Family 👪

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Unlike what I imagined, distance and family problems were not enough to cut Arthit and Kongphob's relationship, on the contrary, it only strengthened it. As much as they wanted to be living another phase of their lives, it was comforting that they were tight together as nails and flesh.

But despite being firmer than ever, Arthit no longer intended to extend such a situation any longer, Kongphob didn't deserve that, he knew that well. He had been living with his parents for over 4 months now, and now, more than ever, he was sure that the problem between them is bigger than he thinks and also that he doesn't know everything.

He intends to confront them once and for all so that they can try to properly deal with the situation, whatever it may be.

This weekend he will not meet Kongphob who will be at his parents' house. With that, Arthit intends to visit his grandfather alone.

It's a pretty rainy Saturday, but he's going to visit his grandfather anyway. Once there, they do the usual, play cards for hours and hours, talk too but always about random things, without touching too much on things from the past that your grandfather will certainly not remember.

At one point, his grandfather asks how his mother is, and Arthit is surprised by the question, since his grandfather didn't used to ask him about his parents.

- She is fine, grandpa, she will be pleased to know that you asked for her.

-I'm sure so, her mother has been very happy since you came back to live with her. It had been a while since he'd seen a smile on her face since...

- Since what?

His grandfather then seemed to think of an answer to give to Arthit. He took a deep breath and said;

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