Witch from the Beyond

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Andromeda Claire Holloway

Whispers of shock followed us as we entered the village streets. I was limping now after the long walk but I smiled at the people bathed in the light of the setting sun. People were pointing at Theodore and me, crowds forming the streets.

"It's her!" someone yelled out and a rush of people yelled out their responses, some calling it fraud but others believing it. I held my head high, all of the royal lessons I had learned from my mother playing in my head. I had killed the king 4 years ago but it didn't mean I wasn't dignified.

An old woman pushed the crowd away to stand in front of us. Her face was wrinkled and her hair flew out around her. Theodore stopped, a fake smile forming on his lips as the woman asked, "Is it really her, your majesty?"

His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I pulled away, quickly brushing my hands down the front of my shirt. He frowned at me, his face saying you should have done it for show. I shook my head so he turned his attention back to the lady. His voice came out smoothly, "Yes, this is Lady Andromeda. She has returned to take her rightful position as the crowned queen as arranged several years ago."

What? I hurriedly opened my mouth to speak but the crowd surged forward, circling us. Waves of mixed calls were cried once again.

"Where was she?"

"Are you sure that's her?"

"Maybe that's the witch from the beyond trying to be our queen!"

"She doesn't look like she wants to marry him."

"I would die to be her!"

"Why her? My daughter is so much prettier and will happily take your hand in marriage, King Laurier!"

"Mother, don't embarrass me!"

At least one of these people had the right idea in mind- I didn't want to marry him. I would have gladly left this world to go back to the other but I was curious to see who the "witch from the beyond" was. Maybe whoever had yelled it out knew something about why I had left this world. Theodore was trying to silence the crowd and didn't notice me pushing away, dissolving into the mob.

The yell had come from somewhere in the background so I pushed out of the cluster, Somebody pushed against me, knocking me to the cobblestones. My ankle throbbed and I struggled to stand. I felt a hand grab mine and steady me. A face met mine, loopy black curls framing her dark skin. Her amber eyes opened in surprise and she knelt.

"My Lady," she said, bowing her head. I backed away in shock before touching her shoulder gently. I didn't deserve to be bowed to.

I helped her off the ground, "Who are you?" She was a person I knew I had never met before.

She fidgeted with the hem of her dress, "I worked in the castle and hadn't expected King Laurier to be back so soon especially not with you, you look exactly the same as the picture in the hallway and the library and-" Her eyes were alight with wonder now and I cut her off to stop her rambling.

"You work in the castle?"

"Oh, yes!"

"You're okay with it?"

"King Theodore treats us well, all of us, did you expect something else, my Lady?"

I didn't say anything. I was thoroughly wrong in thinking of Theodore as the cruel ruler. She was beaming at me now, wonder in her expression. I gave her a gentle yet awkward smile, I wasn't used to this kind of admiration, before asking, "What's your name?"

She brushed a piece of her hair away from her face, "Cassie, Cassie Solace."

I was about to say something but she excitedly said, "I know you! Well, everybody knows who you are! You're the famous Andromeda Holloway!"

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