Christmas at the Malfoys. Part one.

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Y/N's POV:

December came around quickly which meant our girls were coming home soon!!! Draco was starting to feel a bit like himself again although he did have his days where he'd be on his own it's how he copes with his grief.

He told Scorpius about his mother passing away and he did take it hard bless him, but luckily he stayed at Hogwarts and my girls were around to support him which made me and Lucius very proud when we read that they were looking after him in their letter.

It's not been an easy year with me and Lucius and then Astoria plus me nearly being killed and not remembering it so I am going to make this the best Christmas EVER.

The update on me and Lucius is that we are slowly rebuilding our relationship, he's been so good with me giving me time to slowly trust him, heal from the pain & just being understanding to how I'm feeling especially not rushing me into anything I don't feel comfortable with right now. I mean he's been making homemade dinners, buys me flowers now and again and helps with the errands.

We decided to go on dates again after Christmas once he wasn't busy at the Ministry and I wasn't busy with my book as it's getting interest from different publishers so I had a lot of appointments with them.

Another update is Draco and Hermione, well a little birdy (Hermione) told me they kissed a few weeks ago and have been on a few dates. I couldn't imagine anyone better for Draco than Hermione so I'm very happy for them especially Draco after everything he's been through.

I know in school they didn't get on but they are older now, Draco is completely different to how he was in Hogwarts. He's not even mean anymore, he's just cheeky now which is what I love about him sometimes especially the banter we have.

When I got up this morning it was chilly so I put on my fluffy dressing down and headed downstairs for some hot chocolate and porridge.

"Good morning" I said excitedly.

"Good morning darling" Lucius says grinning at me.

Not long after Draco and Hermione came down for breakfast.

"Morning guys" he says blushing whilst holding Hermione's hand.

"Morning lovebirds" Lucius says teasingly.

"Lucius!!" I slap his arm in a joking way.

"Leave them alone!" I said.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" Lucius says smirking.

"It's the first of December guys!!" I said excitedly.

"I know I love Christmas!" Hermione says squealing with excitement.

Lucius groans. He knows why.

"Can we put the tree up?" I ask Lucius batting my eyelashes at him.

"It's a bit early isn't it?" Lucius chuckles.

"After a hard year we need some festivity and joy in our lives!" I say.

"Why don't we wait until the girls are home? They can help us decorate, like a family" Lucius suggests.

"What a few days before Christmas?!" No way!" I say crossing my arms.

"Y/N it's too early, the answer is no now I'm going back to my paper in peace!" He says tutting.

I rolled my eyes at him as he was speaking.

"Are you rolling your eyes at me?" He asks smirking.

"Noooo!" I say before I start giggling.

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