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First things first. We ran to my room where I grabbed my medicine and took a dose, and put the bottle in my pocket. I tucked my tail in and put my hat over my ears while I waited for them to retract, then we went to find the... victim...

"I think I smell blood coming from down the stairs.." I told Kokichi as we walked down the schools hallway.

"Try to avoid talking, your fangs are showing." I blushed a little out of embarrassment and put my hand over my mouth.

We reached the bottom of the stairs to see everyone huddled around the body. When they saw us coming they moved out of the way to show Kaede on the floor. Her body was twisted and it looked like she hit her head as the final blow. I shakily nealt down and put my hand on her wrist. No pulse. I took in a breath through my nose.

The scent of piano on her, the irony blood, and... something else.. It's faint but. It would get suspicious if I started sniffing her but it could be important. I think the other scent... it smells like the ocean...

"Hey shuichi, are you okay? You've been sitting there for a few minutes." I know who killed her but how am I going to prove it...

"Angie... where were you...?" The others all looked at me confused. Angie's eyes widened ever so slightly but she was quick to cover it up.

"I was telling Kiibo of Atua! And all of his wonders!"

"She was, she even went and got me this pedestal." He held up a small wooden statue.

"How long was she gone?" 

"Huh? Well maybe five minutes, wait are you saying she killed Kaede!?"

"Hold on Shuichi, that's a pretty serious accusation.." Rantaro stepped between us. "Maybe you have some proof?"

"Yes Shuichi.. Go ahead.. Atua would like to see your proof." Angie gave me a threatening smile, making me whimper a little.

"I- It's..." I couldn't tell them but I couldn't let her go..

"We saw her." I turned to see Kokichi. "We saw her push Kaede, but it was too late, we left to go to the bathroom because it made Shuichi feel sick." He's putting himself at risk by lying like this... why..?

"Atua says you are lying Kokichi.... For Angie did no such thing." She was looking a little angry but she still kept a smile on her face.

"Shuichi doesn't seem like the type to lie though..." Kaito stepped up behind me.

"Also working together wouldn't help them in any way since only one person can graduate." Maki agreed as well. Suddenly Angie stopped smiling and glared at me making me jump.

"Atua says you should stop lying... or he will punish you!" She walked towards me threateningly. 

"Well miss goddess girl, what if he punishes you?" Kokichi pushed her back from me.

"Atua wouldn't punish me! ATUA NEEDS ME!!" She yelled at him, slowly losing her cool. "HE NEEDS ME TO ESCAPE SO I CAN FULFILL HIS PURPOSE!" Her eyes widened and her hands slapped over her mouth.

"You did kill Kaede...." Rantaro glared at her with a dark look on his face.

"Why Angie kill friends... Gonta no understand..." He started to sob and he put his face in his hands.

After that Monokuma dragged us into a trial. We confirmed Angie did it and we all voted her guilty. She was sent to her untimely demise, via "punishment" Where she was forced to paint a mural of Kaede out of her own blood. When she put the last stroke into it, she collapsed from blood loss, to never wake again.

Me and Kokichi walked out of the trial room side by side. My ears and tail had retracted by now.

"Why did you lie Kokichi...?" He looked at me slightly surprised, then smiled.

"It's because Lying makes things more fun!... and... I wanted to trust you... so I did.." He gave me a genuine sweet smile, then it quickly turned into a smirk. "And now you owe me! Feel free to pay back your debt whenever." He giggled and crossed his arms behind his head.

"well, okay then.." Kokichi looked at me blankly for a second. 

"It was just a joke, don't worry about it silly~" He stuck his tongue out at me. "Let's go hang out!" He grabbed my hand laughing and led me to his room. It was pretty messy with stacks of papers and a horse mask for some reason. He picked it up and gave it a kiss on the snout.

"I've missed ya horsey!" He then held it out towards me. "Give horsey a kiss! It makes him happy hehe!" I blushed a little but leaned forward and gave it a little peck. He then pulled it away and looked at me with a pout. "You call that a kiss? This is a kiss Shui!" He grabbed my face and pulled it towards him making me tense up. He closed his eyes as he connected our lips making me flush a vibrant red.

He pulled me close and held me in the embrace for a few seconds before pulling back. He was panting slightly with a rosey haze on his cheeks.

"So, how was that Shukami?"

*A/N Shukami is a combination of Shuichi and the japanese word for wolf (ōkami)*

"I- Uh.." I struggled to speak as I felt my face glow tomato red.

"Nishishi~ You look pretty cute when you're flustered! Let's go hang out now!" Ignoring what he just did, he grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed to play uno. I tried to focus but my mind kept wandering back to when he kissed me.. Each time my cheeks would flush red and he'd giggle at me.

The next day I met up with Kokichi at his room since we agreed to go to breakfast together. While we walked there me told me a tale about his members and this one time they were stealing ice cream but one of the girls tripped and it fell all over the cop who was chasing them. I giggled at his story while he described the cops face between gasps of laughter.

As we reached the dining hall, I pushed the door open letting him in. When we entered everyone else was staring at us with serious looks on their faces. Kirumi held up a bottle that I recognised as my medicine.

"Shuichi, we need to talk.."

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