Blue Fire

12 4 34

Regulus Pierce Rowe

I had screwed up.

I knew that much. My world was a mess, my mind not knowing if I should hate her or if I shouldn't if I should tell her the effect she had on me or not. I just couldn't seem to get it right, making the wrong comment at the wrong moment, trying different tactics. I knew her more than I knew myself, really. My hope was all set upon her, the truth being, her happiness made me happy, her beautiful charm, and the way she held herself made her more irresistible. I wanted to love her, and for her to return that same feeling towards me. I knew I loved her, against all reason in this world.

But ultimately, the truth was I was scared of loving Andromeda, the idea of confessing it scaring the hell out of me, even more than her putting a dagger to my throat. Because I was scared of getting hurt again. The truth is always more simple than it seems, isn't it?

I closed my eyes as I lay in the bed, wrapped in a coarse, moth-ridden blanker. But all I could see painted on my eyelids was a picture of her, her eyes dancing in the firelight as she glared at me. Andromeda had little, innocent demons in her eyes and they recklessly played with matches. I've never seen sparks so pretty.

With that thought in mind, sleep pulled me in

I gasp as a sword pierces through my skin, a wicked grin forming on the person wielding the weapon's face. Theodore. A wall of fire, blue fire, burned behind him and I knew his pawn has cast it. It engulfed the space we were in and drew closer to me the more I struggled to back away. He pulled the dull sword out, the dullest weapons always hurt the most to be taken out, before stabbing it back in, in the same spot where I had nearly bled to death years ago- by the same sword and hand.

The agony sets in and I scream, my body battling the feeling of the word as the fire met me, lighting me on fire as my screams grew louder. Collapsing to my knees, I screamed again and again until my throat grew hoarse and I could no longer call Andromeda's name. She didn't come because she had chosen him instead of saving me.

The flames slowly subsided and I could feel tears sliding down my face as my eyes widened, paralyzed with shock. I fixated my stare upwards, my head roaring. I blink.

The wound is gone, the sword also vanished. But the pain remains, and the despair still roams.

Andromeda Claire Holloway

I woke up to screams, agony-filled ones, that I could hear through the thin walls. They were coming from Regulus' room, I knew this because it was coming from the right of me. Concerned, I groggily slid out of the bed, dressed in a simple shift. Padding quietly out of my room, I pressed my ear against the door to his room.

Sobs echoed loudly.

Without hesitation, I opened the door to see a moonlit figure hunched over on the edge of his bed, hands covering his face. I stared at this vulnerable side of the cocky, arrogant fool, unsure of what to do- help him or leave. I told myself to go with the latter option yet I couldn't bring myself to do it. I stepped closer and he looked at me, tears streaking his cheeks.

Carefully, I sat down next to him on the bed, unsure what to say because it was usually him who made the first remark. Gently, I took one of his hands from his face, confused why this feeling of tenderness had come over me because it wasn't how enemies work and we had very well declared our relationship that- enemies. I was supposed to hate him, to leave him in his own misery in situations like this. I peered at him even though he didn't want to meet my gaze, "You're hurt, aren't you?"

He looked at me, tears glittering in his eyes and I could feel the sadness emitting from him. I quietly whispered, "But not physically, in your heart, right?"

Regulus nodded and I wiped a tear from his face, "Who hurt you?"

"Somebody I once loved very much," he said, so softly I almost missed it. He didn't look at me, instead, squeezing my hand before asking, "When does the hurt go away?"

I moved closer to him, all my hate now replaced with a feeling of sympathy towards him. Because I wished I had had somebody to ask those same questions to when my mother had died, somebody who wasn't my father, "When you accept it as a part of you, an important one, as valuable as happiness or hope or love. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away, nor does running from it." I could feel myself choking up as well but I forced it back down, "The funny thing is, when you face your hurt, to face it boldly and unafraid it... it just goes away."

He smiled at me through his tears, "I never took you for a philosopher, Andromeda."

I pulled my hand away, ready to leave, but he grasped it again, "Thank you."

I didn't say anything, nodding, and not looking back as I walked out of the room, knowing full well who had hurt him. Me. And he still looked to me, accepting my words. And he had once loved me.

"But why?" The question repeated in my head as I tossed and turned in the rickety bed before falling asleep.




I dreamed of blue fire only to be-

Roused out of my sleep, I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around me, a pine scent filling my senses. I opened my eyes slowly, turning my face to the one holding me.


I quickly closed my eyes upon seeing that his were partially open as well. So much for having two rooms when he's going to end up sleeping in mine, I thought. Carefully, I slowed my breathing to make it seem like I was sleeping once again and I felt the hands wrapped around my middle loosen. One hand reached up and brushed a lock of my hair away from my forehead, gently tucking it behind my ear.

His voice whispered quietly, "The prettiest faces always have the darkest souls, don't they?" I felt safe in his arms. Odd since I had been making death threats all day.

Just as I was about to drift off back to sleep he added softly, "Love looked pretty on you, once upon a time, darling."



Two updates in one day for you, my beloved Ravens! This chapter is honestly one of my favorites and I've been looking forward to writing it! (Not exactly a one-bed trope but kinda in a way) Consider it your duty to vote, comment, and read, to quote Leah! #VOCOR


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