Disturbing Dream (story time)

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Tw: kidnapping 

Just woke up from a weird and bad dream. And like all my terrible dreams it starts off good and then out of no where turns terrifying. 

Fun fact: whenever I have a dream and it is dark out (like a nighttime dream)and I am alone, ALWAYS AND ALWAYS. Something decides to come out from the darkness. That being something I can't see (like footsteps running at me from the darkness.  Or a wolf or some monster. 

Honestly footsteps is more terrible. 

But in this dream, it started out fine. In a neighborhood I'm slightly familiar with, I got off work. I was wearing no shoes and just like last night it had that nice night air smell too it. It's night time and I see other people, so my head feels safe and I know that my other coworker is coming soon so we can walk to the corner and split ways there. 

AND omg, the only person safer I would imagine. My coworker was tommyinnit and Wilbur. Tommy comes racing after me and we both walk until we have to part ways, Wilbur popping out of no where. 

(Another fun fact about my dreams: I have a lot of YouTuber/celebrities dreams. Like just two nights ago I had a dream about Tom Holland. And the apocalypse which I have many dreams about too. Idk why. My dreams are reallly vivid. We may have held hands at the movies—ehhh) 

So I say goodbye, have a good night and instead of going home (which I apparently just saw, I turn backwards and start running 

I also have this thought of: since Tommy is British and it's colder up there, I wonder if he thinks it's cool or weird that I'm wearing no shoes? I thought it was damn cool in my head 

Like bruh 😂 

I start just full on steam line running, taking a deep breath of air. 

And then. My dream decided to give me a little scare. That evil dream thing sat down besides me on my bed and was like: "oh this perfect." 

I run into the darkest part of the neighborhood and end up at my grandpas house. And the lights are off on all houses. And as I kinda do a jog in concision. I take that one fatal glance of paranoia behind me and that's when I see the man. 

There's nothing creepy about him, only that he's wearing his hood up and he's staring at me intensely and seems to have been following me from the very beginning. Now that he knows that I've caught him, he starts running towards me. Ready to grab me. I do this side run before his cold hands grab me. In my head I'm screaming but it won't allow me to scream out loud. Before the man could do whatever he wanted to do. I awoke with the covers off of me as I gripped them tightly, my eyes were still closed, I was still in my dream, but I had realized the man had looked like the manager and maybe he didn't want to hurt me. The man was gone and I was still thinking about the terrible dream. Not ready to fall asleep and keep dreaming about it. I force myself to open my crusty eyes at 3am in the morning, my room cold and fan on me, my arm where the man had grabbed me with cold hands. The fan was blasting me. So that's why I must of felt so cold. 

This dream was real life creepy, never again. 

I can't imagine this happening in real life. Damn scary is what it would be. 🫣

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