The pleasant Rumor (Mahi-Sakshi)

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Since I am currently simping  them,
I would like to dedicate my first os on them.
Next would be my Virushka's one shot.

Okay, let's start.

November, 2021

"Arggghhhhhhh!!!!!"  Sakshi huffed in displeasure, throwing away her phone on bed. This has been going on since one month, and Lord, she was really pissed off now.

Mahi, who just returned from his pleasant stroll at the garden with Ziva, was shocked to see his wife pink in anger.
First ,clearly thinking it to be his fault which it always used to be, his mind wandered off to the day's chronicles which took place and tried remembering if he had done something. He closed his eyes and pressured his brain to immediately find the reason, but he couldn't find any fault of his today.
Did he left the geyser on? No!
Did he left the towel on bed? No!
Did he––

Dad, why did you stop infront of your room? And why is mom angry? She is rarely angry!" Ziva asked, clearly confused of her father's weird behaviour.

Nothing Zi,. You were tired right? See it's late, go and freshen up. We will soon have our dinner; okay . I know you are hungry. And about your Mom being angry, I would handle her," Mahi pecked her cheeks.

Yeah, you better do that, I don't want any grim faces on the dining table" Ziva ordered, like a mom.

"Aye, Aye captain!" Mahi mock saluted which made Ziva giggle loudly. She ran away towards her room before Mahi could catch her. Mahi just nodded his head, smiling at the little munchkin.

"Noo, I am not. Stop calling me dude. I don't even fucking know you! Stop it!" Sakshi shouted over the phone, gaining Mahi's attention.
Yep, he was sure now that something grave did happen.And the worst part, he knew nothing about it.


I don't care if you are some damn news channel or not, the fact that you are constantly disturbing is enough for me to answer you rudely. This being the eight call of the day, I am warning you, if you pester me again, I am going to file a official complain." Sakshi reasoned. Mahi understood that it has to do something with him, again!


Yeah, so? I am not answerable to you, sir. This is my personal matter. Why do you even think I want to indulge any information in this matter? And where did you get my contact number?" Sakshi replied, maintaing her patience


"You know––– Ma–Mahi, what are you doing?" Sakshi questioned, as her conversation was cut to an abrupt end as her husband snatched the phone.

"If you want any information, please contact our manager! Never ever call back at this number again, it may have bad repercussions." Mahi condemned in a sly tone. This was about his family, and knowing how irritating they can be, he had to take some actions. He disconnected the phone and kept it on the bed.

What did you do? I was handling it!" Sakshi reprimanded.

Calm down, sakshi. Lets sit and talk." Mahi said, rubbing her shoulders; calming her down a little bit.

Sakshi left a heavy breathe and sighed. She was quite disturbed of the happenings. Not, that it was happening to her for the first time, but this time it was too much to handle.

Now tell me, what happened ? What is going on? It is always you trying to calm me down and seeing you angry makes me doubt if you are my wife or someone else." Mahi joked but one glare from Sakshi was enough to shut him and zip his mouth.

"Nothing, it is nothing– lets have our food, its quite late. Ziva must be hungry!"

No, until and unless you tell me what's wrong with you, I won't let you step a foot out of our room. And by the way, she went to freshen up, and it would take her time. Till then I will solve your problem.

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