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Ugh... my head...

Uncle is the power out? It's really cold.. and... metallic? I realized I was confined in a metal container, I instinctively thrashed my body only to fall out and hit the floor.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see a blond haired girl with a pink-purple outfit. She smelled faintly of maple and spruce wood. Maybe Mahogany? Ugh I'm going to have to take my medicine soon..

"I'm okay, where are we..?"

"I'm not sure, I just woke up myself, heh.." She kept a smile on her face but a note of worry bled into her laugh. "Why don't we look around?" I nodded in agreement and she walked over to the door. When she opened it she jumped as a giant robot yelled at her from the other side. I quickly sprinted towards her and pulled her out of the way as the beast swung its arm into the space she had just been standing. I silently cursed to myself as I felt my ears tuft out of my head, I pulled my hat securely over my head and started to dash down the hallway.

"Ah-! Where are we going!?" I skidded to a stop and set her down.

"I'm not quite sure..." I turned to pretend I was looking for the robot while I slipped one of my pills into my mouth. I turned back when I heard the slight screech of a door opening. The door was opened by a guy with several piercings, green hair, and the scent of several places mixed together, I'm guessing he travels often.

"Hey, Come in here!" He waved us over. The girl ran in with no hesitation and I chose to follow her. "So that makes 16 of us, Rantaro Amami, nice to meet you." He stuck out a hand to each of us which we both shook.

"I'm Kaede Akamatsu! And this is, oh, I guess we forgot to introduce ourselves huh?" She smiled lightly at me.

"Ah um.. I'm shuichi Saihara..." I fiddled with my hands while looking down at the floor. I don't want them to get close to me...

Suddenly a new smell entered my nose. It was a little confusing with 15 other people but i'm sure it wasn't coming from any of them. It smelled like gunpowder and steel. I tensed up causing the others to notice.

"Shuichi? Is something-" "Phuphuphu..." The others jumped and looked towards the stage to see a half black and white bear rise from behind the podium.

"Welcome my students... to DANGANRONPA!!"

The bear explained to us that we were in a killing game. A lot of us were shocked, some were angry, and someone... laughed?!

"Wow! This sounds fun!" I turned to see a guy about 5, maybe 6 inches shorter than me. He had purple hair, a checkered bandana, and flashy white clothing.

"What the hell are you saying!?" A taller guy stepped towards him with his fists clenched, he had magenta hair with a matching jacket.

"Hahaha! A killing game is one of the most interesting things that will ever happen to you space boy! So much better than normal school!" He flashed a bright smile and held his hands behind his head... but something was off... He didn't show the slightest hint of worry, but I could smell slight perspiration from a nervous sweat and the slight release of cortisol and adrenaline hinting as signs of fear. I hope the medicine works soon because this feels kind of invasive... But I wonder why he's smiling if he's really afraid...

"Everyone please. Now is not the time to fight, how about for now we get settled in and figure more out in the morning." That came from a girl with pale green hair and a dark dress.

"Yea, you're right, let's see if there's somewhere we can sleep." Kaede agreed with her.

"I saw some dorms we could use..." A girl with brown hair chimed in. She led us to a round building which had sixteen rooms and a nameplate corresponding with each of us. When I walked up to mine I could see my picture had my canine attributes included. I quickly snatched it off and stuffed it into my pocket. I don't want anyone to see that.

"Whatchu hiding there mister?" I jumped and turned to see the purple haired boy snickering at me.

"I could ask you the same thing..." I said quietly but he could still hear it. he smirked at me with a curious look.

"Whatever do you mean emo man?"

"Why were you pretending to be happy when you were afraid?" His smile faltered for a second but he fixed it so quickly I almost didn't see it.

"That happiness was 100 percent genuine! Or maybe I'm lying~ You'll never know!" I saw his smile fall slightly as he turned and ran off. I'm worried about him.. What caused him to lie like this?

I walked into my room but I froze when I saw the bear known as Monokuma sitting on my bed.

"So it's come to my attention that you've got a secret..." I gritted my teeth immediately on guard. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me, And I won't tell the others about your medicine... Yet... PHUPHUPHUPHU" He did that horrible laugh as he walked out of my room. His last word echoed around in my head.

Yet... I clenched my fist...Yet... With a yell, I swung my fist into the wall, leaving a large hole. If the rooms weren't sound proof somebody probably would have heard that. I sighed and brushed the debris off on my pants before sitting on my bed. That bear... I let out a whimper and fell back onto my back. I laid there for a while but I couldn't sleep. Eventually I sighed and looked at my clock.

2:34 AM.

Nobody should be awake right now... I need to go on a walk to clear my head... I stepped onto the sidewalk outside and took a deep breath. The medicine had kicked in by now so my senses weren't as refined but it was still nice. The only sound was the slight woosh from the wind that I could hear if I focused enough.


Hold on.. I thought there were no animals... which means someone is awake... I carefully followed the sound, which became more apparent that it was crying as I got closer.

"Why... Why this Awful killing game!" I saw the figure leaned against a tree, they threw a rock with a lot of force. It was hard to see who it was in the dark and I couldn't tell them by scent anymore.

"Hello..?" They jumped and turned towards me shocked, but quickly regained their composure.

"Nishishi~ What are you sneaking around for? Man this place is making my allergies act up!" I now recognised the figure as the purple headed guy. "I just realized we never really introduced did we, I'm Kokichi Oma! And I'm the leader of a group with 10,000 members!"

"That's a lot.. what does your group do..?" I guess he wanted to change the subject so I went along with it.

"Hold on, what's your name first, then I might tell ya."

"Ah.. I'm Shuichi Saihara... but I don't really have anything impressive.."

"That's not true! I heard from Kayayday that you saved her! So I'd like to hire you for part of my elite force. A leader such as myself has lots of enemies so I need a personal bodyguard!" If anything it would be more dangerous for him to get close to me...

"I really shouldn't... In fact I should just go back to bed..." He gave me a confused look but he let me walk away.

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