Chapter 10: It's You

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Zayn's POV
When I woke up Mary isn't in my bed and she comes into the room as soon as I looked at the door. I was scared that you left Mary, she looks at me and jumps back. She then says OMG Zayn, you scared me she wipes her eyes and then walks over and kisses me on the forehead. Are you okay? She then says I'm fine I was taking off the makeup I had on and had to wipe under my eyes cause I was still drying off my face, did you say something when I came in? Yea, I said that I was scared that you left. She then said I would never leave without you. I roll over onto my back and Mary is staring into my eyes deeply she leaned toward me and starts kissing me and I can feel her climb onto me. She presses herself on me and I groan into her mouth she pulls back from kissing me and pulls off her shirt she leans onto me and kisses my chest and I close my eyes bring my hand to her hips and up her back, and I feel her move up again and she comes to my lips and kisses me again I kiss her back and bite her lip she pulls back and I let go. I open my eyes and she licking her lips and sucking on her bottom one she looks down at me and blushes she's is intimidated by me right now and she tries to cover her face with her hands but I don't let her I bring my hands from her waist and to her armpits and start tickling her she yelps and says okay, okay. When I stop tickling her she is blushing and I tell her to stand up but first I grab her waist and bring my hands around to her back and take off her bra she brings herself to my chest. Don't be shy Mary looks at how far we've come she lifts herself and I grab her chest and kiss her nipples she shivers and gets up pulls down her pants and blushes. I hear a door slam and Mary turns her head and looks through the door It's Niall he lifts his head then looks at me I look at Mary and instantly regret it he looks over at her and says, that's hot Mary She runs over to the bed and I get up and run toward Niall and grab his shirt and he's still looking behind me so I smack his face and push him down the hallway and the stairs yelling at him about saying that to Mary. He doesn't talk the whole time and then says I'm sorry she was naked I knew you came back here last night but not with Mary. Then he says I Live here so I didn't know you would be with Mary being naked. I'm not naked I have pants on. He stops and looks me up and down. Then he stupidly asks then why are you so mad, and then smirks. I punch him in the face and he says don't be an asshole I'm joking. I yell at him and say, I'm the asshole, what do you mean you are the one hitting on my fiance? What do you even mean by that? Get out of my house you have by next week to get your stuff out and find yourself a place to live. Then he says Maybe I can go live with Liam he's not an Asshole like you now maybe I should have told him about my past instead of you, maybe I can flirt with him instead of it being you he misses all of that he misses the old you. Don't even bring that up, Niall you already know how I feel talking about my feelings towards him when we were younger I hated it I don't like him now I found the one a long time ago before that I got real feelings for her and she is up in that room right now. Now go be with Liam he doesn't mean shit to me flirt with him all you want. I walk away and I hear footsteps come toward me and I turn around and Niall punches me I fall to the ground and he punches me a few times I try to stop him but he's stronger than me right now. I only hit him once and he's hit me several times. I see Mary running down the stairs and Niall doesn't notice her yet she yells his name while I'm still trying to push him off of me and he stops and lets go of me he gets off of me and I push myself away from him, He sits on his knees and Mary walks toward him looking at me and I shake my head saying no and wipe off my face she puts her hands on Niall's head and hugs him I look down at my feet so I don't have to watch her give affection to Niall. He starts crying and says Liam gave us everything he helped keep us going even when he couldn't keep going himself you saw it happen firsthand that he hated it in 1D and you were the one that gave out and left the band. I'm pissed off Niall Liam wasn't going anywhere with me and you know that Do you see how it turned out for Harry and Louis no one cared about his and my relationship they all concentrated on Larry I wanted us public but Liam didn't and that was another reason I left Liam was because of that and Mary was there so I didn't want her to be left in the cold and I fell in love with her. She needed me and she needs me now and I need her then and now. He then asks does she know about you and Liam. She doesn't know because I can't tell her, it's Liam. I couldn't tell her what this was about even if I tried. I stand up and go to my room and into my drawer I get some shrooms and before I go back downstairs I use them I go sit in the same spot I was in before. I need you to go Niall you can't live here anymore not after what just happened. I look up and he is out of Mary's arms Mary is standing a few steps away from me and starts walking towards me and kneels next to me with a wet rag she must have been examining my face while holding Niall she has been crying. I bring my hand to her face and wipe the tear on her cheek I look at Niall and he starts walking toward me I get scared and move back and grab Mary's hand and hold it Niall is still walking toward me and I jolt Mary looks at me confused and I'm holding her hand still she looks at Niall and tells him to stop. I'm in the middle of the floor and Mary kisses my forehead. I'm sitting up and Niall asks, should I call an ambulance? I look at Mary and she is looking at Niall like he's stupid and says well I can't. I sit there and laugh for five minutes. Mary looks at me like I'm stupid now and I go to kiss her and she kisses me back but I want to make out with her. I hold onto her and kiss her we are on the couch and I'm on top of her and she starts laughing as I kiss her neck and Niall pulls me off of her. I stand to my feet and say where are they and I put my hand in my pocket digging for the shrooms I have and hold a few in my hand and wait for Niall to open his mouth again. He then says where are the shrooms Zayn. I shove them in his mouth and make him take them and he looks at Mary and she has her mouth wide open when I look at her and she is looking at him and looks at me and looks bad at him and he then says Mary don't let me leave this house until tomorrow. Mary looks at me with the wet towel and slams the towel in my hand and walks away to lock the front door. I started walking faster and she went up the stairs and went to my room. I got up to the top of the stairs and she comes out with a screwdriver and sees me and asks which one is Niall's room. I think I know what she wants to do so I tell her to come downstairs and I say the guest bedroom but she doesn't know so I say that it's his room and say I'll get him stuff and put it in there I lock the windows and Mary gets the doorknob switched around and I go get Niall and put him in his fake room and shut the door and Mary goes upstairs and I tell Niall that we would be back later. I walk up the stairs and to my room, Mary is sitting on the edge of the bed and I shut the door Mary comes up to me and pulls down my pants she takes off her shorts, she is wearing my t-shirt and I look at her up and down and say you're so sexy and she brings herself to me and turns around and moves on me making me get turned on even more. I bring my hand to her chest and press her back on my chest. She pulls away and grabs both my thumbs with one hand and pulls me to the bed and makes me sit on the edge of it. She sits on top of me and says, sexy, and takes off her shirt she is bare on top of me, and I can't help but think that she wants to lead this so I will let her. She leaned down onto me and kisses my chest she sucks on my skin and leaves a bruise she trails up to my neck and onto my jaw and kisses She kisses me on the lips and gives me her tongue she laps her tongue around mine the way I usually would to her. She likes the way I did stuff to her so she is using it on me cause she knows I like it too anytime we hang out I want to do this with her and learn more and more about what she likes not just during this but anytime when we are together. Mary stops kissing me and leans up off of me to say, I have an idea and you might not like it. She gets up off of me and runs to the desk next to where she slept and opens the drawer I lay down and relax and she climbs back on me and says, close your eyes. I close my eyes and then say open your mouth, I open my mouth and she puts something in my mouth I close my mouth and taste it. Is it whipped cream? She then giggles and I open my eyes she has whip cream on her tongue and is sticking it out to me I quickly pulled her to me and took it from her by kissing her and lapsing my tongue around hers she put some on my nose and licked it off and I grabbed the can from her and put some on her chest I sucked it off of her and she moans, she tangles her fingers into my hair and presses herself onto me she pulls back and grabs the whipped cream from beside me and put some on my chest. She pushed me onto my back again and starts licking the whip creme off of me I put my hands on her chest and gently rub her. She lets me for a little bit and then gets off of me, she goes behind me on her knees and kissed my neck and back she has her hands on my shoulders, and then she kisses my shoulder, and then I turn my head and she kisses my jaw and then my lips she trails her hands from my shoulders onto my back and around to my chest rubbing and them down my body and grabs my erection then starts gliding her hand up and down me still kissing me she starts going a little faster and leaned into my back more so than she can go faster I start shaking under her and I groan into her mouth she is kissing my jaw and goes down to my neck she starts sucking on my skin making me moan. I bring one of my arms behind me and put it around her back we are sitting and I want to do something for her. I pat her back and she stops I am twitching under her hand while she is still holding me and I can feel her hand around me. I look down and she's still holding onto me, I grab her wrist and she lets go. I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss the back of her hand trailing up her arm while turning around. She lays down on her back in front of me and wraps her legs around my waist pulling me towards her, I lick three of my fingers and bring my hand between her legs and rub her making her wet. I put more spit on her and rub myself on her spreading it around to tease her she moves her hips up and I'm forced into her. I move closer to her and she lets out a moan, she then starts laughing and closes her eyes. Still laughing I pull out of her and sit on my knees, I smile and she opens her eyes and looks at me. What, happened Mary? She then says I'm so happy right now. I grab the whipped cream and put some on her nose she giggles and says my name, What, I laugh? She then says I feel so happy but you're tickling me move your hand. My hand is on her calf one of her most ticklish places and I didn't even realize it. Her legs are resting around me on my sides and I move my hand to her stomach she slowly gets back to normal as I'm kissing her stomach now. I start moving down on her and kiss around her Clit she runs her fingers in my hair and I start licking and sucking on the skin around her clit and then move onto her gently and she jumps and pulls back a little bit. I've never done this for her so I think she might be uncomfortable. Are you okay Mary? She pants and nods yes she then says keep going, please. I kiss around her again and drag my tongue along on her to let her know I'm going to start again and then I start licking her again and she starts breathing heavily and grabs my hair and pulls it a little bit. I bring my arm around her leg and onto her stomach and put my other one on her breast. She lets go of my hair and puts her hand on mine, and her hand is shaking like she is nervous. I grab her hand and hold it and rub my thumb on her hand to calm her hand is steadily shaking and she tells me to keep going and she's okay. She could tell I was worried because I paused while she put her hand on mine. I kept going steadily and she moaned and brought her hand to her mouth. I look up at her and she's looking at me we hold eye contact while I give her pleasure. Her head falls back on the bed and she moans aloud. I remember that I had shrooms earlier and they wore off just a little bit ago my head feels different now. Mary is panting under me letting out small moans in her breathing. She grabs my hand and squeezes it and puts her fingers in my palm for me to also hold her hand. She moans into her hand and I pull away from her she is very wet and she looks at me she's moaning in her hand and heavily breathing. I move her hand and kiss her and bring both of her hands above her and hold her hands there with one of mine while holding myself up. I use my other hand and push myself into her, thrusting into her she moans and squeezes my hand she puts her legs around me and I bring my hand to her thigh and squeeze it. I let go of her hands and she keeps them there. I sit on my knees more not hovering over her and put my arms under her knees and hold her legs and put my hands on her thighs. I thrust into her faster and faster every second and every single time her moan gets louder I hear Niall's Music and start to be glad that we have no Neighbors close enough to hear anything going on in our house. I start moaning and Mary opened her eyes and looks at me I look down at her and she looks away and blushes still moaning she climaxes and moans I pull out of her and make myself finish and when I'm done She looks at me weirdly and then gets up and runs to the bathroom. I hear her throwing up and I put on a new pair of boxers and go into the bathroom with her. I sit next to her and hold her hair back and say what is it and she says, Idk when she finally gets pauses. I then think for a little bit and we think the same thing cause she then says, when was the last time we had sex? Shit, like last week? She then looks at me in disbelief and says, I can't be pregnant. She then says I'm okay now. She stands up and gets clothes on. She then starts talking and says what am I going to do Zayn if I am? We will take care of you and the baby once it comes if you are. She goes on her phone and asks, does Harry know where you live? No, he doesn't, when was the last time you ate? Then she says, uhm. I then get mad because I know the answer she knows she hasn't eaten and doesn't want to say. She turns away and opens up her phone. I walk up to her and turn her around, she looks up at me and shuts off her phone. I was going to yell at her but I decided that it was better that I just keep calm. Mary, you haven't eaten for five days since the picnic we had in your room. Then she says, I've had Food when you weren't around. That's a lie we are always around each other. I ate three of the times I was with Niall this weekend, you were with Liam, and Niall and I checked all of us into the hotel and then we got food while you two were hanging out. That's BS, Niall said that you guys never got food together and you guys were just in the Hotel waiting cause you guys thought we wouldn't take long and we would have wanted to get food later after. Then she starts saying, We were hun- hungry but we were waiting but you took forever so we got food by ourselves. I remember getting food with him and we got drinks also and sat in the room waiting for you guys and then I lie down waiting cause it was late at night and I passed out and Niall woke me up by shaking the bed and then running out of the room a little bit after he put a blanket on me. Niall had something in his hand when he left and something was on the table next to me I think it was- a vibra-. She stops her sentence and runs out of the room. I quickly follow her and she is at Niall's door. Niall is on the other side saying, you guys can let me out now she unlocks the door and opens it, and pushes him back I walk toward her and she is hitting him in his chest and he is taking the hits not even stopping her I look at him confused and then she starts cursing at him saying, you piece of shit Niall why would you do that you sick asshole and she hits him in the face and he starts blocking the hits. I don't know what this is about until I think about her story for a little bit. I am now pissed and I want her to let out her anger so I just stand there he gets on the ground and sits and she is slapping his head saying why aren't you stopping me you asshole. I start crying thinking about it and thinking about whether I should kick him out now or give her comfort by letting him stay here so she can beat him to death. I walk up to her and pull her back and she has tears running down her face. I push her to sit on the bed and pull Niall off the ground and pull him through to the front door and punch him in the face. He then says I'm sorry Zayn The clothes she was wearing turned me on. The clothes from on the bus also that's why you got turned on again. What exactly did you do to her? I ruined her had sex with her and used a vibrator on her. You're a piece of shit Niall. He stands on his feet and then says, she wanted to do some of it she asked me if I could teach her some stuff and I did. That's not true Zayn, Mary says from behind me in a crying/angry voice. I turn around and look at her up and down. Niall never had this Mary, so I know that he's lying about this. She nods her head and says I started walking up to you guys a little bit ago and saw that he said that. I walked up to her and said, I know that the other stuff happened to you because he said he did that and then he mentioned that lie he said, and then you came in. Niall walks out of the house and slams the door behind him. I hug her tight and she keeps crying I rub her head with my hand and she asks, what time is it? I grab her hand and bring her to the kitchen and she says I am kinda hungry but I did eat yesterday while I was at the bar with Jake, I just remembered. I nod my head at her and then turned to her and then pointed at the microwave and it says the time. She then says are you sure it's right? I nod my head and I look at it and It says 1:35.

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