Chapter 4: Zed's Mistake

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Mary's POV
I sit down on my bed and go to YouTube. I looked up Zayn's name and Dusk til Dawn. I pressed the song and it started playing I forgot what he sounded like singing. I listened to it for a bit and walked into the hallway. I walked down to the stage area and walked onto the stage area I knew it was only Zayn Harry and me in the building so I started singing Zayn's song, Dusk Till Dawn. I'm not trying to be Indie I'm not trying to be cool Just tryna be in this Tell me, are you too? Can you feel where the wind is? Can you feel it through, All of the windows Inside this room? 'Cause I wanna touch you, baby And I wanna feel you too. Zayn comes up behind me and sings, I wanna see the sunrise on your sins Just me and you. I turn my head and he smiles at me he says keep going. I then nod my head Light it up, on the run Let's make love tonight Make it up, fall in love, try. Zayn then sings Baby, I'm right here. Then he nods I keep singing with Zayn. But you'll never be alone I'll be with you from dusk till dawn I'll be with you from dusk till dawn Baby, I'm right here I'll hold you when things go wrong I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. Then Zayn pauses I'll be with you from Dusk till Dawn. Then I sing Zayn's part, Baby, I'm right here. Then Zayn sings, We were shut like a jacket So do your zip We would roll down the rapids To find a wave that fits Can you feel where the wind is? Can you feel it through? Then starts walking around me holding my hand and still singing. All of the windows Inside this room? He then skips most of it and sings. Girl, give love to your body It's only you that can stop it, Girl, give love to your body It's only you that can stop it, Girl, give love to your body It's only you that can stop it, Girl, give love to your body Girl, give love to your body. He stops singing and then says I didn't know you could sing. Then I said I learned from Harry and listening to your music. Zayn started singing I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah Rock me, yeah! I stood there and listened to him singing his part as he did his High note. I looked at him and smiled the whole time. He then said in just his regular voice Hit the pedal heavy metal and show me you care. Then looked at me and laughed. We both started laughing together and went closer and kissed. It was already six o'clock and Harry had left a little bit ago He said I didn't even have to stay here on the weekends but I liked to because they always had people here cooking for me and two other people and Zayn sometimes. Zayn usually stays but he probably won't or he might stay in my room because his room is a mess from Harry's behavior. Zayn then says I want you to try something with me then says I've done it before but you haven't I want you to try it with me. Then I said what is it, Then Zayn walked down the stage stairs and turned around and smiled at me and waved me to go with him. I walked toward the stairs but stopped and Zayn met me up the stairs and kissed me he grabbed my hand and I smiled Zayn put me on his back and carried me down the stairs and through the hallway He then says Harry will be joining us too and puts me down in front of his room door. I open the door and Harry Is on the floor. The room is now cleaned up and Zayn smiled at Harry and thanked him. Harry then said she agreed to do it with us. I then think about what did I agree to do? I look at Zayn and he says not exactly. I didn't tell her what we were going to do, then he chuckles. He sits down and pulls something out of his pocket. Then I realized and said, Is that weed? Harry looks at Zayn and says, so you didn't tell her, then laughs. Zayn looks at me and they both start laughing. Oh then I sit down next to Zayn and then he hands the stuff to Harry. I look into Zayn's eyes and we both hold eye contact Harry opens the bag and I look at him. I get up and Zayn says, where are you going? I then say I don't want to do that. Zayn says sit down on the bed you can watch us do it. I sit next to Zayn again. I look at Harry but he looks away I look back at Zayn and kiss him Zayn brings his thumb to my chin. Then Harry says, okay I'm not here to watch a make-out session. Then Zayn and I both pull back Zayn licked his lips and then smiled. I looked at Harry and he was looking at the ground. He feels the tension between Zayn and me. I look at Zayn and get up and sit on the bed instead. When I sit on the bed Harry lifts his head and throws the stuff back to Zayn and Harry laughs and says, I don't know how to roll these Zayn, I've never done this before. Zayn looked at me and I looked into his eyes. He reopened the bag and looked down at it I looked away from him and pulled out my phone. I looked through my phone and wondered what I had to do on it and realized I never downloaded anything fun to do on it. I got up and looked at Zayn he got done rolling his weed and I walked over to him and stopped right in front of him I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him up kissed him and put my hand in his front pocket to dig for his phone. Harry says whoa whoa not in front of me. I look at him for a second and he says, Oh. I dig in Zayn's other pocket and it's not there, so I reach to check his back pockets it's not in the first ones I check but I find a lighter and hand it to Zayn. Zayn is squirming a little bit and when I check the last pocket it's there. I pull it out and walk back to the bed. He sits back down with no question. I lay down on the bed facing them. Harry got up and sat next to Zayn. Zayn twists the lighter in his hand and then ignites it, he held it up to the weed and ignites it and made sure it was burning. He let go of the lighters button and set it down on the table in front of him. He took a puff from it while he was still looking at the table and looked at Harry he blew out the smoke from his mouth and handed it to Harry. Harry took it and took a draw from it trying to hold it in. He coughed and all the smoke came out of his mouth. I didn't go on Zayn's phone yet I opened it up and didn't know the password I looked at him and looked back down. I put in the first time we started talking date like how we are now but that's not it. Then I put in the first time we kissed and that wasn't it. Then I put in the first time we met at that table but that wasn't it. I got up and started walking toward Zayn. I got to him and stopped. While I was looking at Zayn's phone they must have passed it back and forth while I was not paying attention because it was almost gone. Zayn looked up at me with squinted eyes and said vas happening I started to laugh and grabbed his hair with my hand to keep balance. Harry started laughing and said nobody says that Zayn. Then Zayn looked at Harry and says something in gibberish then Harry looks at me and says there's still more if you want to try still? I sat down on Zayn's lap and He tried kissing me but failed, his head just went into my shoulder. I grabbed his face and kissed him. I then asked what his password was and he asked me a question, What day is it? I then said that's no help. He muttered gibberish and pointed at his phone. I then looked at the date on the phone I typed in the date and it wasn't right. then I try to remember the last time I saw Zayn on his phone. Then he interrupts me and says. It's the day that we made out in the hallway right? I said, what are you talking about, I'm trying to get into your phone. Then Harry says, why do you want into his phone Mary Why is it so important? I then say don't ask that Harry, you're high. I then look at Zayn's phone and remember what Zayn said. Then I typed in the date of that day and it was right. Zayn leaned toward me and tried kissing my neck I pushed his head so he did and he brought his hand up to my neck and started sucking on the skin I covered my mouth and closed my eyes to hide my pleasure but Harry said stop right now I don't want to see that. Zayn kept on going but I tried to go back to normal. Then I pulled away and he left a red mark and I just know it. Zayn said to come back and I said not in front of Harry. I smiled and turned around to look at him. I then looked at Harry and his nose is bleeding. I then said omg Harry what happened he looked at me and leaned over to the table to get a tissue and fell onto the floor. Zayn said to call nine-one-one and I grabbed his phone and phone and dialed it and waited for the person on the other end. They answered and I said, my brother, got a nosebleed and fell onto the floor. I have an idea of what happened but I can't be sure. The person at the end of the other phone said I will have somebody come there right away. After I told them our address. Zayn said he would go find somebody to go wait for the ambulance at the door. I then said can't you do that. I then remembered I'm the only one that could do that. Zayn got up and set Harry's head on the ground. I then yelled at Zayn and told him to stay here and keep Harry's head up. I will wait at the door. On the other end of the phone, they asked what I could tell them about what happened as I was walking down the hallway. I told them that Harry has been drinking for the past two days and he got more sober than he was before and his friend and he were smoking weed and he was just fine and his nose started to bleed and when he went to get a tissue and leaned over he fell to the ground and blacked out. "We got done talking and the lady that answered the call said she will tell everything the people in the ambulance coming". The people from the ambulance arrived and hurried and started walking down the hallways with me leading them to the room where he is at. When we got there Zayn was sitting on the bed and Harry had a mark on his face he was now awake. Zayn was looking at his own hands as I looked down at his hands. I then turned to look at Harry and then at the ambulance people and I asked if the lady on the phone called them and told them everything and they said yes and she said that you mentioned that he was blacked out and on the floor, he's sitting on this couch and he is now awake. I also told her that I might have missed something else because I was on my phone. Yes, she did he has a bruise on his face and His nose is still bleeding. We will be taking him to the hospital but he has to walk to the ambulance since he has a nosebleed and we can not lay him down because of that. Will one of you be joining him? Niall came through the door and said I am going with Harry you guys can stay here and work things out and I looked at Zayn. All the people that were once in this room left and took Harry to the hospital. I shut the door behind them and looked at Zayn. Did you hit Harry, Zayn? He has bruises on his face now and he didn't even hit the table or ground. You could have killed him Zayn we're you trying to? Then I took a look at Zayn's face more. He has blood on his face and his hands. His eyes were glossy but not just from the weed they are red and under his eyes are puffy. He has been crying I shouldn't have yelled at him just a second ago. Zayn then said Harry wouldn't wake up I slapped him so many times, I started to cry because I didn't want us to lose him, then I got mad cause he wouldn't wake up then I started punching him I hit him two times before you came in he woke up a little bit before you came in and sat on the couch I got up too and sat on the bed then I wiped my eyes because I was crying. Zayn started crying and I walked toward him and wrapped my hands around him and he cried into my stomach. He couldn't stop crying I went and locked the door and walked back over to him I took off his jacket and pulled the blankets down over on the bed Zayn watched me as I walked back toward him and I stopped in front of him telling him to climb to the top of the bed he then said I'm sorry for doing that to Harry I didn't want him to stay blacked out I cried for him to wake up. "I got on the bed next to him and put my hands under his shirt he flinched at my touch". He laid back to get comfortable and I got on top of him. I sat with him and he winced from the pain I then asked "what is wrong"?  He didn't answer. He lifted me and put me on the bed he said something with Harry's name in it and walked toward his bathroom. I followed behind him and he lifted his shirt in front of the mirror he has a bruise on his stomach. I walk into the bedroom again leaving Zayn alone I took off my shirt and pants and put them on the table and walked back to the bathroom. I started running the bath in the corner of the bathroom and put bubbles in it. I turned to see Zayn standing there watching every movement I made. I walked to Zayn and asked him what happened he then said before I came down to sing with you Harry Got mad that I came back and attacked me he punched me in the stomach I didn't know how bad it was until now. I then asked "Do you want me to hit him back for you?" Then he turned and said "I want you to take a bath with me" He smiled and took off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his boxers and his pants. I then walked up to him and said okay and started kissing his chest. He winced from the pain and said, can we get in now? I took off my underwear and Zayn walked over and got in the bath, I then took off my bra while walking over towards him and threw it behind me. I got in gently so that I didn't fall. Zayn held my elbow for support and lowered me into the water with him. I put my legs over his and lean back and rest my head on the side of the bath. Zayn says my name then hands me a towel and says, put it under your head it's more comfortable that way. I thank him and put it under my head and lean back again. I close my eyes and relax it's comfortable having him in here with me. I then lift my head and open my eyes to see that Zayn has moved positions without me noticing he looks up at me with an awkward face and says "I can't get comfortable." I then tell him if he wants me to move so then he can and then he says yea. We both move around so then we both are comfortable and we end up with him on my side where I was before and me playing there with him with me using him as a pillow he moved me to the side where he doesn't hurt and told me to not move or it would hurt. We sat for a while and we both kinda fell asleep in the bath for a few minutes and then decided to get out and go to sleep. I just got out of the bath and dried off with a towel and sat with it on for a little while and Zayn got out dried off and got new boxers on and laid down he gave me the t-shirt he wore today and I put it on Zayn always wears a band t-shirt or sometimes other shirts. After I put on the t-shirt I laid down next to him and kissed him goodnight he turned off the lamp next to us and asked, do you want to go into public with me tomorrow? I said yes we have been stuck here for three days. It is ten pm now and Zayn wraps his arm around me to keep me warm and covers us with a blanket. He falls asleep shortly after and I do a little bit after him.

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