The burned pea (Virushka)

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This one is dedicated to @kiran1209
Since she requested it.


"That's it, I can't take it anymore" Virat crunched his nose, his heart breaking into pieces, witnessing the scene infront of him. The liquor glass in his hand broke into pieces, gifting him deep cuts.

Viiiii, what are you doing? Are you freaking insane? What the hell!" Rohit, the concerned best friend, ran towards his idiot friend, so as to tend him.

"Nothing, I am fine. I should go and check on Vami once. She has been alone for some time." Virat ran from their, avoiding gazes. He can't give people anymore gossip. Rohit stood in stance as wondering about what happened to Virat, who was just chilling with him, half an hour ago.

"Ro, what happened to Virat? And why did he leave like this?" Rahul questioned for a reasonable reason. His eyebrow took it's shape of worry, since he doesn't remember the last time. Athiya put a calming hand on his shoulder, conveying that everything would be fine.

"Ask him! I am started to have a feeling that he has finally turned lunatic. His one true form!" Rohit rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Rohit, where is Virat? What happened?" Anushka, who was merrily dancing with Ranbir, who was one of her best friend, got worried to see them discussing something in hurdle, with Virat missing. She instantly knew, something was wrong. Wifey instances!

"I don't--Oh! I know now, what happened" Rohit realised as he saw Ranbir following around Anushka.

"What?, And why is this glass broken? Ro! Say something!" Anushka was hell worried now.

Nothing, I-how-can-I" Rohit stammered, eyeing Ranbir, who instantly understood that there was a problem.

"Okay, Anu, you talk to them, I will probably help myself and my wife with some beverages" Ranbir solicited, awkwardly. He quickly turned and ran towards Alia, who was catching up with some of their industry friends.

"Now, if your hindrance is gone, tell me what happened?"
Anushka asked, scrunching her eyebrows in anger.

"The thing is you know, how he is right? Immature and a pristine idiot."Rohit gloated

"I would label him as a fussfart!" Anushka told, knowing her husband overthinking capabilities.

Oh, that's decorative name! How come I never thought about it? Fussfart it is! Oh-" Rohit's glee knew no bound.

Rohit, point! Please. Stick to the point. What happened to him?" Anushka said stressing on the word, "point".

So, it actually started in the evening, when I--


"Awwwiee, look at this girl,looking so pretty, she would fathom every boy's heart today. But don't worry, my baby, I would sheild you like superman." Virat cooed at his baby girl, peppering her with kisses. Anushka had a successful movie venture and Virat had pestered her to death to celebrate it. Already with nothing good going on with his  career, he atleast wanted to celebrate her success. So, lo and behold, they were hoisting a party and Anushka had ordered him to dress up their fussy baby whilst she was busy with the preperation.

Aw, so much of love is making my eyes sore. See, Vamika, your favourite person is back here,again." Rohit danced around her, making her giggle again.

Yeah, again. No one needed you here.

I just wanted to be the first person of the evening. What is your problem? Nush was quite happy that I was here early. And with Sammy and Ritika being out of town, I was getting bored. And the mere thought of disturbing you made my lazy ass jump like a horse and get dressed quickly and run here. I did the right thing, didn't I, Vamu? Come to cha cha!" Rohit fuzzled around Vamika, making her laugh more. Rohit swished her out of Virat's arm and cuddled her.

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