Chapter Ten

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The week flew by quickly and suddenly, it was Thursday. With no Morro, Ninjago City had been incredibly peaceful. Asrar and Lumi we're in homeroom.

Lumi wasn't quite sure what her relationship with Asrar was right now. They had kissed multiple times over the last few days and even made out in a janitor's closet for almost ten minutes, but he still hasn't asked her to be his girlfriend or to go to the dance with him. They had both been living at Lloyd's house since Morro was gone. Lumi was confused, but she didn't bring it up.

"Don't forget about the dance tomorrow after school," Ms. Johnson reminded the class. Now that Morro was gone, she had been returned to her teaching position. She didn't know it was Morro who kidnapped her, so Asrar didn't have to worry about that. She had gotten a quick interrogation by the police, but that was all.

"You can talk amongst yourselves until next class. We only have one week left from tomorrow, don't forget," Ms. Johnson smiled.

Asrar turned towards Lumi. "So . . . I heard that you don't have a date for the dance tomorrow," he said.

"You heard correct," Lumi admitted.

"In that case, would you like to go with me?" Asrar asked.

Lumi nodded quickly. "Of course."

Asrar smiled. "Great."

The bell rang.

"I guess that means that I'll see you tomorrow," Lumi said.

"And next period," Asrar reminded her."

"Oh yeah . . . then too," Lumi laughed.

• • •

Lumi heard a knock on her bedroom door. She quickly ran to the mirror to check that she looked okay. Her green eyes were lined with black eyeliner. She was wearing mascara and green eyeshadow the same color as the streak in her hair. Her lips were painted with bright red lipstick. She was wearing a dark green dress. Her blonde hair was pinned back using a green butterfly clip, were you could still see the green streak. She was wearing green butterfly earrings. The green butterfly earrings had belonged to her mother. Lumi had never known her mother, since she had died in child birth. These were the only things Lumi had of her mother.

Lumi smoothed her dress and then opened the door. Asrar stood there in an actual suit. He had a black blazer and black dress pants. His undershirt was white. His tie and shoes were both purple. Lumi's mouth fell open. "You . . . you look great," she told him.

"Thank you," Asrar said. He grabbed Lumi's hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing it gently. "You look great as well."

Lumi blushed. "Thanks."

Asrar handed Lumi a green and black corsage. She put it on her wrist.

"Well, let's go," Asrar said. He grabbed Lumi's hand and led her downstairs. On their way, they passed Lloyd.

"You better be back from that dance by midnight," he warned.

"Yeah, yeah," Lumi said. "We will."

Asrar opened the front door and led her to a limo. Lumi didn't know that a limo was coming. Asrar opened the door. Lumi hopped inside. Sitting there was Jake, James, and Lillian. Jake and James were matching in light blue tuxedos and Lillian was wearing a dark blue - almost black - tuxedo.

"Hey!" Lillian called. "I knew you wouldn't have anything prepared, so I asked Dad to come pick you up."

"Smart," Lumi said.

Asrar sat down next to Lumi. Jay was in the front. "Do we have any more stops?" he asked.

"No," Jake began.

"Amber, Blaze, and Bylur are driving together," James finished.

Lumi laid her head on Asrar's shoulder as Jay began driving.

"You guys are such a cute couple!" Lillian exclaimed. "The purple and the green go so well together!"

"Lillian," James started.

"Calm down," Jake said.

"So, do you have a date, Lillian?" Lumi wondered.

"I'm meeting a girl there. I have a crush on her, but I think she just wants to be friends," Lillian sighed.

"What's her name?" Lumi asked.

"Maya Hills," Lillian said. "She's in my art class and my gym class."

"Maya is such a nice girl. Her parents are wonderful too," Jay commented as he took a turn onto the street that their school was on.

"What about you guys?" Lumi asked the twins. "No dates?"

"I'm going with Jules as friends," James said. "He's meeting me there."

"I don't have a date," Jake said. "I'm . . . waiting for the right person."

"There's the school," Jay said as he turned into the driveway. He dropped the teenagers off and then drove away, promising to pick them up at 11:30.

Asrar opened the door to the school and led Lumi inside. The twins and Lillian followed behind them.

Lillian ran up to a girl who was waiting by the gym doors. "Maya!" she smiled. Maya had long black hair that flowed to her hips. She had sharp blue eyes. Her dress was the same dark blue as Lillian's suit. She was absolutely stunning.

"Lils!" Maya exclaimed, hugging her friend. "You look great!"

"Thank you! You look wonderful!" Lillian commented.

On the other side of the gym doors, James and a red-head were laughing at a joke James had told. The red-head must've been Jules. He was wearing a black suit with a light blue tie. His outfit was the exact inverse of James' outfit. Jules had a light blue tie and a black suit, meanwhile James had a light blue suit with a black tie. Jules looked very happy to see James.

Jake headed into the gym by himself. James and Jules went in a minute later, but Lillian and Maya were still talking outside the doors.

Asrar and Lumi stood outside the doors. "Ready?" Asrar asked.

"Of course," Lumi smiled. "You?"

Asrar nodded. "Let's go."

And then they pushed the doors to the dance open.

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