15: Tick. Tick. BOOM.

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A picture of Drew on the side. He's 'played' by my best friend in the whole wide world, Danny Rivera. :)


Cute Guys And Their Lies - Tick. Tick. BOOM.

I wanted revenge.And I wanted it bad.

This rumor had escalated so much since the day Whitney screamed it out in the locker room. People had been giving me these subtle looks of disapproval and the occasional 'ew' look. They pretended like they weren't looking at me but I could still feel their gazes on my back the second I turned away.

Evan was avoiding me.

Drew was avoiding me.

Hell, even KYLE was avoiding me.

It's like I had the black plague with the way no one would sit by me at lunch or come within two feet of my locker (except for the people next to me, they needed their books.), with the way Whitney kept giving me these triumphant looks and with the way BreeAnna would giggle every time I looked anywhere near her annoying presence.

I get the feeling that she doesn't like me very much. Why? I have no fucking idea. She's nice one second and ice cold the next, laughing at me with her best friends.

The girls I used to call my best friends.

I go to open my locker and it wouldn't even budge a ltitle bit.

I tried again. Nothing.

I pulled it again, harder this time. Still nothing.

The warning bell rang and I cursed under my breath.

I rubbed my hands on my jeans just in case I had anything slippery like lotion or whatever on them before I tried again. I roughly yanked it with all my force, not expecting it to open, but it did, so I stumbled back in surprise. Baby wipes, baby shampoo, baby diapers, baby diaper rash cream, and a ton of other baby things fell out, knocking me back even more.

The laughter was almost defeaning. The name calling was harsh. And the smirks on Whitney, Kassi, and BreeAnna's faces were vicious.

I wanted to cry, I really did, but where's the fun in that?

I gave Whitney a mock shocked face. "I can't believe this."

She cupped her ear to tell me she couldn't hear me over the taunting she caused. BreeAnna blew her fingers to make that whistleing noise, causing the laughter to die down. I cleared my throat, kind of suprised people wanted to listen. What was this? A beheading ceremony? "I was expecting maybe a broken condom.. or maybe even a pregnancy test... but-" I gave a little shake of my head, pretending to be amazed -this is just amazing. I guess your house must have the hook up, huh?"

"The hook up?" Whitney asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion. But at the same time, she gave me that 'bring it on, bitch' face I always used.

"For all this baby stuff." I'm sure people could sense what I was implying by the way people started murmurring to each other.

"Well..." her cocky and confident face faltered. Bingo.

The bell rang but no one really took notice to it. Or even what it meant. "Don't you have a younger sister? Isn't she like fourteen?"

"Fifteen." BreeAnna interjected, trying to save Whitney.

"It's not hers." Whitney was quick to discourage any thoughts anyone might have had about her fifteen year old sister being pregnant.

"Then you really went all out and spent money just to piss me off?" She opened her mouth to reply but I cut her off "Then you're the dumbest bitch I've ever met. I'm not even a teeny bit pissed off."

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