𝒊𝒊: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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BEING a student in law is never easy. That's what I realize after I kept stooding up on my seat because of shame.

I've just answered the question wrong which causes some giggles and ruckus in the whole room. Tightly closing my eyes, I open it slowly and look down on my table that full of papers.

Our professor silence everyone as he just stood there with poise.

"Let's take a 30 minutes break,"

The sound of moving chairs and feet walking around made my raise face raise infront. Since almost everybody had just got out, I slowly sat down on my seat to calm my nerves down.

"Unnie! Unnie, gwanchanaeyo?"

I glance on my right side to see Yeseul  running on my direction with worried expression on her face.

She's one of the closest friend I had aside from Sol-a, since Yeseul and I also shared a room. So spending time together is always a common thing for us to do.

Smiling softly at her, I replied. "I am fine, Yeseul-ah. I just never get used on how Professor Yang teaches."

The younger girl frown at me. "He really is scary when he do that." she then pouted, expressing how she worry about her grades.

"I don't really want to go back for a year! I am aiming to pass this year."

I humm whilst listening to her rants. I ended up listening to her words for five minutes and more when a voice broke on my other side.


I watch the hand of a person with files that is gracefully place close of my face. As I look up from the palm to above. My mouth agape a little after clearly seeing Han Joonhwi's smiling figure in my line of vision.

"I just guess that you might need this."

Being too shocked by his presence, the man infront of me let out a soft chuckle before carefully putting down the papers on my hands.

"You can return that back to me whenever you want." that was the last thing I heard from him before I felt his forefinger touches my jaw and closes my lips.

"Shut your mouth or flies will flew there."

"T-Thankyou Joonhwi-ah!" I slightly scream my gratitude since he already had his back away from me and he is now farther away. "I promise to hand you this safely!"

As soon Joonhwi's shadows was gone a genuine and giddy smile instantly crept unto my lips only to vanish it immediately after I felt Yeseul questioning gaze.

Glancing back at my friend, I awkwardly scratch my right brow.

"Unnie, Joonhwi oppa and you really did get much closer after knowing each other for just four months." the female next to me spoke.

"Woah, daebak. I really thought before that you both might never exchange casual words since you two could only shares mutual cold shrugs."

Yeseul then stare at the door where Joonhwi leaves as soon as she finished her words before bringing her eyes back to me. With narrow eyes and pouting lips, she complaint.

"Did I miss something?" the pretty girl snorted. "He never even said hi to me."

I giggle at the younger's behavior. "You've been gone these past few weeks reason on why you are  always late about the news and the things that's happening around."

I continued. "So this should serve you a lesson Yeseul-ah. To hang and spent more time with us more than to go around without anyone knowing."

Yeseul could only tilted her head and pouted. "I'll think about that unnie."

𝐋𝐀𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐢 (On-Hold)Where stories live. Discover now