Christmas at the Malfoys. Part two.

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Y/N's POV:

I was up bright and early, the sun was only just rising and the birds were beginning to sing their morning song. I woke up with a massive smile on my face.. I was so happy because today our girls were coming home for Christmas!!!!

Lucius was typically still snoring his head off yet I was so excited I hardly slept and in the end I just got up because I wasn't settling down. I missed my girls so much I can't wait to hold them in my arms and hear all about their stories at Hogwarts.

I got up and dressed and then headed downstairs to ask the elves to create a nice breakfast, I helped them out by cutting up the fruit and laying out the table. There was pastries, pancakes, loads of toast in a basket and cereals to choose from, a selection of fruit, jams, peanut butter and marmite. The elves also started cooking bacon, sausages, eggs, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes etc as we needed a good breakfast before we go and collect them from Kings Cross Station.

The smell of the bacon awoke everyone as I heard movement from upstairs.

"I smell bacon!" Lucius says as he comes down the stairs. His blonde hair was all over the place, he was scratching his arse and he had a hangover.

"Yes me and the elves have put together a lovely Christmas breakfast for us to have before we go collect the girls and Scorpius!" I say excitedly.

"Oh how lovely.." he says giving me half a smile before he sits in his chair. He made himself a coffee and then started reading the paper.

He wasn't a morning person especially after drinking heavily the night before. I sit down in my usual seat next to him and wait for Draco and Hermione to come down.

The elves came in with the food all on big plates and dishes for us to help ourselves instead of having it already fished out.

Not long after Draco came down but Hermione didn't which I found odd.

"Morning father, mom!" He says half asleep.

"Morning son, where's Hermione?" Lucius asks.

"She's a bit upset so she's staying in bed.." he says looking worried.

"Oh how come?" I ask.

"Because she can't go meet her children off the train.. Ron is going and he doesn't want Hermione there. Basically he's just being an arse, he wrote her a letter last night about it but you was asleep and father was drunk so we didn't say anything until now.." Draco explains.

"Poor Hermione, let me go speak to her!" I say getting up.

"No she wants to be left alone mom" Draco says. I sit back down.

"Okay well I'm not having Ron do this to my best friend" I say frustratedly.

"Well what do you suppose we do then?" Lucius asks me.

"I'll take them.." I say. Lucius and Draco gasp at what I said.

"That's kidnap!!" Lucius says.

"No it's not I'm taking them to their mother, if he has a problem he can take it up with me!" I say.

"What if he kicks off?" Draco asks.

"He won't with me there" Lucius says grinning.

"Look all I'm doing is collecting them to take them to their mother, if he wasn't such an arsehole in the first place and let Hermione see them then I wouldn't have to take such drastic measures!" I say as I sip my orange juice.

After we finished our breakfast Draco took Hermione some breakfast up and a flower he picked from the garden whilst me and Lucius got ready to leave.

"She feels a bit better now I've took up some food for her and she loved the flower" he says.

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