I'm just here dying

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You know that feeling when you need to sneeze really bad?

That's my life, but never ending.

 We ran out of nose crap and I'm dying rn. And I don't remeber if I took my allergy pills

And if I take another one, then supposedly my liver could fail or something. 

I remember grabbing it but not putting it in my mouth. 

It's this annoying tickle like I need to sneeze but I can't and then I start choking and my eyes start watering. 

I think I beat my record of sneezing 6 times in row without being able to stop. (Apparently some people think that it's bad luck, ) Freaking punched the metal door frame with my knuckles and now there bleeding. And almost slipped on the pavement bc of course it's cold and raining. (But I'm clumsy af anyways)

I have sneeze attacks, lol. myths/superstitions about good luck bad luck sneezing: 

It's bad luck to sneeze while getting dressed and it's bad to sneeze to the left. 

It's good luck to sneeze to the right  and sneezing between noon and midnight is good luck. 

Lemme just say it's such a freaking relief to sneeze. That's the only break of feeling better and then it starts tickling again. 


More facts about sneezing!? 

Apparently 95% of people sneeze four times a day. Well if I count my sneezes I'm already at 9 lol, and if just started my day, I've been awake for 2 hrs.

If you sneeze 4 times a tragedy will befall on your family. 

Whoever up there like: "yes, they finnaly sneezed 4 times! Lemme just make their house go on fire-"

Me: *sneezes again*

Them: "...well that only means I can-"

Me: *sneezes 3 more times*

Them: "ah so-"

Me: *sneezes*

(The ethereal beings can't lay a finger on me. Maybe that's why I've never broken a bone. 

And I can't tell you how many times I've jinxed that. So I truly believe I won't break anything. 

Like bitches can't break these bones, I drink milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Call me gross, but milk just calls to me. Like that one time when I tried to chug an entire gallon and managed to drink half of it. 😂 

No I didn't waste milk, it was on vacation and we can't bring milk on the airport.  And so we didn't want to waste it so I tried my best to chug it. I felt like I was going to puke everywhere.

I love how this conversation went from sneezing to chugging milk. I mean, I wanted y'all, I'm the best spammer ever. I have so many thing in this thick brain.

And surprising writing as  distracted me from my suffering and haven't sneezed in 10min, wow!

Thanks for listening! Have a cookie and a hug, your a very good listener. 🫠

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