Owl house ff???

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Tw: Violence 

(Not really revised. So bear with me. Just wrote it down to make a outline really.) 

I awoke bright and early, my body bruised and sore. I stare up at the ceiling. I didn't want to get up. I hear slightly normal birds chirping loudly outside. I had learned to wake up at this time. If I didn't I would be punished. I get up walking towards my closet, to find a tattered and bloody golden guard uniform, a pale cloak, and a mask that was cracked. I look at it grimly. I must've forgot to wash it from the night before, I think miserably. I grabbed it and dressed myself.

I looked in a mirror, the fear it brought me to stare upon my blank altered look made me freeze as I examined the mask on my face. I was sure this is what you saw before you died. The mask had stained blood, I lifted my hand to the mask and I rub my thumb on it to try and remove the stain. I sigh deeply as it doesn't work.

I exit my room and to my right I see Hunter exit as well, as usual my sync and waking up time has shown great progress with Hunter, the only person I would call a brother and someone who I respect.

As I too have little power. Instead of a half-witch, I am not a witch at all. Taken in as a little kid by Belos. He told me I was a boy who was crying in the woods, lost and broken. He felt pity on me and took me in. I don't know why he did, nobody else seemed to care. Maybe he saw a little of himself in me...

Hunter had his mask on and turned his head to look at me, he walked over to me, looking at my tattered look and tired slumped look. He brushed a piece of dirt off my shoulder. "You look like shit." He replied.

"Thanks," I murmured. He seemed to almost feel bad. "Come on, we better go to the meeting, we can't risk being Kate again." I nodded and Hunter left me there, before stopping and turning towards me. "And please..." he hesitated, as if he hated dating it. "stand up straighter." He left me there, and I used all my strength to straighten my posture before following him. We reach the meeting room in the royal hall. Most of the golden guards are there and up in the front are Belos and kikimora. I search for Hunter but can't see him.

"Welcome, welcome! Please take a seat!" She waved her hands and chairs appeared behind everyone. Everyone started to sit down but I didn't want to, but I'm forced, as Hunter grabs my shoulder pulling me down to sit. I hate sitting here, and Hunter knows I do. I force myself to look up towards Belos and kikimora, as he scans the crowd his eyes come to mind, at first I thought he was actually staring at me, but his eyes flickered away and he began to talk. Hunter puts a hand on my shaking one, I look at him and he's staring at me. "Your shaking." I look down at my bouncing leg and try to stop. I try to drown out the noises. I clench my fists, a feeling that had been hidden now slashing across the inside of my chest, trying to burst out. Hunter grabbed my wrist, squeezing it tightly. I look towards him but he isn't facing me. I clench my teeth and my attention finally comes back as I hear my name. I look towards Balos and everybody who is now staring at me. I feel out of place and awkward.

"Without Caleb of the royal guard, we wouldn't have figured out a way to do it. We will finally be able to reach the human world."

The human world!? I want to scream, I want to yell at him and gouge his eyes out for lying to me. but I gave a curt nod, His blue eyes flickered keeping it on me before looking down to kikimora. And saying something in a hushed tone before walking out.

"That is all!" Kikimora said, waving a finger to open the doors.

"Remember it's the blood moon ball next week." She rushed to get everyone out. I tried to storm off needing time to myself but kikimora grabbed my cloak. "Balos requests to speak to you," she gave me a wicked smile, before giving a little wave to Baloss room. Hunter comes up from behind me, but Kikimora gives him a dirty look. "Only, Caleb—"

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