Heart Attack/ Chapter 9: Never Enough

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Zayn's POV
     While I was in Mary's arms she says you don't have to worry about Harry anymore he won't be around us anymore we will be getting married and we will not be in town around him; I will tell him to leave us here for us to talk and if it will make you more comfortable. It will make me more comfortable, please tell him to go now. I'm happy here with you. She lets go of me and kisses my head and walks over to Harry and talks to him I sit on my knees and watch her as Harry looks over and frowns she then starts yelling and I flinch. She must be pissed off to yell at Harry like that Harry looks at me and I look at Mary she is still yelling and I feel bad for Harry. I stand on my feet and wipe my eyes Mary is yelling at Harry about everything she wants him to do but never does cause he never actually listens to her. I walk over to her and her yelling gets louder and louder she moves her hand up in the air and I grab it she flinches and Harry hurries away to the car and gets in he sits there staring and when I turn back to Mary she is wrapped around me and I'm still holding her hand she looks up at me and her face is red I got hard under her and she blushed I need something from her right now I forget that we are in the middle of the road on a crash site for a split moment. I need to cover it now I have to talk to the guy I crashed into. She then asks if this was because of me. Yea, it was I dropped my phone under my seat and I had to get it so I could call you and when I got it leaned back up and saw this guy I crashed into him, and I tried slowing down but not fast enough I guess. She then says go ask if he is okay. I hear sirens coming and then Mark comes up to me and says he's getting you arrested. What are you talking about all I did was try to make a call. Mark then says it's illegal so he called the cops, he has an entire gash on his forehead from slamming into his steering wheel he is more hurt than you his airbag didn't come out. The ambulance comes up and some of them go to the guy in the car and two come to me. Mary flinches as I'm pulled away from her. Mark yells hey, hey, hey chill out and a cop comes up behind me and grabs my arm two of the EMTs back up, and Mary comes up to me and holds my hand the Cop from behind me says let go to Mary and she starts crying and Mark comes up and tells the cop to let go for a second I wrap my arms around Mary and she says Zayn I'm sorry I can't let you go. It's okay I have to go and she isn't stopping crying The cop says enough is enough and pulls me off of Mary she grabs onto me more and I yell at him and say she's crying let me help her I'm the only one for her here now. Mark says Zayn stopped yelling and tells the cop to let Me and her sit here for a little bit and walks away with the cop. I'm holding Mary and I say, I'm okay Mary I kiss her a bunch and she glides her hand on my chest she closes her eyes and is calmed she is feeling my heartbeat and I am nervous she is doing something she never has before and it's helping her and me. I feel most of her weight in my arms and I call for Mark I kiss her on the forehead and lift her carrying her to the car she came in with Jake. Liam pulls up in a car and gets out and says I know what happened I will pay for you to get out and I will meet you there with Mary. I want you to take her home instead, like to my house where I live in. He nods his head and I frown it's the house that he and I used to live in together I moved back in after he put it up for sale a few years later after the last person moved away. He stood there and waited for my answer and I looked up at him and said, I moved back into our old house please take her there right now. You are the only one I can trust with her right now to not crash. His face lights up and says that old place? He laughs and says mate it's okay I'm, not mad you've moved on or are still trying to I will take her there and wait for her to wake up so then I can tell her where she is at. I hug him and he gets her and puts her in his car and buckles her up. I grab the door before it shuts and kissed her on the cheek. I turn around and Liam is smiling I give him a nod and shut the door to his car to not wake her. I walk over and Jake is talking to Mark and asks if is he taking her now. I walk up to them and Mark looks at me and I told them the plan. The cop comes up to me and says you have to get going now. Fine, I walk to the cop car and he asks, was that your girlfriend? I don't understand, why are you asking me that? He then says I just really don't think that I did anything wrong to her and she is very sensitive and you look like someone that would make her be like that. I start to think to myself do I look like a bad person that much? I then say to this guy I would never in a million years put my hands on her like that not even if it's an accident. I try to keep my distance from her when I'm mad and I never really am mad cause I'm always with her. At the concert today she is my girlfriend, then he interrupts me by saying what does this have to do with a concert? Hold on let me finish, I look in the mirror and he says are you, Zayn Malik? Yea the 1D concert today, can I finish my story? He says yeah yeah go ahead. Okay, since today was the concert she is my girlfriend, yes, but today I proposed to her because we have been dating before the hiatus. I love her she is everything to me and Harry is being an asshole about it and not excepting us. Then he asks me so then why is she so sensitive? She's deaf, and touch is very high for her I'm not sure how you grabbed her but she said it hurt she also needs me to help her fall asleep because my heartbeat when I'm nervous around her helps I'm not sure if it's cause its slower or faster but it helps her sleep she fell asleep in my arms when she and I were standing there. Oh, shit, my phone I tap around on my pants and it's in my pocket. Never mind I thought I left my phone in my car. He starts talking and says, you wanna call one of your friends and tell them to come to pick you up? I already told them to come to get me when they followed us. I know about that but I'm not bringing you to the police station. Then he says, It isn't illegal to call someone on your phone while driving that guy is someone that purposely gets in car recks and uses false laws to get other people in trouble. That guy is an Asshole why hasn't anyone arrested him then. Then he says we have to now, some of my team is going there now to get him even though he is hurt he has to go to jail now cause he's done this over 12 times. Then why am I here right now instead of with my girlfriend? Then he says that guy thinks you're going to the police so that we can catch him leaving because it's illegal to leave a crash site without anyone saying and your car is there with him. Then I hear on the police radio we see him leaving, you can bring Zayn back. I heard my name and say I'm gonna call my security guard to pick me up. Then he says we have to have your car towed so you can get it fixed are you okay back there your cuts seem pretty bad. Yea, I seem fine now but earlier my head was throbbing, I hit my head on the steering wheel before the airbag came out. Then he says so your okay now? I'm tired and basically, that's all. I call Mark and he picks up the phone, we are needing to stop so you can come to pick me up. Where are we going to stop so then he can get me, then the cop who I learned has the name Joseph, says, we can just stop at this McDonald's so then I can get food and so you can be dropped off. Oh ok thanks, did you hear that Mark? He then answers and says yea I did so what you are just being let go or something? I'll explain when we are in the car together is Jake with you? Then he says yea he's driving we are in his car. Oh, right cause my car is fucked up now. We have to get it towed when we get back. Then Mark says, we got it towed after you left cause you couldn't. Okay, thanks then that just saves that trip so I can go home for once now. Mark then says it must be nice to be able to go home. I'm not sure I'll ask you when you are home though Mark. He then asks what are you talking about? You can go home Mark we've had a long week and you need a proper rest with your family. I'll give you two weeks off. Omg, seriously Zayn thank you! Yea Mark Ill have to tell everybody before I get back to the S.O.M.L. We are at the McDonald's so just text me when you are almost here. Then Mark says we are right behind you we can see the cop car you're in. Oh, I guess you are. I hang up the phone and Joseph is parking in front of the McDonald's. Mark and Jake are on their way they are a few cars behind us. He gets out of the car and shuts his door and opened my door I get out and see Jake and Mark in the car driving toward us I wave to Joseph and tell him that they are here now and he nods and walks into the McDonald's. I get into Jake's car and he drives out of the parking lot. Drive me to My house and then take Mark back to the SOML so then he can get stuff and then you can go home. Both of you have needed a break from this for a while. So both of you need to go home. Jake then says I just got back from my break Harry and Liam told me to go home a few weeks ago and told me to come back when I needed to. How come I didn't notice then? Mark, you can do that too you can go home today and come back in a few weeks or whatever time you need to get back into shape. He then says I won't need that much time though depending on how I feel. We have a long drive and I sit there for 30 minutes listening to the music on the Radio and my song starts playing. I have not listened to it for a while and I think about how Mary and I sang it together but it is Sia in the song so I block her out and think of Mary singing instead. I fall asleep and when we arrive at my house in awakened by Liam knocking on the window. I jolt awake and open the door and Liam is pushed back. He asks, were you sleeping? Is Marys sleeping still? He nods his head and I shut the car door, thank you, Jake and Mark, have a good break. I walk inside my house with Liam and say, you can go home if you want to cause I'm Getting Tired and Marys already sleeping. I walk in and she's on the couch. I turn to Liam and whisper, why is she on the couch you could have put her in my room. Then he says I didn't know you guys have slept in the same bed before. Of course, we have, she and I have been dating since she was sixteen and have slept together before since then. Then he says, spares me the details, I'm going home now. He walks to the door Says have a good weekend and leaves the house. I grab Mary and bring her upstairs to my room and gently put her on my bed and get ready for bed I got in bed and fall asleep a little after I lay down with her.

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