
11 3 16

Andromeda Claire Holloway

I rubbed my eyes, the darkness overwhelming me. A candle was illuminated next to me and I stood up, stretching my stiff back. Looking around what I thought was a dungeon, my eyes rested on a figure leaning on a door frame, the door cracked to cast a beam of light. The figure walked towards me and as he came into view, I saw his eyes, full of demons. Dark, dirty, beautiful, eyes that coyly watched me.

I didn't say anything because I knew it was him- Regulus. The same eyes that had peered at me through a silver mask were now watching me with a burning hatred. It was just my luck that I ended up in Thalor's dungeon, now in the position of being the prince's "practice board" as the men who had brought me here said.

He chuckled, licking his lips, and stepped closer to me, "Well, well, well. Our little assassin got outsmarted, didn't she?" I backed away like a cornered animal, weaponless and not nearly half as agile as I usually was. My breath was coming in quick, sharp gasps and I could feel perspiration gathering on my brow. No witty remark was coming from me and I could feel my throat choking up. He was unhooking something from his pants, a knife from the silhouette, and I back away further, pressed against the wall.

"I presume my dear brother showed you the map?" His voice was laced with sarcasm and hate.

"W-What do you want?"

He smiled wickedly, his straight white teeth showing. Not the time to think about that, I told myself as he drew nearer. Regulus took the knife and brushed it on my neck before pressing it down in one spot, "I want you to apologize."

"For what?"

He pressed the knife down harder, "Don't play dumb, Andromeda. My, my, you've lost your charm. What happened to the snake in you, the one that bit back."

Regulus drew blood now and I hissed, "I didn't do a damn thing to you. You were the one making dirty remarks when we were dancing." I didn't think this was the same person I had shared that evening with, that one being more reasonable and pleasant than the one pressing the knife to my neck. The warm, slipper substance slipped down my neck and I felt a finger wipe it away.

"Stop denying it, you know how badly you hurt me." His voice was low now, dangerously low, the knife poised over my windpipe. I swallowed hard but I shook my head, feeling tears starting to well. He leaned in, his face mere inches away from mine, "You were a liar, a crooked liar and you know you were. You lied to me. But then again, so did I. You did dance with a devil."

He pulled away and just as he was about to leave the room he whipped back around, looking at me with a coldness in his eyes that matched Theodore, and raised the knife. Before I could react, he hurled it, knicking my ear. I let out a quiet sound and Regulus smirked, "And that devil wants to tell you, you fell for his act."

Regulus Pierce Rowe

I hated seeing her like that.

I closed the door behind me, hearing a quiet sob come from inside the dungeon. Slumping against it, I could feel my heart racing, my mind asking me the urgent question, "What did you just do?"

I had never meant to hurt her but I had taken the act too far. I had loved her but neither of us had done anything about it- even after I had made it obvious. No, she wouldn't settle for just a prince, she wanted a king. Andromeda had chosen Theodore, even after taking a blood oath with me that she would never choose power over love.

It was easier to hate her on the outside, to mourn on the inside, and nurse a broken heart. I only hated her because that was the only other emotion I knew she would now give me in return. I had let my guard slip at the ball and it was all a mistake because I could feel the same emotions surging in me, like 4 years ago. I couldn't let that happen, I couldn't let myself get hurt again.

I felt something nudge my foot so I looked down, finding my blade slide under the door. The side was still marked with Andromeda's blood. I gripped its hilt, holding it up in the light. She had written something with her blood and as I gazed at it, hurt twinged in my aching heart at the sight of what she had written.


My reflection reflected my pained face. It painted the word on my forehead. 



I'm doing so good posting this week, aren't I? Personally, I like this chapter because it gives more of an insight into Regulus' and Andromeda's past. And I had a lot of fun writing it, especially him having a dagger to her neck. (I can already hear Leah's thoughts, "Is he flirting?") Don't worry, I'll call 911-WATT-PAD for anyone who needs it! :)

Love y'all!


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