epilogue: the past

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the TARDIS landed, it had been the equivalent of 3 days in the time vortex as the Doctor navigated the TARDIS and Ceris recovered from the injuries she sustained. the door to the blue box opened and the doctor stepped out his hat on his head. he looked up at the sky.

Daryll and Ceris walked out. "Wow, that medical wing really works wonders," Daryll said. 

Ceris nodded. "Yeah, healed the scares as well," Ceris said. "What's up with the sky?" she asked.

daryll looked up and was shocked. "Wow, that's colourful," Daryll said. 

the sky was changing lines across, 100s of colours each showing off the 1000s of universes. "This isn't good, that is the multiverse breaking down, what could be causing the?" the Doctor asked. 

there was a massive explosion in the sky. the three turned. "are these flying boats?" the Doctor asked. 

Ceris stared for a long moment. "The orchid fleet and...I don't know these other ships," she answered. "But this isn't the right..." 

"What's that sound?" Daryll asked. the three looked around as two armies started charging at them.

"Run!" the Doctor yelled. the two armies were made up of the undead. On one side the zombies daryll knew all too well, the kind that Herobrine controlled during the undead war but that wasn't more bone showing dressed as pirates, some were even endermen. 

Daryll shooting at a few and Ceris beheading more. "Why are there here they shouldn't be here," She said as the three ducked behind the part of a destroyed wall. "Umm, what is happening?" Ceris asked. 

the world around them started to have the massive Frostbourne city appear around them fading in. "All of history is happening at once," The Doctor answered. "Multiple points of history trying to co-exist. we need to find a way to stabilise local space-time," he added. 

"How..." Daryll was cut off when an energy blast landed next to his head. 

the three turned, and stared at the man in black with a goatee, holding a weapon. "Oh no," THe Doctor mumbled. Ceris's eyes went wide as she realised she had seen this man once before when she was young. 

"Oh my dear Doctor, this is most unexpected," The man said. 

"And who are you?" Daryll asked. 

the Doctor's eyes narrowed on the man. "His man is the  Master and he's probably the course of all this," 

"Doctor you falter me," The Master started. "But no, this is not my doing but I will take advantage of it," the Master raised a device pressing a red button. "The instability allows me to bring my allies here," He said.

a red portal opened as loud marching could be heard. "NO NOT THEM!" the Doctor yelled. "YOU CAN'T BRING THEM HERE!" 

the Master laughed. "Too late Doctor, too late," he laughed a wicked evil laugh.

"What's coming through?" Daryll asked. 

"Not them, no, no, no not them," The Doctor said.

metal men, with black soulless eyes built into their helmets, handlebars going over their heads. a chest plate with various lights and colours. one of them stepped forward with black handlebars instead of silver. "You have upheld your half of the bargain Master," he said, a deep booming voice that sound like it was coming from a robot voice box. 

"What are they?" Ceris asked

the lead one turned to her. "We are the Cybermen," it said. the cyberman turned to the Doctor. "We met again! Doctor!" the Cyberman. 

"Cyberleader," the Doctor said. 

"Destroy them," The Cyberleader ordered.

"At once leader!" the other Cybermen said raising their weapons. then the undead fighting reached them. the new types of zombies attacking the Cybermen. 

"Destroy them!" The Master yelled.

the Cybermen fired their weapons, the energy bolts smashing into the zombies, them falling down before getting up again. "Increase weapon power!" The Cyberleader ordered. 

Ceris grabbed The Doctor and Daryll teleporting them out of the way. "Quickly back to the TARDIS!" the Doctor ordered. the three rushed to the TARDIS still standing there after the battle between the undead armies. 

the Doctor pulled out a key and unlocked the door to the TARDIS. the rushed and froze. three more people were standing in the TARDIS. one was blond with a patchwork coat of many colours. the second was a young-looking woman wearing the armour of a timelord guard. and the third Ceris knew all too well.

"Who are you three and what are you doing in my TARDIS?" the Doctor asked. 

Ceris jumped towards Lance. and the patchwork coat man turned to the Doctor. "Well, this is where it gets complicated, Hello I'm the Doctor,"


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