Hidden Love 👀

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Arthit and Kongphob didn't come to any conclusions in their last conversation. After they finished talking, they went to their respective jobs.

They didn't talk much all day and knew they would have one more argument. It was just a matter of time.

They were sad about the whole situation and upset with each other.

Kongphob was frustrated, after all he finally managed to tell his parents the truth and they reacted in the best way he could imagine, but Arthit couldn't see that. On the contrary, he reacted as if Kongphob had betrayed him.

But I did the right thing, I should have done it a long time ago~

Kongphob thought.

Arthit, on the other hand, continued with the thought that he was tricked. He thought that Kongphob took advantage of his trip to his parents' house to tell the whole truth. He even thought he told her everything, including their dating. And that Kongphob planned all that to force him to come out to the family once and for all.

Arthit hated when his boyfriend did things without telling him.

It turns out that for Arthit, the time is not to assume anything at all. He's not in the right frame of mind to deal with this situation anymore.

He always avoided talking more deeply with Kongphob about his father. He just said they weren't that close. But the truth is that he just didn't want to discourage him, since his father is a strict man and has always shown discomfort in relation to same-sex couples.

Deep down, Arthit was relieved about how her boyfriend's family reacted. But the thought that his family probably won't get the same reception made him avoid this situation from the start.

Also, Arthit is embarrassed to tell Kongphob about it. Well, he fears the end of the relationship, he can't imagine the two of them in a relationship and he's estranged from the family. And with the current situation, that was definitely not going to happen. Arthit's parents are his highest priority, and if he has to sacrifice his life for their well-being, well, Arthit will.

With that thought Arthit makes a decision, he is heading back to the dorm. This night is going to be long.

Upon arriving at the dormitory, Kongphob had not yet arrived, Arthit then decides to take a shower and put the food on the table.

He talks to his father on his cell phone and then watches TV.

No Kongphob coming. It's already 9 pm and there's still no sign of him, Arthit decides to call, but before he picks up his cell, the door opens.

It's Kongphob!

- Kongphob? Why did it take so long? I was getting worried!

- I decided to go out for a bit after work. Just that.

- I'll reheat the food for you.

- No need, I ate out.

- Oh! Then you go take a shower...

Kongphob nodded and went to the bathroom.

He was quieter than usual, he only answered the basics. Arthit already imagined he would be like this and so he decided not to ask the obvious. But yes, wait for him to change to speak his decision.

While Kongphob was changing, Arthit was on the balcony looking at nothing and when he saw Kongphob sitting on the bed he came in and said:

- I'm going to my parents' house, they really need me right now. I want to help them and also see my grandfather more often. That's why I sent my resume to the companies there and I already got a call.

I plan to go next week.

- Have you decided? Are you just warning me now?

- Well, it's not that different from what you've already done right?

- Look, I don't want to fight...

- Neither do I.

- Just tell me then what will become of us. How did we get into this situation?

- If you want to finish I'll understand.

- Finish? Do you really think this is what I want? Do you think I've been dating you all this time, making plans, having the courage to be honest with my family so we'll break up in the end? Like this?

- No... It's just that, I really can't deal with all these issues at the same time, and you know that family should come first. I just don't want you to be stuck and unhappy waiting for me. I don't know if I can be the boyfriend you want.

- Then you think that ending is the solution? You are so impulsive...

- I see you're frustrated.

- And finishing would make me stop being like this?

I'm really frustrated and even upset with you...

Kongphob gets up and approaches Arthit;

- But I love you, I always have and I love you more every day. I would never have the ability to give up on us.

But you need to have more courage to face situations for us.

We already dated long distance once, I was in another country, we can date long distance again. But you have to promise me...

- What?

- That your return there is for a period of time, and when you return, let everything be clarified with your parents. No secrets and no lies. I'll wait, but I can't wait forever. I've already taken the next step p'Arthit... All that's missing is you.

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