this is criminal. (so much rant)

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Apparently where I live, they decided to create school to have air conditioning all around the school except the gyms.

Does this even make sense????

So. I signed up for volleyball summer leagues. And. Its supposed to be 97, just advisory today. And we are going in to a building with no air conditioning, no fans.

And on top of that there are a bunch of sweaty people making the place muggy and sticky. You can't even function or think because it is so hot.

So, I'm a pretty good volleyball player. You'll just have to belive me I can't show you unless you come and see me.
So I'm now a junior so I thought. Oh ill probably be on the varsity team, the room which is 20 degrees cooler. But no. I'm the jv team. Now I don't show any emotions, only the deep gutted feeling of my brain mocking me saying, "this always happens to you loser."

So I'm about 5'8 and 5'9 with mah shoes on. So I was the tallest on my team.

Like. The tallest. I felt. Out of place. No I was going to bend down. Because then I would find myself in a awkward position. So I just stood there. Contemplating life.

Oh the list goes on. I don't know anything that went right the night. Besides my amazing driving 😌 i used cruise control first time a freaked out. 😅

But anyways...the list...

So I was on Jv with only 1 other junior who...I'm not saying is bad, I just don't know how to say it nicely. They just, don't have many years of experience as I have gone through. 7 to be exact. And everyone is around 5'4 some 5'5

And half of the team. Were freshman. They weren't annoying, I was just annoyed. Like how did me. A junior. Get here?

And why. I wana ask but last time I asked something like this it was: "because you are a good leader and can help the younger people."

B. S.

I am the opposite of a leader.
First, nobody listens to me. Its like a little invisible person plugs there ears when I speak.

And second, I only know how to work with players. WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

That day. Nobody. Knew. What they. Were doing. ANDDD its supposed to be just the girls figuring out and no coach. BUT WOW, THEY GAVE US A FRIPPIN MIDDLE SCHOOL COACH WHO TEACHES 6TH GRADEERS

I am so offended. And he didn't even coach, so it made us look stupid and the other team look better.

Like we already looked stupid but it just added more stupid.

Like the only sport that wants to kick me in the ass since I've been in highschool.

I just need a good team. But I can't find a good team. Because they keep kicking me to a younger team.

There were only 3 people I consider who could work on this team. And that's everyone besides the freshmen. They have good serve but they are slow. Like we don't have that many days on summer league why did you put me on the team that will most likely never work and we'll get humiliated.

I'm just sick and tired because my skills have been thwarted 2 years in a row now.

Freshmen year was sorta my fault. I didn't know about tryouts and only came to one, so I got jv2. (This was the year of masks and I almost got heatstroke :D)

Like a shitting punishment. Nobody gave me any emails. Like fuck off.

Sophomore year I got jv, ofc. But the coaches changed and well, that turned out bad....

Now I'm hoping varsity, but them have been putting freshemn on varsity. So its basically shit. Freshemn last year were cocky and ego much. And now that they get varsity right away makes them more of the little pricks they are.

Like I'm a nice person. So I can't fucking do anything lol.

If I get jv and all my friends go to varsity I may just quit.

I'm done making new friends. There's this one girl and she's new a freshman and she's a setter. Oh boy I can just feel it in my gut that I'm not going to like her.

Setter vs. Setter.

You know whats really shit. Because I'm a long John I gott go in the middle and can't set.

How the fuck am I supposed to do this. I've never in my 7 years of playing volleyball have played middle.

Because everyone on my team was the same height or taller !!! Like why am I wiff short freshman.

They move 0.1 feet in one step.

And like I know somebody who is just as short, but she moves like there's no tomorrow and respect that.

I swear freeman. I just have this hate for them. 🤣 not all but some. If your freshman and reading this, this is for my school and I don't know who you are. 🙃

Well I have a game today and will probably pass out from shame and heat stroke. The end is near...

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