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Y/N's POV:

As I arrived back in England it was pitch black and raining, the weather matched my mood. Depressed. My eyes were red from crying, I only managed to drink some water but my stomach was too tight to want to eat anything.

I was in two minds to stay at Malfoy Manor or stay with someone but I needed to go back home first to decide what to do next.

Because we are wizards we rarely use phones but we had them just for emergencies, it had constantly been going off with calls & texts from Lucius.

"Please come back darling" one said.

"It wasn't supposed to happen I wasn't thinking straight I made a mistake please Y/N forgive me" another said.

I ended up turning the phone off something I didn't want to do but I had no choice I couldn't face talking to him at the moment, I was hurt and angry the last thing I wanted was to argue again I was too tired.

As I got back to Malfoy Manor the elves took my stuff in, I slowly walked up looking around the gardens where we got married. I looked at the fountain where we found out I was pregnant with Abigail.

I started crying, how could he do this? How could he destroy our family for her? A disgusting vile old woman who is a homewrecker!!!

When I got in I fell to the floor and cried again, I sobbed and sobbed. The elves didn't know what to do, one of them held my hand and patted it. I looked up and wiped my tears whilst the other elf handed me a tea.

"Thank you so much elves I appreciate everything you've done for me and the children" I say as I choke back the tears. They nod and smile before they headed back to the kitchen. I got myself up and sat on the sofa.

I sat there in space for a good hour just all numb, hurt and upset. What was worse was I was on my own, I had no one to turn to. The elves barely understood really so there was no point in trying.

I went into his studies, I rarely go in there as it's his place where he can go and not be disturbed, to be alone to think about his thoughts. So I wanted to sit in there to see if I could do the same.

I noticed a tray by his chair that had two glasses facing down on it, a bottle of whiskey and a cigar. That was his rule to the elves to always have them on the tray at all times.

I sat in his chair and I slowly fell asleep, hoping it was all a nightmare and I would wake up in France next to Lucius all happy and madly in love.

I woke up the next morning in my bed, all alone. I knew it wasn't a dream, I felt gutted. At the bottom of the bed was a tray with toast and orange juice. I was still confused on how I ended up in bed and not on the chair.

I went downstairs after my breakfast to let the elves know I had finished so they could tidy up. I suddenly saw someone go into the dining room.

"Who's here?" I ask an elf.

"Severus Snape Miss" he says nervously.

"Did he put me to bed?" I ask looking confused.

"Yes Lucius had asked him to come and check up on you" he replied before running off into the kitchen.

I enter the dining room to see Snape at the dining table sipping his tea and reading a book.

"Ah good morning Miss Y/N, how are you feeling?" He asks me politely giving me a crooked smile.

I always felt strange around Snape because of what happened in the past in Paris, threesomes wasn't really my thing but I had to admit it was amazing and so glad I did it!!

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