Listen up homies

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Dear readers,
Please do not criticize this book like mega bad. I understand the beginning is kind of eh and all but I wrote this when I first joined wattpad.

I have improved monumentally over the course of writing this book and it truly does get better.

I understand the first few chapters are kind of iffy, but I plan on going back and editing this book once it is finished.

I began writing for sheer entertainment but now it's pretty much like a job bc of I don't update like ever three days I have crazy (yet amazing) fans barking orders at me to update.

So please, just read past like the first three chapters and I swear it gets better. And to the girl who wrote 'why is this #1 in werewolf' with like seven followers, ouch. That one hurt. But jokes on you because BITCH I STILL AM HA.

Thanks homies.

Stay Awesome Gotham.

Update 2/26/16: I have been slowly editing this and I have very much edited the first few chapter and they are fifty times better than before which makes me a happy author. Enjoy

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