This is FUN

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Rita's POV:

Lucius Malfoy is such a boring person, he doesn't excite me one bit. Apart from his huge cock. He literally talks nonstop.

But one thing I loved is the fact our plan is working making it all worth it.

Narcissa Malfoy is my best friend who is in Azkaban because of Y/N and Lucius. I managed to sneak in and see her and that's how we came up with a plan.

The plan was to destroy their marriage, drag Y/N away and kill her without anyone trying to stop us because Lucius isn't around to protect her anymore as he thinks he's with me.

It's been a couple of days since the party where she was laughing at me the bitch, just she wait she'll get what's coming to her.

The fact he thinks we have some sort of future makes me laugh, he's old and boring. He's definitely not my type but I had no choice but to keep seducing him if this plans going to work.

After the party I didn't see Lucius until this morning so I had a bit of peace and quiet. I managed to slip away and see Narcissa who was pleased the plan was working, next was to get the bitch Y/N away so I could let Narcissa kill her.

"I'm sorry about Y/N" Lucius says to me as he sits down next to me.

"It's okay don't worry sweetie" I say to him.

"I'm going over today to see her, I loved Y/N but I've hurt her too much for us to come back from it she's too mad at me and she deserves better so I think it's best to file for a divorce" he says.

"Oh sweetie if that's what is best then maybe that's a good idea, I'm here for you" I say to him stroking his arm.

"Thank you, it's the hardest thing I'm ever going to do especially as we have children together but I have to think of them. They don't want to see us at each other's throats miserable I don't want it like Narcissa again" he says sighing.

"Do you miss Narcissa love?" I ask him.

"Oh god no she tried to kill Y/N and got her dad involved, she deserves to rot where she is" he says.

There was a knock at the door. It was a young girl with a ginger lad and she didn't look happy.

"Hermione, Ron how nice for you to visit" he says softly to them.

The girl slaps Lucius.

"Woah woah woah" I shout. She then came after me! The ginger lad pulled her back.

"HERMIONE!!! HERMIONE!!! She isn't worth it!!!" He shouts. She pulls herself together.

"I just can't believe you've hurt my best friend" she says trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry Hermione" he sighs. She doesn't say anything but she walks off with the ginger lad following after her.

"I've gotta go Rita, I need to sort this out" he says and then leaves. I sigh and then head into the bedroom.

I managed to sneak communication in so I could talk to Narcissa, I updated her on everything and ask when it was time to kill Y/N.

I heard the door move so I immediately stopped and went to look outside. Weirdly no one was there so I shrugged it off.

Tomorrow I go after Y/N and make her life hell, make her suffer.


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