Wait For Me 🤝🏻

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When someone we love has a date to leave, the days really fly by. Kongphob and Arthit had about a week and they decided to make the most of it, before Arthit went to his parents' house, even though Arthit promised that he would video call every day, and also that he would come back some weekends, it's not like you can compare the routine they had together.

They went on several outings, mostly to eat, and they also avoided talking about the main subject of their problems. But somehow there was still a sad atmosphere that wouldn't go away.

Kongphob constantly felt like crying, especially when she woke up and saw her lover's face sleeping.

But he held back, as that would lead them to broach the subject, and he didn't want that. That matter was still an open wound that Kongphob didn't want to poke at, at least not right now.

Arthit even tried to disguise that he was fine and that his biggest concern was with his family, but even Kongphob has already caught him crying from Madruga about four times. Kongphob didn't say anything, and pretended to be asleep, he really didn't want to talk about it. It wouldn't be good for him or for Arthit.

With this atmosphere the days passed and soon came the day for Arthit to go to his parents' house.

When Kongphob woke up, Arthit was already up and ready, he was having his favorite drink on the porch.

Kongphob approached and asked what time it was, but Arthit replied not to worry as he wouldn't be taking the bus.

- My dad comes by car to pick me up, so I only have to get out when he calls me saying he's reached the corner near here.

Kongphob looked confused as they intended to go to the bus stop together. Seeming to notice Kongphob's thought Arthit soon concluded.

- Actually it was my father's idea and he only told me this early this morning, he was already on his way and he didn't have much to do...

- I understand, all right then.

Kongphob then went back to bed. There are times when people's eyes can speak without the person having to open their mouth. Arthit soon left the porch and went to bed with him. The two were cuddling each other. They didn't say anything and looked at each other a lot.

Arthit soon gave Kongphob an intense and long kiss, he was surprised since Arthit is hardly the one who takes the initiative in kissing.

It was a mixed feeling, even though it was a good kiss it was still sad.

A while passed and Arthit received the call from his father, he answered and spoke quickly.

- Good Kongphob... That's it, I have to go down now.

They then got out of bed and hugged each other intensely and then Arthit took something out of his pocket.

It was the chain with the engineering symbol they have.

- Kongphob, years ago you asked me to keep your necklace, now I want you to do the same for me, because I will come back, for her and for you.

- I'll save it with my life. I wait for you.

With those words they shared one more kiss.

Soon Arthit was walking out the door with Kongphob watching him.

Kongphob waited until the door closed, until he burst into tears. It was as if all the crying he'd avoided came out at once.

On the other side of the door, Arthit can't control the tears either.

There are happy days and sad days, this was unfortunately one of them.


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