Rock Candy the old-fashioned way! You can add food coloring or a flavored extract if desired.
6 cups cold water
6 cups white sugar
Prepare your candy growing area by thoroughly cleaning and drying a 2-quart jar. You will need a place for it to rest undisturbed for about 2 weeks.
In a large bowl, place the water. Dissolve sugar in water, a little at a time, stirring each time until sugar is completely dissolved until no more sugar can be incorporated. Pour sugar water into a clean jar and place a bamboo skewer in the jar, being sure the top sticks out over the surface of the water. Cover with a cloth, to keep out dust, and let rest until all water is evaporated and crystals have formed on the skewer, for several days.
NOTE: For larger crystals, try "seeding" them, by wetting your skewer and rolling it in sugar before placing it in the sugar water. Be sure not to disturb the crystals as they are growing.
Nutrition fact
Per Serving:
194 calories; carbohydrates 50g.
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