Chapter Two

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"Yes, Lumi. I am the son of Morro."

My mouth fell open.

"Watch your back," Asrar warned. He turned away and walked towards his next class.

• • •

Lumi ran all the way home. "Dad!" she screamed, opening the door.

"What is it, Lumi?" Lloyd asked his daughter.

"We tell each other everything . . . so I wanted to tell you that . . ." Lumi didn't know how to word it. "Morro's son transfered to our school."

Lumi's father gasped. "Are you sure it's him?"

Lumi nodded. "Positive."

Lloyd shook his head. "This is bad. Like, really bad. We need to tell the ninja."

"I mean, just because his dad is evil, doesn't mean he is," Lumi said. Lumi's cheeks became pink.

"Sweetie . . . I love you, but you can't let your emotions get in the way of your job," Lloyd told his daughter.

"Dad!" Lumi complained.

"I've met Asrar. I can promise you he is just as bad - if not worse - than his father. Just because you think their cute doesn't mean that they aren't evil," Lloyd lectured.

"Fine. We'll tell Master Wu," Lumi caved.

"It's been a long time since I've seen my uncle," Lloyd thought aloud.

The door opened just as Lumi and her father were about to leave. "Guys! It's Morro! And someone in a black mask is with him!" Blaze yelled. "Hurry up and change!"

Lloyd and Lumi exchanged a glance.

"What?" Blaze asked, recognizing the look that Lloyd and Lumi gave each other only when they knew something.

"Well . . ." Lumi began. "We know who's under the mask."

"Who?!" Blaze asked, shocked.

"Morro's son," Lumi answered.

"Morro has a son?!" Blaze's eyes widened.

"Yes, and you know him." Lumi sucked in a breath. "Morro's son is Asrar."

Blaze's mouth fell open. "Wait . . . How do you know that?"

"He told me," Lumi said.

Blaze's eyebrows furrowed. "Why the hell would he do that?"

"Why the f-" Lumi glanced at her father. "Why would I know?"

Blaze shook his head. "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that we defeat this ghost and his son. Let's go!"

Blaze and Lumi split up, put on their ninja gi, and met back up outside Lumi's house.

"Where are Bylur, Lillian, and James?" Lumi asked.

"They're already fighting. Come on!" Blaze grabbed Lumi's hand and they ran out into the streets.

"Where's Morro?" Lumi wondered.

"Over here," Blaze said, pulling Lumi towards the school. As they got closer the winds got stronger. When they finally came across Morro and his masked accomplice, the rest of the ninja were already there fighting. Lillian was trying to hit Morro with water, but it wasn't working because Morro kept blowing the water back with wind. Bylur was trying to freeze Asrar. James was trying to help Jake. Asrar was trying to get Jake, but James was protecting him.

"I'll get Morro! Help out Jake!" Blaze yelled over the loud winds.

Lumi ran towards Jake. She created a rock wall between Jake and Asrar. She tried shooting energy at Asrar, but he kept dodging it. James tried to strike his with lightning, but he was dodging that too. Finally, Bylur managed to freeze Asrar. Bylur ran off to help defeat Morro, but James and Lumi stayed behind.

"Time to find out who you really are," James said.

"I have a feeling that I already know who it is," Lumi smiled.

James pulled down the hood. Lumi gasped when she realized that it wasn't Asrar. It was . . .

"Katie?" James asked. "Why are you helping Morro?"

Meanwhile . . .

Lillian almost hit Morro with water, but Morro escaped just in time.

Blaze ran over and realized that there wasn't much he could do to help his cousin. But there was someone who could. Blaze ran into his aunt's house. "Aunt Nya!" he called.

Nya came down the stairs. "Yes?"

"Morro's here. We need your water powers to help us out," Blaze said.

Nya ran back upstairs and came down in her ninja gi. She pulled on her mask. "Let's do this!"

Blaze and Nya ran out the door, but when they got there, Morro was gone and Bylur was there.

"Did you hit him?" Blaze asked Lillian.

Lillian shook her head. "He escaped."

"Let's go help the others then," Blaze said. He, Lillian, Bylur, and Nya ran towards the masked accomplice.

James pulled down the hood.

"Katie?" James asked. "Why are you helping Morro?"

Blaze gasped. His crush was a villian? How could this be?

"What?" Lumi asked. "Aren't you supposed to be Asrar? What's going on?"

"Who's Asrar?" Nya asked.

"Asrar?" Katie asked. "That new kid in our homeroom?"

"Why would it be Asrar?" Lillian asked.

"Because Asrar is the son of Morro!" Lumi yelled.

"How do you know?" James asked.

"He told me!" Lumi answered.

Blaze shook his head. "Katie . . . Why would you do this?"

"Because you guys are all ninja and you never thought to fucking include me!" Katie screamed.

"How did you know we were ninja?" James asked.

Katie hesitated before saying, "The damn interviews. I could tell it was you because you acted the same."

"I just acted like a wild teen. Why would you suspect me?" Bylur asked.

Katie rolled her eyes. "You're  kidding, right?"

Lillian pulled down her mask. "If you wanted to be included, why didn't you ask?"

Katie didn't answer.

The rest of the ninjas pulled down their masks as well. "Exactly," Blaze said. "You didn't have to turn evil. You could've just said you wanted to be a part of the team."

"You wouldn't have let me join," Katie answered. "Because I don't have a power, you would've said it was for my fucking safety."

Blaze used his fire to unfreeze Katie's feet. "But-"

Before Blaze could get the rest of his sentence out, Katie ran away. She ran into a crowd and everyone looked for her, but nobody could find her.

"Well," James said. "We'll see her at school tomorrow anyway."

"I guess so," Lumi agreed. "Goodnight then."

And they all went back to their homes, but none of them could sleep.

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