me about myself, nothing too personal for which I was grateful. He also didn't mention anything about my attack. We had similar taste in books and movies. I couldn't remember the last time I had such a relaxed conversation with someone. It was nice.

When we pulled up to my apartment I glanced to the alley way, but it looked normal. There was some police tape up, but they had already processed the scene. I saw a darker stain on the asphalt and looked away. Aidan walked around the car and gingerly helped me back out.

"Cassie, please don't hesitate to call me. For anything. I know you haven't lived here long and might need a friend," he attempted a small smile.

I assumed he had probably done a background check on me and knew a little, if not everything about Jason. He had to have at least read a few of the disturbing the peace reports.

I tried not to grimace at the thought. A lot of men with his personality saw me as a damsel in distress. Seeing as this damsel had been stabbed and actually was in distress I didn't mind the attitude so much. I smiled with a promise that if I needed anything I would call him. I was walking up the steps when he called my name.

"Cassie?" I turned. "I know this is a little inappropriate and forward, but would you go out to dinner with me next week?"

My first instinct was to say no, Aidan could turn out to be a complication I didn't need. On the other hand, with my attacker still prowling the streets it wouldn't hurt to have a cop genuinely interested in my well being.

"Sure," I let a small smile slip onto my face.

"Good, I'll pick you up around eight on Tuesday?"

"Tuesday night is good for me" I said with a wider smile and went inside.

Aidan seemed like a good man, and I really hoped this time I wasn't wrong.

Standing for so long with my back in the condition it was.... ouch. I made it through my shifts at the restaurant though. I was talking to Kelsey when a customer walked in. She had been so upset to hear what had happened; feeling responsible for leaving me there alone.

"Cassie, I am so sorry if I had stayed like I was supposed to then I would have given you a lift! This is all my fault!"

I liked Kelsey and I didn't want her thinking that some assholes action had anything to do with her. If he hadn't attacked me it would have been some other girl. I tried to tell her that, but she wouldn't let it go.

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