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Is this what Angie was talking about..? It's not possible.. She or Monokuma probably had someone do this to scare us... right..?

Kokichi just brushed it off and laughed.

"As if some make believe god would 'DaMn Us'" He said in a mocking tone. He laughed out loud, facing up before suddenly freezing.

"Kokichi...?" I took a hesitant step towards him. he didn't move as suddenly a drop of blood fell on his face. My eyes widened and the iron scent appeared. I looked up to see Himiko pinned up on the ceiling with a dark stain, dripping from her torso.


Tenko let out a choked cry mixed with a scream and she fell to her knees. Tears ran down her face as she stared at her beloved's remains in horror. I shakily stepped forward and took a deep breath. My eyes widened. The blood was the only thing I could smell. Everything else was just absent.. as if... Hold on.. I think I've heard of this chemical before. It erases all smells meaning I wouldn't be able to track the killer.. but maybe there is another way... In fact this was rather similar to a show I watched.

"I need to smell all of your hands."

"Uh- I know you're trying to find the killer but that's a little odd sidekick-" I grabbed his hand and brought it to my nose. It smelled like dust and sweat. 

"Don't question his ways! He did get Angie after all!" Kokichi chirped as he handed me his hands. The scent of artificial grape.

"Wait I thought you said you saw Angie?" Gonta questioned.

"Obviously that was a lie! Nishishi!" I moved on to gonta, he smelled of earth. Tenko begrudgingly agreed as well.

"If it helps you find out who did this to sweet Himiko... I WILL MAKE SURE EVERYONE COMPLIES!" Tenko yelled jumping up. Tenko's smelt of sweat. Kirumi's smelled like gentle hand soap and cleaning supplies. Miu's smelled... questionable... I just did it long enough so I could clear her as innocent. Maki smelled of Iron of blood and tools, but it wasn't Himiko's so I didn't question her. As for Tsumugi, hers was unexpected.. It kind of smelled like ink and gunpowder.

Rantaro's had that adventurous scent. Ryoma smelled like sweat and fur, he probably has a pet. I was hesitant to go near Korekiyo but he smelled like dust of old things. Kiibo smelled metallic and faintly of cherry blossoms. Either I made a mistake or the person was very careful to not get the chemical on themselves. Then the scent of the ocean entered my nose. Similar to how Angie smelled. A sharp pain stabbed through my head making yelp and grab at it.

"Shuichi? What's wrong?" I fell to my knees as the pain became unbearable. Kokichi's words sounded distorted and distant.

"Shu shu shu... I i i... Chi chi chi..?" I felt nauseous and I wanted to just pass out.

"Kirumi!! Help!>!" I heard myself growl out of my own free will. It felt like my body was tearing apart. I screamed out in pain but it just sounded like a roar. Suddenly as if a seal had just been breached it all stopped and I collapsed. I breathed heavily as my vision tried to refocus. I felt two pairs of arms helping me up. I looked to see the slightly blurred figures of Kirumi and Kokichi.

I shook my head so I could see clearly. The others were watching me with mixes of concern and fright. Then it was subtle but I saw something drop from the ceiling to behind the others. It was too big to be a drop of blood.

"Atua has DAMNED YOU!!" A voice behind them yelled, it sounded like a mix between Himiko's voice and a growl. Everyone turned to see the magic lover standing. Alive. But not at the same time. Her eyes glowed a fierce red and Two ears along with a tail sprouted out of her. She then crouched to the ground and pounced at me. She was faster than Gonta and I just barely dodged her.

"Atua says to kill this cursed beast... He is not pure, a bringer of chaos to this world.." She lept at me again, this time making deep scratches along my arm. I yelped out in pain as my blood splattered the ground.

"Himiko! Please stop-" Tenko tried to get to the girl but she was swiped back, crashing into a wall. She groaned as she slid to the floor, her head visibly bleeding. Himiko's arms then grew, sprouting with cherry red fur. I followed, with my right arm, since it would be too painful to do both. For some reason she doesn't seem to be affected by the transformation, but if I were to do it the pain would put me in a vulnerable position.

I dodged her as she leaped at me again, then swung at her. I didn't do enough to tear the skin but I did bat her to the ground. That gave me a second to check the others who were either watching from the corners, leaving, or helping Tenko. I looked back and swung my paw just as she lunged for my stomach, taking us both over. I struggled to hold her back as she snapped at me, her fangs dripping with spit.

I felt her lifted off of me as Kaito picked her up and threw her to the side.

"Come on sidekick! We stick together!" He grabbed my hand and picked me up as Himiko lifted herself from the floor. The back of her shirt was starting to protrude now, as her canine form broke through. Her colorful fur ripped through, her clothes being torn to shreds. She now stood before us as a complete wolf, almost as big as my own. I don't know how this is possible, she had no signs, or scent of it before. Unless... Atua really did this...

 I wouldn't be able to fight her like this, but I also need some time to transform. I looked around and suddenly locked eyes with Kokichi. He seemed to understand.

"HEY!! OVER HERE MISS FUZZY PANTS!!" He yelled swinging his hands in the air. He then ducked behind the table and ran as Himiko went after him. With a grunt, I pushed myself to transform. The pain lit up my body causing me to yell out. Himiko and Kokichi looked over at me. The boy had concern all over his face.

"Sidekick! Whats wrong!" I just roared in response as I felt my arms and legs realigning. I felt myself lift from the ground just in time as Himiko rammed into my side. We crashed into the wall as I grabbed her by the scruff and threw her off of me. We both jumped up and circled each other, on guard for the slightest move. Her movements were purely that of a hunter, all traces of her former self were gone.

She kept muttering over and over, "Atua has damned you. shuichi Saihara and..." She mumbled another part but I couldn't quite make it out. I understood a little of the barks and growls but I wasn't exactly fluent in it. She once again snapped at me, catching one of my back legs as I tried to roll out of the way. She then lunged for my stomach with her jaw wide open. She was ready to tear me apart.

"BACK OFF YOU BITCH!!" She suddenly lurched to the side as Kokichi brought a chair down on her. She shook her head and turned to him with her fangs bared.

"Atua has DAMNED YOU!! SHUICHI SAIHARA AND KOKICHI OMA!!" This time as she roared I realized what she said, but I was too late as I saw her running straight for the purple haired boy...

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