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Andromeda Claire Holloway

The air in Lumar tasted like salt, thanks to the powerful waves that breached the rocky shores. The wind tousled my newly blond hair, a simple hex by Regulus that hid my brown hair. My eyes were now a sea green and my skin a shade lighter, all a disguise against any of the guards after us.

We had been in Lumar about a week or so, sustained by the seemingly endless push of gold, which he claimed was magically made to sense the royal blood in his veins and draw coins from the Thalorian vault. He was out looking for a small house, one by the sea as I had requested, and I set off exploring the quaint coastal village. We had agreed we would look for my father after we had gotten settled but I still kept my ears pricked for any news of him.

My senses were filled with the smell of the sea, the shops filled with fragrant spices, and the seemingly never-ending stalls and stores, selling a variety of products- ranging from fish to whalebone necklaces.

I felt dizzy with delight, flashes of memories of growing up by the ocean before I joined my mother in her duties helping the queen of Riseria. I had a sneaking suspicion that every time I connected to something from my past, the missing memories tied to it would slowly come back.

But that was just an idea and I didn't need them to be happy because the truth will always be-

It will come when my heart is ready to carry it.

My eyes scanned the busy streets before landing on a small teashop with the words, "Mindful Teas," written on a sign in crisp, flowing handwriting. I walked over, seeing the place was empty, and stepped in, leaving the bustle of the crowd behind me to enter the quiet shop.

A lady sat behind the counter, around her 40s but the way she wore her long, black hair made her look younger. Her eyes immediately brightened when she saw me, keenly observing my every step. I couldn't help but wonder why there was no one else in the place but I pushed the thought aside as the woman greeted me, "Welcome to my humble store."

I politely said, "It's very nice to meet you."

"And me you." Something about the way she looked at me, like a hunter watching prey put me on the edge. I looked at the menu written in the same handwriting as the sign outside but I could feel her gaze settle on me, sending a chill down my spine.

Clearing my throat, I said, "Could I please have the house special."

She smiled, making my skin crawl, "Of course, it'll be right up."

I settled coins onto the counter as she bustled into the back of the shop, sitting in a wooden back chair as I waited, every instinct telling me to leave immediately. I ignored it and shifted in the seat, hitching up my skirt. The minutes passed and each one made me more paranoid. Just as I made up my mind to leave, the lady came back out, holding a steaming cup of something.

"Thank you," I muttered, pulling the cup close to me. I inhaled the smell, expecting a floral scent and spices but was greeted with a sickly sweet smell. My stomach twisted and told me not to do it but I ignored it and took a small sip of the tea.

Instantly, my vision blurred and I tried to scream as a searing pain shot through my head. But my voice was muffled as my body convulsed. I tried to spit the stuff out but the lady grabbed me and made me force it down. My voice was muffled as she put her hand over my mouth and  tightened her grip on my throat, making me choke as she squeezed and squeezed, cutting off my air's passageway.

I tried to pull out of her grip but whatever she had slipped into the tea was taking its effect. I tried to scream again but couldn't force my voice to work, only being able to throw the searing liquid in her face as everything went numb.

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