9: Mr. Classy And Cute

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Cute Guys And Their Lies - Mr. Classy And Cute

'"I knew it!" Whitney screamed, popping up next to me. "You lucky bitch. Evan's such a cutie." She bumped her hip into mine.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you talking about now?"

"You and Evan's late night rendezvous." She waggled her eyebrows.

"It was like nine."

"You're such a buzz kill." She fake scowled at me.

I laughed. "You know how I do."

"But really, what happened last night? I heard he got you moaning on the first date." She grinned.

"Yeah, well. It was fake."



The warning bell rang before she could question me.

"See ya." I waved with a happy smirk as I walked off.

"I will be finding out about this at lunch." She warned me, walking off to her class.

I did a mental sigh. We're becoming friends and all, sure. But then again, her obsession with my non-existent sex life is almost as annoying as Aiden's constant glares sent my way.

We still hadn't made up. And it's been like three days! I tried using out twin talk, but he just shut me down.

Before, I could feel what he was feeling. But now, all I got was a strong sense of dislike.

It was a low blow, to say the least.


"Hey babe." Evan came up to me, sitting down at the now silent lunch table.

Whitney sent a self-satisfied smirk my way when he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh. Hi." I said awkwardly, picking at my sub sandwich and Doritos.

"That's all I get? An 'Oh hi'?" He grimaced. But I could tell he was joking.

"What'd you expect?" I raised my eyebrow, trying to be normal spite all the eyes on us.

"I don't know.." He trailed off, pretending to think. "..How about.." He was failing at hiding his smirk.

I was about to tell him to shut up when his hand reached for my Doritos. Before I could stop him, he grabbed a hand full and shoved them into his mouth.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he just smiled. Showing his orange teeth. All the anger melted immediately and I burst out laughing. The entire table erupted in laughter with me.

Evan looked confused, his mouth still open.

I touched his chin and closed his mouth for him.

He gave me a 'what?' look.

I smiled and shook my head. My laughter had died down along with everyone else's.

He really was cute.


"Okay. You can't lie to me anymore. You and Evan are together." Whitney squealed. I was walking with her and Zach to his car.

"Evan?" Zach raised his eyebrow, unlocking his car.

I rolled my eyes and hopped in the backseat. "No." came my response at the same time Whitney said "Yes."

Zach laughed and started up the car.

"Honestly!" Whitney turned around to look at me. Then she turned towards Zach. "I know you saw them at lunch! They were all over each other!" She grinned.

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